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itsjoyful Mon, Nov-26-01 16:22

beef jerky
need directions for making homemade beef jerky. i did a search, and only found posts referring to it, not the recipe.
all help is welcome.
brenda :)

IslandGirl Mon, Nov-26-01 16:43

it's in Recipes, actually.....
Go to that Recipe thing on the orange bar up above, then click on the little bitty line "Reader's Recipes" just above Karen's kick-butt collection of gourmet recipes, click on Snacks, click on Jerky....

OR direct, do not pass GO.


Hope this helps, Brenda (doncha just hate it when it's the simple answer?! I do).

PS: Wa'il, if you are monitoring the use of your name, how about making that Reader's Recipes line a little more, um, VISUAL? :lol:

PPS: I use the same basic method, a very simple marinade (eyeballed amounts of light soy sauce, worcestershire sauce and a little liquid smoke and fresh ground black pepper). I don't bother patting the slices (they don't drip fat, maybe I trim them too well) and just let them run overnight in the dehydrator. Oven works well, too, but be sure to put a big layer of foil in the bottom or on the lowest rack from side to side because there it DOES drip; set the oven to 170F and put the light on so you can see what's happening. Prop the door open slightly (with a rolled up dishtowel if needed) and put the fan on...

doreen T Mon, Nov-26-01 17:23

For dozens and dozens of Jerky recipes, I give you Just Jerky .

Many of the recipes call for sugar, which you can substitute artificial sweetener ... and my 2¢ is to use less than the recipe calls for, or you'll end up with candied beef. Uggh!

There are directions for using a standard oven too, which you can adapt.


itsjoyful Mon, Nov-26-01 18:13

who needs a search engine when i have ya'll
ya'll are sooooooo great :D :D :D . i have never in my life met people who are so helpful without wanting anything in return. i will make this in the oven tomorrow so it can marinate overnight.
p.s. - i did a search here, i swear..... maybe the recipe's are not included in searches?!

IslandGirl Mon, Nov-26-01 22:51

I do believe you're right ...
... the searches are for the Forum threads :confused: only...

Hmmmmmmm. Maybe a topic for discussion with our esteemed Webmaster...

tamarian Mon, Nov-26-01 23:07

Re: I do believe you're right ...
Originally posted by IslandGirl
... the searches are for the Forum threads :confused: only...

Hmmmmmmm. Maybe a topic for discussion with our esteemed Webmaster...

Esteemed, eh? :rolleyes:

Actually, the search can be done for threads, posts or per member. They can also be done per forum (i.e., search only in recipes forums).

If I got the question wrong, I'm sure you'll set me straight, as usual :)

Your steamed webmaster,


itsjoyful Mon, Nov-26-01 23:16

so, if i want to do a search for some type of food creation, i must search in recipe section? :confused:


doreen T Mon, Nov-26-01 23:58

hi Brenda
You did it right the first time ... although, I must admit, when I typed "jerky" into the search tool, I got 202 posts, some were mine with links to recipes. Maybe you typed in specifically "beef jerky" which might've narrowed things down a bit.

The Active Lowcarber forums are full of hundreds of recipe and food ideas, and not all of them are necessarily here in the kitchen section. So, the search tool is definitely your friend.. :)

In addition, there are recipes posted on the main Active Lowcarber website, which you can access by clicking on Low Carb Recipes on the orange menu bar at the top of every page. These are completely independent from the forums. When you go to the recipes page, you'll be greeted with Karen's gourmet low-carb ... and at the top, you'll see where you can click "Reader's Recipes" to go to another page full of mostly original creations by our members.

I think Judi is suggesting that Wa'il try to find a way to link the recipe webpages with the forum search function. Not sure that can be done, but I know nothing about webmasterly things ;)


itsjoyful Tue, Nov-27-01 00:04

beef jerky
actually my first search was for beef jerkey, and came up empty. spelling is not my forte'.
thank you, i now know the way.... i've seen the light. :p

IslandGirl Tue, Nov-27-01 19:20

I think you've hit the nail on the head, Do.

I do believe that SOME of the recipes in the LowCarb Kitchen subforum are already linked (by ReDirect?) to the Reader's Recipes and Karen's fab recipes... so they would then be findable with the (Forum) Search function.

I don't know that I'd suggest they ALL be linked, or that one method replaces the other (to avoid duplication). I'll cogitate on that but, hey, it's not my decision :D

We have reader recipes (and some the ones) in two places this way though, as an observation.

Back to work with me, a hum, a hum.... :(

tamarian Tue, Nov-27-01 19:54

Re: Oy...
Originally posted by IslandGirl

I don't know that I'd suggest they ALL be linked, or that one method replaces the other (to avoid duplication).

Actually, they are all linked. What happens is that some recipes have no comments on them. So if you click the "Discuss" link, it will start a new thread for you to enter comments or questions. If the script finds a thread discussing the recipe, it will just take you there.


IslandGirl Wed, Nov-28-01 03:06

I THINK I get it.
Recipes that have been 'discussed' (starting at the Readers' Recipes end) get automatically "threaded" so they in turn can be found by the Search Forums function...
Recipes that haven't been 'discussed' yet will not be found by the Search Forums function...

So not ALL Readers' Recipes are linked... for sure... and Readers with Recipes to post have 2 places to post them, the LowCarb Kitchen Forum (which is getting more and more recipes) AND the Readers' Recipes webpage...

{ ok, I'm taking off my Business Analyst hat now cuz I'm not even making sense to myself any more... :lol: Does anybody else get what I'm going on about? }

tamarian Wed, Nov-28-01 07:55

I should make more sense if we separate the issues.

1. Search function. Only available in the forums, not the web pages. We had a search tool installed for the web site, but it wasn't used much. Searching the forums is easy and quite flexible. You don't have to search the recipe section, but you have the option to narrow your search.

2. Duplicate recipes: Recipes are now posted in the recipes forums. The old script to publish directly to the web site has been restricted for use, so that only selected recipes are published on the web pages.

3. Linking recipes to discussion: If you click the "Discuss" link, it should take you to a thread that contain the discussion on that recipe. If the recipe had no comments, it will create a new thread for it.

IslandGirl Wed, Nov-28-01 13:02

ah, thanks....
.... that does clarify things, Wa'il.

The old script to publish directly to the web site has been restricted for use, so that only selected recipes are published on the web pages.

Odd question, selected based on ?

tamarian Wed, Nov-28-01 15:02

Based on if it's a recipes:) i.e. not add this and add that, carb count etc.. Maybe we should also take votes, members can rate recipes on this forum, but not many do.


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