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techgirl Tue, Nov-13-01 21:26

Why, why can't I stick with it????
I keep sabotaging myself, I can't stick to this thing. What is wrong with me? One day I am do well and the next I screw it all up... What am I doing wrong?

I am getting pretty fed up. Maybe I am meant to be fat.

Today sucked!

itsjoyful Tue, Nov-13-01 21:49

:( please don't beat yourself up. there are many techniques to be used for messin' up. when i quit smoking, i cheated a few times, and regretted it, just as you are now. with this woe, i've been tempted. the one thing i keep telling myself is that if i really want it that bad, then wait and i can have 2 in an hour. by the time the next hour comes, i don't even want it.
just remember that the most rewarding things are what you worked hardest to achieve.
we are all here for you. good luck, hth

alto Tue, Nov-13-01 21:52

Your question is one for the ages, right up there with "What do women want?" Even Lucy doesn't know the answer. :)

I read once, in one of the 700 or so diet books I've consumed over the years, that people will remain fat "Until the psychic pain of being fat exceeds the pleasure of eating fattening foods."

I think that doctor was right. We can't stick with it (and I've fallen off more diets than I have pounds) because there's always a temptation, we're surrounded by BFTTGs (Bad Foods That Taste Good), and unless we are so motivated that we can walk past them without smelling them or wanting them, it's very very hard.

I think there are two ways to do it: One, motivate yourself -- hear the famous "click". Two, do it the Rebok way -- just do it.
Follow the plan until the motivation comes.

(I'm giving the same advice to myself as I write it :) It's hard, tech girl. But you can always just chalk this up as a Very Bad Day and get back on track tomorrow. Good luck.

tamarian Tue, Nov-13-01 23:28

Hi techgirl,

First: I've been there! Several times.

Second: I'll probably be there again in the future.

What to do? Take a time-out! And reflect on what's going on. What are you trying to accomplish, why and for whom? (If it's not for you, start again).

You must take time out, and drop everything else to think this through. Are you important? Are you worth it? (If you don't think you're worth it, start this meditation again).

Once your goal is clear, look for the obstacles and eliminate them. One possible obstacle is addiction. If so, you need to go dry! Eliminate every possible trigger, even low-carb triggers such as Splenda, sugar-free jello, substitutes, etc. Just eat meat and green veggies for a month or two. Another trigger is hunger. If your work is making you too busy for frequent low-carb meals, then you're need to re-adjust your priorities. You can do exactly what you're doing right now (in any busy schedule), yet make room to care for yourself and needs.

Your part-time shrink, ;)


bethie Wed, Nov-14-01 08:34

Trying again

Good advice from everyone so far - I would just add that the way to be successful is to keep trying. Research has found that people who successfully diet, quit smoking, stop drinking etc tend to have had more (sometimes a lot more) than one go at it.

Each try you learn a bit more so you can tweak the plan to suit your likes/dislikes/strengths/weaknesses. For instance - I started by allowing myself a treat in the evening - I counted it in my carbs and for a while everything seemed fine. But one became two, etc and my weight loss eventually stopped - so now if I want a treat I have extra big portions of my main meal items and the weight loss has started again.

What works for me may or may not work for you - but what really, truly works is trying again

If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for

Natrushka Wed, Nov-14-01 08:47

Tech, perhaps you need a change of pace? Have you thought about switching to a plan that is more structured or dare I say it, more severe? A few weeks of Induction (Atkins) or Intervention (Protein Power) where you cut out all those tempting carbs might be what you need to kick start things... with some successful LC weeks under your belt you might be less tempted to give into that Inner Saboteur (as Alto refers to her).


techgirl Wed, Nov-14-01 09:18

Thanks all for the pep talk. I am back at it today.
It's 8:20 am, so far so good! :-)

I guess I will take a long hard look at my priorities and focus on me-me-me from now on. I want this bad enough I can taste it so It's probably time that I make myself priority #1 in my life.

When I get home this week-end, I will clean my fridge and get rid of everything non-low-carb....too bad for my hubby! He could also stnad to loose a few pounds!!!! He has been wanting to try the low-carb way for a while so no time like the present.

Thanks all again.

mum's girl Wed, Nov-14-01 22:57

That's the ticket!
You're very fortunate to live with someone who wants to do the WOE WITH you! I certainly wish my husband would. He's major addicted to sugar. Has it lying all over the place! Yikes. And I haven't cracked once!

The refrigerator thing is an excellent idea. When I first started LCing, I didn't clean mine out. I just kept buying stuff I could eat and cramming it in with all the rest of the junk in there. Then one day it was getting to me cause I had to dig around to find anything. So I basically emptied it out, gave away alot of stuff(mostly what was on the shelves in the door) and made soooo much more room for 'my food'. I kept most of it on one shelf. I got a couple of those large Glad storage containers and put cheeses and butter in them--just organized it all. If anything was bought in bulk, I portion controlled it in Ziplocs or smaller plastic containers. Boy did it streamline the whole thing. No more hassle looking for this or that. Of course, you have to keep it straightened out just like anything else, but there are so many less temptations staring at me when I open that door! Hope this helps!

You CAN do this!


Ka3n Wed, Nov-14-01 23:47

I guess I will take a long hard look at my priorities and focus on me-me-me from now on. I want this bad enough I can taste it so It's probably time that I make myself priority #1 in my life.
Way to go! You deserve to get the best out of life. And remember that it's never really failure if you get back up and learn something from the experience. :) That's simply how we all learn. I'm glad to see that you took Wa'il's advice and looked inside yourself for the strength that you need to make this WOL work. :wave: I know that you can do it!

LC Sponge Thu, Nov-15-01 20:07

Hey Techgirl - I liked that last post of yours !! Now that is ATTITUDE!!!

Like anything that happens to you, first ya gotta LET IT !!!

Hang in there - you're still coming to the Ottawa do RIGHT??!!? We'll have a big chat then. :)

kelw369 Thu, Nov-15-01 22:23

I know how you feel
Hi There,

I know how you feel. I've been doing this diet on and off since 1997. But the key is like others have said is not to give up. I know that this is the diet for me and I know it works. I have it a little easier since I live alone and I only keep low or no carb foods in my fridge. But I'll tell you I've never stuck to the program as well has I have this time and all though I've only lost 4lbs I know each day I'm getting better at this program. I think its hard too, when you have some instability in your life, which is what has happened to me. But I have some stability again for the first time in years and I feel I'm more focused then ever. But the key is I never give up I don't care if I don't lose for years...Well really I do but my point is I'm not going to give up. Thanks for sharing how you are feeling. It helps me feel better too.


Kelly :wave:

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