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slawrie Thu, Dec-26-02 22:13

Hi Everyone
Hi. This is my first time on any forum.. Kind of strange. I am starting the Atkins Diet on Jan 2. This is going to be a huge shock to my body. I love coffee with lots of milk and SUGAR. I quite smoking almost a year ago, and have been gaining weight big time since then. Not that I was thin before, but now I feel like Miss Piggy. Joined Curves for Women and I will go everyday starting Jan. 2. Now I an enjoying Xmas complete with all the holiday food. I would like to hear from anyone who has gone through the Atkins Induction diet. Thx. Suzanne

La Donna Thu, Dec-26-02 23:43

Hi Suzanne,

You will find that everyone at this forum is so supportive.
I wish you the best of luck and enjoy your holiday. I know you can do it!

Rosebud Fri, Dec-27-02 02:28

Hi Suzanne, welcome!

The best advice I can give you is to arm yourself with as much information as possible.

This site is loaded with info, so you're in luck! Have a look at the orange bar at the top of the screen, especially "Low Carb Tips."
Another excellent source of knowledge is the thread called "Hot Links." It is a "sticky" near the top of the Newbies' Questions forum. Hot Links are links to previous threads where folk have asked many questions and received answers.

I wish you well, and will look forward to seeing a lot of you here after Jan 2nd.


slawrie Fri, Dec-27-02 11:55

Hi La Donna and Rosebud. Thx for your reply. I'm psyching myself out for D Day. Jan. 2. Yes I can, yes I can can do it.......Bye Suzanne

Lefty Liz Fri, Dec-27-02 15:03

Hi Suzanne,

I have been on the Induction diet for 18 days and have lost 13 pounds. I have to agree with Rosebud, about educating & preparing yourself before you start. It will only strengthen your results.

I can't tell how much more alive and clear headed I feel! If you can start drinking water and taking vitamins, now, I would. I would also make sure to read Dr. Atkin's New Diet Resolution book. It will be your new best friend.

Another good suggestion is to clean out the cupboards of all that carbo junk, before you start, so you won't be tempted.

Good luck and much success to you!! :cheer:

:thup: Happy New Year, too!!

slawrie Fri, Dec-27-02 20:22

Hi Lefty Lizzy, Thx. for the info. Yes, I am reading my Atkins Diet Revolution and munching my way through all the Xmas Goodies in the house. I have stocked up on water and vitamins. What are the protein powders that I hear about??????Are they good for the induction phase, or any phase????? My diet starts Jan.2.
Eighteen pounds is so awesome!!!!!! Congratulations. Remember less is more.....Bye Suzanne

DianePag Sat, Dec-28-02 07:07

Hi Slawer,
I'm Diane and live in CT. I strated Atkins around Thanksgiving and the went throught the first two weeks.
You really do begin to feel different when you cut out all the carbs.. To tell you the truth I was a little cranky, ( but not hungry) until the first week was over..They say it the withdraw from carbs...
Best of luck to you ! I'm sure you will do great

slawrie Sat, Dec-28-02 12:06

Hi Diane. Got your message this morning. I am drinking my de-caff coffee with NO sugar. Tastes awful....but I expect I will get used to it.
Trying to get used to some of these things before Jan. 2. Going to a Health Food Store today to buy a scale. How does one measure 100 grams without one??? I'll check out what they have there etc. not that I can have much on the Induction....Congratulations on doing so well, and thanks for the Good Luck message. Bye Suzanne

DianePag Sun, Dec-29-02 13:07

Good Job on the de-caf coffee. I have to admit that I still drink regular coffee... I could not handle life with out caffine.. sad I know.
good luck Jan 2...
my email address is if that's eaiser

slawrie Sun, Dec-29-02 19:35

Hi Diane. I have written down your E mail address. Thx. for sending it.
Had to mix regular and decaf today. Had such a bad headache. I never get headaches so it had to be that.....and also the reduction of suger. I spent 2 hours at our mega big box grocery store today, mostly reading labels... I bought some stuff. Lots of salmon, tuna, sardine!!!! (haven't had those since I was a kid].
I got the Ketostix and Splenda. The Splenda tastes really good. All the bacon I could find had nitrate in it and sugar, so I passed on that. Also all the sausages had wheat filler. Too weird.
What are some of the things that you eat?
My little baby grandson, 17 months is sleeping here beside me on the couch. I'm babysitting while they go to see Lord of the Rings [Two Towers].. Bye for now. Suzanne P.S. Four days until Induction Day and counting down.

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