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ageekott Wed, Dec-04-02 11:41

Hi All,

I was hoping to have lost a lot more than 7lbs by now, i've been on Atkins for just over a month. I'll be going on holiday in January and to lose another 7-10lbs would be great. I keep on reading success stories, i would really like to hear from people who are not losing faster. I'm not discouraged as i know its the long term results that matter.

claire2 Wed, Dec-04-02 12:15

Hi, I have been on this deal since mid October and I haven't lost much weight either - about 6 pounds(I don't weigh). Something that helps me is to pay attention to how I feel in my clothes. As they got bigger on me I relaized this was proof that my body is changing. Its frustrating that the weight doesn't fall off. My journal also helps me look back at what I have been eating and how often I exercise and this gives me reaffirmation that I am changing my life - slowly. Its proof I am winning. Sort of sappy I know, but it works for me. The more time I spend on this WOE the less likely I am to go back to my old bad habits!

Hang in there!!!

manucpa Wed, Dec-04-02 14:12

Hi !

I've been on Atkins since the beginning of July 2002 and I've lost 20 lbs, thirty to go and I'm thrilled. It took me MANY years to put the weight on. I've lost the weight without feeling deprived so I know I can keep up this pace. Maybe patience comes with old age ; = D . I'll be fifty next August.



cohenlin Wed, Dec-04-02 14:26

I have been on Atkins since Sept. and have lost 14 pounds. It took me 3 years to put the 30 pounds on, so I figure that it will not come off overnight. But I sure do feel better. Hang in there.

Baconbabe Wed, Dec-04-02 14:39

I've lost 50lbs since April 2002 - Slow and steady wins the race..don't be impatient..this isn't a quick fix..this is losing your extra weight properly and FOREVER :)

lisak17 Wed, Dec-04-02 17:15

I am the same. I have been on atkins for a month and i have lost 7 pounds. Sure, i would have loved to have lost more and it seems like it all really came off the first few weeks.

I think we all need to remember that:
we feel better
we have no cravings
we are not hungry all the time
we are not always thinking of what to eat next
etc.... etc...

I know for me that i am exercising more and i have actually given up social drinking.

so try to think of all the other positives besides what the scale shows :)

deb_o Wed, Dec-04-02 17:17

After a fast start, my weight loss has really slowed. At times, it's discouraging, but as long as I'm eating right, I'm okay. As others have said, it took me years to put all the weight on, I should expect it to take a while for it to come off! Don't give up! After all, I figure I feel much better, am wearing a size 12 or 14 instead of a 20 or 22, and I move SO much easier! No matter what, the pluses far outweigh the minuses ( like losing slowly)! ;)

Cream Wed, Dec-04-02 17:43


I am worst than you. For more than a month I have barely lost 5lb. And today I am even 1lb up (TOM hopefully is responsible).

Nothing is much changing either. Clothes are feeling the same, butt is looking the same... :confused: The only thing that has changed is my apetite - gone down.

I am still sticking to the WOE because I believe in it. Weightloss would be fantastic and will definately keep me going for life.
For now my belief is enough.

Nems Wed, Dec-04-02 18:19


Started just 2 days before you and I too have lost only 10 lbs and that was in about 2 and half weeks. Haven't budged much since then. But 10 lbs is 10 lbs!!! I picked up a 5 lb dumbell and thought hey, I've lost twice that...and that's alot of fat!

So I am trying to hang in there and be patient. I am eating so much healthier than I ever have and I am determined to lose this weight. It better happen within 6 months or I'm liable to give up after that. :D But I will never go back to eating all the junk food all the time. I actually like this WOE.

Hang in there!

freydis Thu, Dec-05-02 00:45

Atkins since mid-March (going on nine months now) and have lost 57 lbs with at least one two-month stall. That's an average of 6 lbs/month, which would be considered miraculous on any OTHER dietary plan, but on this one is considered somewhat slow. :wiggle:

sharon8 Thu, Dec-05-02 08:32

I think it is a really good idea to keep a chart of your body measurements. I'm really glad I took the advice in the Atkins book and did that. I have only lost 9 pounds in 9 weeks (I lost some before I started Atkins) but I have lost 8 inches off my waist!!!! (and lots more off other bits) :wiggle:

I would NEVER have known the full extent of this loss if I hadn't been measuring. It's been a huge encouragement to have evidence that I AM losing even though the scale has been slow. AND it gives me something to tell the sceptics. ;)

Someone (one of the moderators - can't remember who - sorry) suggested using the 'pantometer' - that is: buying three pairs of pants in decending sizes from a secondhand shop and trying them on every two to four weeks. This really is a good gauge of how you are going.

Remember that on low fat/low calorie diets you can be losing lean body mass, too which can make the scales seem more impressive. With LC all your loss should be FAT which is a GOOD thing. :thup:

Try not to be tooooo obsessed with the scales. They don't always give the full story. :)

max Thu, Dec-05-02 08:54

Slow losing
I've been trying to lose the same 20 lbs for the last 10 years (at some point it inceased to 50) and I always hop off a plan within 2 weeks when results slow.

I finally sat down and did some math... 1 lb lost per week seems excrutiatingly slow. Yet if I had been consistent in the last five years I would have lost 52 lbs per year or a grand total of 250 lbs.

That means I could have met my goal several times over!!

So ask yourself, five years from you still want to be on this roller-coaster, or do you want to be the tortoise tht won the race?


sharon8 Thu, Dec-05-02 09:48

Exactly, Max!

Well said!

Groggy60 Thu, Dec-05-02 10:41

From reading posts and looking at weight loss stats it seems clear that the less body fat you have, the slower the weight to come off. This makes even sense if you learn about Leptin.

My weight loss has slowed to a crawl as well, but I'm feeling and looking so much better. If I can average 1 pound a month I will no longer be considered overweight (a BMI < 25) in a mere 8 months. 13 years of gain lost in one year is pretty cool.

I never wanted to be over 40, bald and fat. At least I can do something about the fat.

ageekott Thu, Dec-05-02 11:41

I wasn't expecting to get this much responses. Thanks gals and guys. The logical side of my brain is echoing all you have said but the not so logical side is been silly. I hear you and i am definitely encouraged. I gained over 50lbs in a period of 6 years, expecting to lose it in 6 weeks..... :). Thanks again y'all.

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