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Pugzilla Sun, Apr-13-03 09:51

Low Impact Exercise Suggestions?
Now that I have a bit more energy and do not suffer so many aches and pains, thanks to 3 weeks of Atkins, I would like to begin some kind of exercise program.

I do walk the dog everyday and have been trying to go a little farther each time, but I would like to do something that would help tone and expedite weight loss as well.

My problem, I cannot do any high impact exercises, or even anything that really has you moving on your feet because I had several surgeries on my foot. So no aerobics, stepping, etc for me.

Does anyone know of a BEGINNER low/no impact exercise video or book I might use to begin working out? I was wondering about begginner pilates or weight training or something along those lines. I live in a small apartment, so I can't get any big exercise equipment either.

Kathy54 Sun, Apr-13-03 10:14

If you live in an area where there is a pool, I'd say, jump in girl, best darn work out and no impact like on land! most areas now have water arobics, deep water would be perfect for you, as you wear a belt and never touch bottom!! Ladies and men of all sizes go, it's awesome, not to mention really good for toneing muscles, and you get a cardio as well.

Good Luck
( geez, how can you tell I've been addicted to water exercise for more years than i want to say!)

Kathy :wave:

Frederick Sun, Apr-13-03 10:22

Hi there,

An excercise bike or eilliptical machine are very low impact excercises. Certainly not as low as swimming, but in my view, much more beneficial in expediting weight calorie burn.

Have you tried those? As you lose weight, I'd suspect the stress on your joints would progessively lessen allowing you to do more weight bearing excercises, like running, or brisk walking.

Best of luck!

suzanneM Sun, Apr-13-03 12:03

yeah, swimming might be a good way to begin, it's much easier on the joints.

you could also try a yoga for beginner's video tape. lots of relaxed stretching and breathing. if they do something that's not comfortable on your foot, try to find an alternate move that will accomplish the same thing.

i luuuuuve my yoga. ok, it's not burning too many calories here, but it's better than nothing. and all the stretching i think does have a toning effect. it's a start for me, and i'm incredibly lazy.

ladyfunk25 Sun, Apr-13-03 14:06

Pilates would probably good as long as you start of slow. All you need is a mat and a tape...or you can go to a class. I just started doing it and it is pretty neat.

Pugzilla Sun, Apr-13-03 15:59

These all sound like great suggestions, although as appealing as the water workout sounds, I honestly don't think I'm ready to get into a bathing suit and into a pool....not unless I had one in my apartment! :lol: I'm afraid at this point I'm way to self-concious to do that. But I do appreciate the suggestion! I'm sure it would probably be very low-impact and good for me, though.

Thanks to everyone else for your suggestions, I'm going to investigate them and will be taking something up very soon.

By the way, do you know of a specific pilates tape that might be geared more towards beginners?

ladyfunk25 Sun, Apr-13-03 16:05

I have pilates for dummies which is alright. But I know back when I was looking around that there were also tapes that were specifically called "beginner's pilates" etc. etc.

I think I good idea would be to go to a place like and look for pilates tapes. Then you can see a good variety of what is out there, and also read people's reviews to decide if a tape is any good. Then you can buy it there or look for it in the store.

black57 Sun, Apr-13-03 16:41

Swimming and weightloss
I am sure this will bring many contradicting opinions, but I remember reading that swimming is not as conducive to weightloss as one might think. True, it expends alot of energy but for the body to be bouyant it needs fat. Therefore the body is not so eager to give it up as it would be on the other exercise suggestions. IMO walking the dog might be all that you need. What is important is to do something consistantly.


1busymomma Sun, Apr-13-03 17:34

My suggestion would be to try the fitball. That is relatively low key, not hard on the joints and it works great for me. I can do it while watching t.v. and I HAVE noticed a difference. :) I got my fitball at Walmart for 13.00 and it came with an excercise program. I also know that you can buy fitball excercise tapes, though I have not purchased any as of yet.

1busymomma Sun, Apr-13-03 17:36

Originally posted by Pugzilla
By the way, do you know of a specific pilates tape that might be geared more towards beginners?

The tapes by Robert Yee (?) I believe is his name. He is Asian and the box is not hard to miss but he has an extensive range of begginers to advanced pilates and yoga tapes. HTH. I would go into like Suncoast Video or any major video store (not rental) and ask about it

NOT_MINIME Sun, Apr-13-03 17:48

I'm new here, but I've done some kind of aerobic walking almost every day. Today I tried pool jogging and just about had a heart attack. Its excellent! You can work as hard or as light as you want and everyone was puffing away. Best of all, with pool exercises, I didn't feel any stress on my knees AND I was completely covered from shoulders down. I did the "hide behind the towel casually pretending you don't realize it is strategically hiding everything from neck to knees" then I leap in as quickly as possible. That was the hardest part for me, but I noticed other equaly unattractive bodies there too. I really enjoyed it..

If there are no clasess in your area, the instructor said one could do this alone. You look stupid, but hey...... Here's what you do. Get in water deep enough so it is about chest high. Then start running or walking quickly pumping your arms back and forth just as if you're walking on a sidewalk. When you've warmed up (2-3 minutes), then put a little trunk twist in. As you are jogging, move the alternate arm toward the alternate leg.This is a little movement, not bend over, drown and throw your back out. Also try to do jumping jacks. For those more advanced he recommended going into the deep, deep end and just treading water for 20 minutes. Yah-- I'm up to that one. lol

Good Luck and I hope you give the pool a try.

hkgKate Sun, Apr-13-03 17:50

I really enjoy the Leslie Sansone "Walk Away The Pounds" series. You can choose a 1,2 or 3 mile walk and its very low impact. I'm sure you could manage the 1 mile if you are coping with the dog walks. We live in a small apartment and the limited space hasn't been a problem.

The program is basicaly walking on the spot, knee lifts and kicks. If you are new to exercise (like me!!) it will give you a great workout and is really gentle on an unfit body. She also introduces light handweights to help with toning.

I believe they are widely available in the States and Canada.

spongebutt Sun, Apr-13-03 19:08

I agree with hkgKate. Walk Away the Pounds is great.

No stress, low impact...good stuff.

2berners Sun, Apr-13-03 19:32

I have a Pilates workout DVD by an outfiet called Gaiam - got it at the local Fred Meyer. It has three workouts - the first one is good for beginners, the other two are pretty strenous. Denise Austin has about a bazillion workout tapes - you can get them at any bookstore. I'm still using the non-aerobic one from the early 90's (bad knees) and it's still a pretty good workout. For weight training - you can use cans of soup to start out with. Just go to the fitness forum section here and look for exercises - check out Trainer Dan's ab exercises.

A really good idea is to start a gymlog or just put your daily exercise in your journal. It helps you focus on your progress, plus it gives others an opportunity to come by and encourage you. And reading others' gymlogs is a great motivation.

Keep us posted! ;)

blatla Sun, Apr-13-03 19:37

Another vote for Pilates...
I borrowed a book from the library and I'm thinking I may have to buy it..."The Pilates Body" by Brooke Siler. It has great, detailed pictures and instructions for all of the exercises. I couldn't figure it all out just from the book, though, so I bought "Pilates for Dummies" (got it at Sam's for about $9) and that helped a lot. After doing the tape several times, I was able to do the exercises on my own, using the book as a guide. It's much faster that don't have to listen to her explain every move like it was your first time doing it. Cut my time in half. I also saw another set at Sam's that had Pilates for Weightloss and was supposed to be for all levels. I may pick that up after I get really good at the ones I'm doing. I've only been at it for a week and a half or so and I can already tell a difference in my strength and flexibility.


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