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beth1954 Wed, Aug-04-04 16:39

I am so weak..HELP!
OK--I have been on Atkins for a total of almost 3 days.

I am feeling so weak, and I feel as though if I eat another piece of meat of any kind, cheese of any kind, eggs made any way, lettuce, or green beans, or the FEW veggies I like on the list, I will vomit all over this computer.

I feel like giving up already and I feel like such a loser.

I have problems with depression (and have had problems w/depression--even long before I was overweight)--things are really kicking up right now. I feel so bad right now. I did that Fit Day thing, and 71% of my calories today were FAT. That just doesn't seem right.

nepeta Wed, Aug-04-04 16:48

did you cut out caffeine when you started induction? if you did nausea & severe headaches and malaise can be effects from that?

nepeta Wed, Aug-04-04 16:54

also are you getting enough water, taking a multivitamin, getting enough veggies?

people here can help with suggestions, if you get a chance maybe you could post what you are eating & drinking & if you are taking supplements.

this place has a wealth of knowledge & people are very helpful and friendly.

hope you feel better soon & welcome to the site :wave:

rosey1 Wed, Aug-04-04 17:43

this too shall pass! keep with it, it is normal to go thru withdrawl right at this very time, usually days 3-5 for most people. hang in there and when it's over you will be so glad you did it!!
( i won't tell you that i caved and had lc ice cream on my 4th day to get over the hump becuz everyone here will tell you to do a clean induction)

potatofree Wed, Aug-04-04 17:51

70-ish percent seems to be the accepted standard for induction, so no worries there. If you feel genuinely lousy, Dr Atkins did say that temporarily raising your carbs for a day or two is preferable to feeling sick. If you don't like many of the veggies, though, that might be easier said than done.

This WILL pass, though. It might help to post a menu as suggested already. You never know.

Hang in there.

tofi Wed, Aug-04-04 17:58

Besides which, you may find your tastes changing as you get past the first week or two and you might actually LIKE veggies.

This weakness is part of the carb withdrawal but there's no need to feel HORRIBLE. As was said above, eat some extra salad - it's hard to overdose on lettuce or cucumbers. ANd buy some "No Salt" salt substitute to give yourself some extra potassium for the fatigue.

If you did cut out caffeine completely, have a cup in the AM to get yourself steadied. But begin to mix in some decaf and gradually cut down over the weeks.

Sorry you are feeling depressed but this weakness is NOT failure - it's normal and we all went through it. My DH has high BP & takes meds for it. When he started, he got dizzy & weak because the diuretic effect of the diet plus his meds lowered his BP TOO much. Food is powerful stuff. And you CAN win.

Day 3-5 is the worst after that, things get much better AND you lose pounds.

beth1954 Wed, Aug-04-04 18:49

Sorry--not physically weak, but weak in my resolve
I'm more weak in my resolve to keep up this diet. I haven't consumed caffeine for many many years, so that isn't a problem.

I just started thinking in terms of the "normal diet" (whatever that is) and was worrying about he 71% of my calories coming from fat. I am drinking lots of water, I do take a good multivitamin, plus calcium because I used to be a big milk drinker and I miss that more than anything I guess.

I have just gotten to the point where I don't want to eat anything because I'm sick of meat, cheese, eggs, lettuce, green beans, etc.

I'm wanting pop tarts with a big cold glass of milk!!!!

I haven't fallen off the wagon, and I don't intend to, I'm just miserable about things right now. I've gone through dozens and dozens of recipes and nothing looks good to me right now.

Thanks for all your help. I'm still at work. I'm going home now, and I'll try to get myself together.


tofi Wed, Aug-04-04 20:03

I'm wanting pop tarts with a big cold glass of milk!!!!

Those thoughts are your body's efforts to get you to go back to carbs. It isn't you, it's chemistry. Breaking down stored fat for energy is much harder than just using carbs & piling more fat onto you. So your body sneaks thoughts of your favourite and most accessible carbs into your thoughts.

Try to persist in eating only things on the Induction List - you don't HAVE to like them, just eat them - and you may be surprised in a day or so to find that this period of adjustment has passed and you are several pounds lighter again.

For us 'carb addicts', it never was Willpower - it was ALWAYS chemistry. That's what's going on with you now - you are escaping the endless carb treadmill.

rearsh28 Wed, Aug-04-04 20:13

I am so weak..HELP
I am by no means an expert but I have been on Atkins for a mere 2wks. During that time I have experienced flu-like symptoms, headache, weakness, fatigue, lack of motivation. Sometimes when I would get up in the morning, it was all I could do to stand at the sink and brush my teeth. Any task I did during the day was followed by a period of rest. I had that "empty" feeling and tried to pace myself with the allowed foods. Now, the headache is gone, I still dont have much pep, altho I did allow myself one cup of real coffee and that perked me up. The first week I alternated between constipation and diarrhea. Now alot of the troublesome ailments are gone or lessening so I will hang in there and not let it whip me.. You do the same.. Be strong.

beth1954 Wed, Aug-04-04 20:34

weak in my resolve

you have inspired me. I am going to take one day at a time.

I've just got to feel better soon.


potatofree Wed, Aug-04-04 21:15

While I know low-carb is best for my overall health and that I NEED to get rid of this weight...sometimes, it's so hard to think long-term when you feel like giving up NOW!

Just like AA, one day at a time, one HOUR at a time...sometimes one MINUTE at a time is what it takes to make it through the day.

Hope4Me Wed, Aug-04-04 22:20

Hang on

You're in good company. I did notice something on your post. You said you've been on Atkins 3 days, however, I noticed your weight goals indicate you have lost 2 pounds. That's pretty good even though you may not be feeling really great yet. One thing that happens when we are depressed is that we can focus on what's not working vs. what is. I don't know if you are giving yourself mini-rewards for your progress but that may help you to perservere.

Also, for me, keeping busy in other areas of my life helps me to not focus so much on "food as a missing friend." Sometimes Atkins does get boring in a kind of good way especially if you're an emotional eater. You don't get the rush or the high. Food starts to be about hunger and nutrition rather than soothing and comforting. One of the things Atkins does for me is break that cycle of eating for reasons other than hunger (like boredom, loneliness, anger, sadness). I guess that's where the food boredom helps me a little. Perhaps when you get that pop-tart craving and meat and eggs just don't cut it, ask yourself what else might feel good right now. Just a suggestion.

Hang in there. We're all with you.

dianna9234 Wed, Aug-04-04 22:22

craving... be gone..
when i started induction through atkins.. i was a carb jumkie.. when i read the book, i laughed, and almost didn't start, KNOWING i was doomed to fail..
it took 2 days to get over the BIG cravings, and 4 days more to not have ANY carb cravings at all.. even now.. 8 weeks into induction.. i can eat a LC mint or ice cream, and not hunger for another.. i had surgery in june on my knees, so my loss of energy and lack of wanting to get up and do something.. could be from that.. or my MANY years of in-activity.. or.. i am tired due to this new motabolism/life-style change
i wish you luck


horty Wed, Aug-04-04 22:26

The first couple of days on the diet I was feeling sluggish as well, But after 6 days I felt great. I am a caffeine addict and I have not given it up, and I have seen great results. Good luck

chicamala Thu, Aug-05-04 09:51

The cravings subside.....Thank God. Hang in there! I found that making a plan of action, setting mini goals, doing the journal from this board are all things that help me take it one day at a time, and sometimes the hour at a time that can be necessary to get past the temptations.

The other thing that has helped me stay in the game till I got past the worst of withdrawals, reading locarb books. It kept me focused on the plan of action. I also cut out t.v. for a bit. I just couldn't stand all the visual (and I swear I could smell and taste some of them) commercials!

You can do this. This board is a great resource. I can kill some serious time on here.

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