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LadyinTex Thu, Jul-11-02 07:45

Prozac and low carbo diet
I'm new (again) to the induction stage and am not losing weight. I've only been back on induction for about 10 days, and I know that's not very long, but you know how anxious we are for results. ;) I've heard that anti-depressant medication can have a slowing effect on weight loss. Is this true? What can I do?
Thank you!

Tigra1965 Sat, Aug-03-02 11:44

Hello LadyInTex

I'm on an anti-depressant, but its called amitripyline and have managed to lose 21lb in 9 weeks.

I dont know about prozac, but hopefully someone else in the forum maybe able to help you.

I just wanted to wish you well and let you know that it can be done even when your on medication.

Take care and happy LCing
byeeeeee :wave:

Soteria Sat, Aug-03-02 12:07

I was on Prozac before Jesus healed me, so I know how it is.

I would try using natural anti-depressants like St. John's Wort or SamE. Very natural and very safe to use. I was only on one Prozac a day so I just quit once I was healed. If you're taking more, you might have to wean yourself off of it.

Just a thought.

raharris Fri, Aug-23-02 08:23

Hi --

I was on Paxil, an SSRI-type anti depressant similar to Prozac. I think it engendered weight gain before I was a LCer, and I think it caused me to plateau for several weeks after I started LCing. When I took myself off it I started losing weight again.

Of course I am a depressed mess now. There are lots of anti-depressant medications, and not all of them are of the SSRI variety. Some, as another poster mentioned, are of the "natural" or supplement (non-prescription) variety.

One thing though, none of us here are capable of diagnosing your problem and recommending treatment. If you are not already seeing a physician and/or psychiarist for these issues you might want to think about it. S/he can counsel you on both the weight and the depression issues.

Of course I am not one to talk here -- I took myself off the depression medication, am in-between primary care physicians, and have never seen a psychiatrist (I do peripatetically see a licensed practical social worker; as you probably know, psychiatrists are also medical doctors, whereas psychologists and other mental health care professionals are not).

So, in short, I should take my own advice . . .

Hope this helps -- RA Harris

greentea Fri, Aug-23-02 10:40

Thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
I personally don't know anyone who didn't gain weight
while on prozac.....
My Dr. has me on Effexor..... different med. family from prozac.
She showed me a list of meds. that help depression and
actually decrease appetite. So you need to talk to
your Dr. about which med is right for you.
greentea :wave:

Talon Fri, Aug-23-02 12:52

I've been on prozac for a long time. At last weigh in I am down 51 pounds since January of this year. I did go through a 6 week stall about a month ago, but I think it is normal.

As with most things your results may vary. If it slows loss, I'd rather it do that then go off Prozac and get depressed again.

Kayceecan Fri, Aug-23-02 14:19


I've heard they were considering using Prozac as a weight loss drug (in higher doses) because it regulates the seritonin (sp) least, that's what my Dr. said.

When I first started taking Prozac 10 years ago, it had that effect on me......Gave me lots of energy and curbed my appetite...I wasn't on any type of diet...... Lost 20 lbs! Then broke my Right ankle and left foot...and gained it all back! :(

But now, I don't know! Maybe you build up a tolerence or something....I hear lots of people saying that Prozac stalls you. So, I don't know what's true.

I'm in a Super Stall right now....but think its my BP meds and age!........I have weaned myself off the Prozac and I haven't seen any change in the weight loss. I will go back on it if I feel I need it......But, if I can feel good without it...great! Hope some day to get off all meds.!

Wish we knew for sure how different meds affect this WOE....

Talon Fri, Aug-23-02 15:28

But now, I don't know! Maybe you build up a tolerence or something....I hear lots of people saying that Prozac stalls you. So, I don't know what's true.

Yep that is true, some people can build up a tolerance to just about anything. I've been on prozac since about 1989 - 13 years - but so far I am AOK in the tolerance department!

Saweetie Thu, Nov-20-03 23:24

Originally Posted by Kayceecan

I've heard they were considering using Prozac as a weight loss drug (in higher doses) because it regulates the seritonin (sp) least, that's what my Dr. said.

Is this a common idea? this interests me...I found a similar reference to Prozac as a weight loss wonder drug in anothere forum...

cs_carver Fri, Nov-21-03 12:06

Multi-dimensional problem
There's always more than meets the eye in any weight loss program. What's your total caloric intake vs exercise level? Some medications may slow weight loss, but sooner or later it will move. There might be some other areas that can adjust more easily. For me, I need the medication more than I need the weight loss, because when I'm down, I don't care enough about life to care about my weight.

I'll never try St Johns wort again--fierce sunburn, and an vicious crash when I quit taking it.

la lestat Sat, Jan-03-04 12:15

Over xmas i have reduced HRT & stopped prozac ;felt generally uneasy & out of control on VERY high doses of both; am also trying to cutdown on wine consumption.
Lack of control seems to be an issue for me...i crave self-control but then sabotage it....since i stopped prozac i feel a loss of confidence & self esteem ;being
overweight doesn't help .I only know that i cant continue using wine, food, or pills to help me cope with all my problems.

amym Mon, Jan-05-04 15:44

ssri and weight gain
I used several types of anit-depressants and gained weight every time. Prozac was the worst offender in my case (i gained 30lbs on this) Now i am 186 from a weight of 147 two years ago. SSRI's have been a curse to me. I was depressed before but in my mind I think being more active and having a better diet would have went a long ways to cure it. Also while on Prozac i took up smoking again and began drinking hard liquor more often than ever before. So over the course of two years I gained 50 lbs (i was 194 at the start before LC) took up smoking again,began to drink heavily, and ate like crap. I had no control but I was numb to it all because of my medication. Now I am 5 months off it and feel great. Well...ok today I feel rotten but it is PMS time. I still do have my ups and downs but it is good. Low Carb definitley helps, I have quit smoking as of 4 months ago, I exercise and weight train most days. I have not lost as much weight as I would like. I think my metabolism was seriously affected by my rotten lifestyle and meds. Just a warning to consider before going on an SSRI...research about to your doctor...and of course this it not meant for those with serious depression or suicidal thoughts in that case the medication should come first. I think it is not an easy decision at all and I cannot say that in the future I will not need an SSRI i just will be aware that they are not a "miracle" cure all.

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