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hockeymom Sat, Jan-11-03 23:18

Popcorn Please!!!!!
I'm going to the movies tomorrow and I really want some popcorn :yum: . I have no will power :cry: and I'm afraid I won't go if I can't have popcorn. I am in the Induction phase. Can someone tell me how many Please help.

Miss Melis Sun, Jan-12-03 01:21


I pack a snack/meal when I go to the movies.... so that I can eat and enjoy food too! Salami cheese sandwich bites... hard boil egg... more cheese..... and a nice big-cold bottle of ice with Crystal Light and take a straw...of course this all goes in my big purse/bag...... I go straight in and find a seat... those who are with me usually stop at the snack bar and then will sit infront of or behind me... so that I don't have easy access to the food they are eating... Ha! :p

Take care and good luck! :wave:

murpel Sun, Jan-12-03 01:44

Popcorn is my favorite! In induction, I was very good, didn't stray at all. The way I did this is with lots and lots of water, the same kind of snacks mentioned above, sunflower seeds, and trident sugar free bubble gum flavored gum (1 carb per piece).
However, if none of the suggestions so far seem to strike your fancy....I would suggest a small unbuttered. I know that Adkins allows you butter, however, most theaters don't use real butter, run the risk of hidden carbs. The small popcorn will run you anywhere from 12g to 20g's of carbs.
If I remember correctly, induction suggests you stay between 20-25g's a day. One small popcorn could be the carbs for the day. That would only leave you meat as a carb free food. Like I said, I'm trying to remember. Induction was a long time ago.
Your choice.....good luck and enjoy your movie!

SlimShAdY Sun, Jan-12-03 06:42

Re: Popcorn...........
Originally posted by murpel
If I remember correctly, induction suggests you stay between 20-25g's a day. One small popcorn could be the carbs for the day. That would only leave you meat as a carb free food. Like I said, I'm trying to remember. Induction was a long time ago.
Your choice.....good luck and enjoy your movie!

Um. Either you haven't read the book or it must've been a real long time for you because Induction is NOT about staying between 20 and 25grams of carbs at all. If that were the case, you could eat a half of a candy bar a day, and then just meat. It's not a "Suggestion" either, its a rule. Not to mention there would be way more then 12-20grams of carbs in a small. A small for movie theaters is usually like 3 cups. And the fake butter has hidden carbs?? Ha. Did you forget about the popcorn?? Yea so, real BAD advice. :thdown:

Not trying to be rude or anything, but I think if anyone was serious about even doing Atkins, read the book..and knew they couldn't possibly resist popcorn..they wouldn't even go to the movies. You're basically on here asking us for permission to cheat.

Just the smell of popcorn would make someone want it without a doubt. Almost nobody could ever just stop at *just a few pieces* I don't even think its the popcorn thats addicting, I think its the butter. Butter which is allowed on Atkins.. :roll: So hey, ya could have some celery with just as much butter on em and just as crunchy :D

:exclm: Hmm. Anyways heres your answer. Atkins Quote:
You are, however, on a qualitative diet. That means, that, if the food is not on your diet, you have absolutely none of it. Your "Just this one tast won't hurt" rationalization is the kiss of death on this diet. Addicts will find this rule builds character in a hurry.

Lisa N Sun, Jan-12-03 07:56

Since you're still on induction, definitely avoid the popcorn. Being allowed 20 grams of carb per day doesn't mean that you can have them all at one time; that defeats the purpose of limiting your carbs which is to avoid causing an insulin reaction. Eating 20-25 grams of carb at one time will cause that in most people, especially if they are high glycemic carbs like popcorn.
My concern with the movie theatre butter wouldn't be hidden carbs, but hydrogenated and transfats. No matter how much they claim that stuff tastes like butter, it's definitely not butter and is full of the bad fats. :thdown:
If you have to snack while watching a movie, bring your own treats and take a wide berth around the snack counter.
Hey! You'll save money that way too. :)

slowday Sun, Jan-12-03 08:25


The puck just dropped and your already heading to the bench for a rest? I think your kids need to coach you on keeping your head in the game. And it is a kind of game. You gonna be bullied by a non-skating stiff called popcorn? C'mon, your tougher than that. The movie theater is just another arena. Put on your skates, pack your salami and cheddar, blow by the concession stand and watch the movie.

Keep your stick on the ice ;)


LadyBug555 Sun, Jan-12-03 10:16

For me, I never ate the popcorn anyway cause I was either too cheap or watching the fat intake. Ho Hum. So in the stage I am at now, I would chose to rent a movie and stay home. I am chosing my battles. Example, I love to drink wine so I would avoid a bar at this time. This is just my personal thing. But NO POPCORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's the final answer!!! :o

manucpa Sun, Jan-12-03 10:19

I was going to suggest packing some pork rinds...but they may be too noisy !

DDMariana Sun, Jan-12-03 11:35

Bring the people don't make noise with the popcorn???

I vote for bringing some salami and cheese or some celery stix, etc. After you get going, not just the two weeks induction, but WAY down the line where're your body is losing, then you can cut up an Atkins bar and pretend you're having some candy or something...

But for now...I'm with slowday...NO!!! You committed to this...stay the course! One day off for a movie is ZAPPING your motivation to succeed. Popcorn aint worth it.

Go get em... (what movie are you seeing??) :wave:

hockeymom Sun, Jan-12-03 13:04

Thanks everyone, I appreciate your honesty on things. I think I"m just going to take the kids to the gym with me instead of the movies. I will have to remember about the salami and cheese later on when I'm furhter into this and more stable and it more the way of life than just the start.

murpel Sun, Jan-12-03 13:07

In reply to Slimshady
I have read the book. I apparently got something different from it than you did.
I got that it IS a matter of choice.....If you feel you must have these carbs, then you will eventually pay for them. Everyone reacts differently to carb blasts, depending on how long you have been LCing. Some people get gas and bloat, some get (sorry for the description) the runs, some people get headaches, and some it doesn't bother at all, and I'm sure there are reactions that I haven't experienced.
As for hidden carbs in theater butter, I personally have never worked in a theater, and have never seen the packaging the "butter" comes in, however, I know that Adkins says to avoid butter substitutes, and since theater popcorn isn't "real" butter, I don't know what additives are in it. For me, if it isn't fully leaded, I don't bother.
My husband eats Boyscout microwave popcorn. Of the three different kinds that are in the house at the moment, two have 16g carbs, 0 sugars, and one has 15g carbs, 0 sugars. I figure (of course I'm old too~lol) that a bag of microwave popcorn is about the size of a small popcorn at the theater. It's still approximate, and depends on who's doing the carb figuring.
So yah, it's been a long time since I've read the book, and I borrowed it at that, so I no longer have that reference. What I did get out of it seemed to work for me. I do still have 15lbs to goal, however, when I quit eating popcorn and hotdogs with buns (hot dogs totally since they are processed) I will reach my goal. If I never loose another pound at this point, so long as I don't gain, I could accept that. My WOL keeps me happy, satisfied, and at a stable weight.
That's what this site is for though, help in all areas of this WOL, so Slimshady, thanks for the info....

hockeymom Sun, Jan-12-03 13:57

Murpel, I am so glad that what you are doing is working for you. I also have to say that I have read the book we have on hand plus a few updated post from atkins on the web. Each time you read something new you find new studies. I agree with your way of thinking. Try your hardest to follow the diet but if there's somethng you want then you know what the consenquences to it are. As long as you are happy (and it sounds like you are) then that's all that needs to be. I'm proud that you have made it to where you are comfortable that takes a lot of work and good luck on the extra bonus pounds you may loose.

Thanks for your support and answer.

murpel Sun, Jan-12-03 14:36

Thanks for the support, however, I do need to adjust my carb count on that popcorn......LOL! wishful thinking that the whole bag was just 15 or 16g carbs.....(me thinks this is because when I have popcorn, I do eat the entire bag!) It's 15 or 16g per serving, and there are 3 servings per bag! so I have been eating 45 to 48g in a shot when I eat that bag of popcorn! OMG! Guess I'll save my next popcorn binge till episode III of Star Wars comes out! (I binged on popcorn when I watched Two Towers last month.)
It is a way of life, therefore, I personally try to enjoy it. If I fall off the wagon, I climb right back up. One slip doesn't mean I am off the rest of the day, week, month, or year.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Hockeymom, taking the kids out sounds like fun too. Whatever it takes to keep harmony between your WOL (eating wise) and the rest of the family.

freydis Mon, Jan-13-03 15:43

Ok, I have a small quibble with the statement that it isn't possible to limit one's self on popcorn. I normally do not get snacks at movies, but one time I did. I bought a small popcorn with butter and specifically ate a small amount (guessing about a half-cup), then gave the bag to other family members. Hubby had about a half-cup, son had about a half-cup and daughter, who was not low-carbing at the time, ate what she wanted of the rest.

If YOU can't stop, can't regulate the amount of something, then obviously it should be avoided. But, if you're strong enough to regulate, enjoy the appropriate amount. I have discovered a few things against which I am helpless and I do strictly avoid those things. Popcorn is not one of them.

mrfreddy Tue, Jan-14-03 16:32

why not just eat a big meal before the movie? After a big juicy steak or burger or whatnot, hopefully that seductive popcorn smell won't do a thing for you. At any rate, it should be easier to hold your nose and keep moving to your seat...

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