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Joce Wed, Jun-23-04 23:27

Joce's Gym log
Found it - the way to create a gym journal. I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in years. I've just been walking with my dogs and going to yoga classes one day a week.

Measurements on starting Induction:
Bust 43.4"
Waist 35.8"
Hips 44.4"
Widest 48.4"
LT 29.8" RT 30.4"
LC 19.2" RC 18.2"
LA 15" RA 15.2"
BF = 37% :blush:
Weight 204lbs

Gym programme is 3 days / wk alternate days = 30mins cardio on cross-trainer then weights programme doing 2 sets of 15 reps. Nothing too strenuous in terms of weights and just an all-round set of exercises. Cool-down for 5mins on bike and stretching. Alternate days walking 3km with dogs, tramping one day every other week for the whole day. Hope to throw in some yoga regularly at home adn start cycling 15kms again as soon as the fatigue lets up and ketosis sets in (here's hoping). That's the plan - so far so good this week.

bellybuton Thu, Jun-24-04 05:31

Whoo hoo!!!! YOU DID IT!

Glad to see other measurements on here!!!!! We are sooooo brave for all the world to see.

I dislike exercise too. But its not so bad once I get there.......O.K. I admit it..I do kinda like it once I am in the building....but I cuss and grumble all the way there! Which I am doing right now because thats where I am headin'!!

I can think up any kind of excuse not to go. Stupid ones too!!......Oh not today, I have a hang nail......ummm can't go, my dog needs me.......nope, to windy out to go today....etc.

But if we keep this up....we will be the hottest women on the block!!!!!! Pete won't be able to keep his hands of ya!!!!!!!!!

I'll be talkin to ya!

Joce Sun, Jun-27-04 20:23

Another day another gym session done
Just back from another gym session and currently hoeing into a turkey leg. Feeling really good and today's session, which was the fourth since joining the gym, was excellent. Did 35mins of cardio and an hour of weights. Low weight high reps at present but building the weight slowly. My sister is going with me and it's great having someone else waiting on you to pick them up - you just have to get over all the excuses and go! Cardio tomorrow from home - walking the dogs around the hills on my family's farm, which is about 3km. Back to the gym on Wednesday.

Built Sun, Jun-27-04 22:33

Hi there.

I was just reading through bellybuton's thread - I think you and I have the same body - all butt and legs? <sigh>
I feel your pain. It sucks, doesn't it?

You've lost almost 20 pounds! Isn't that a GREAT feeling?

Now, I have FINALLY been having some success in changing my proportions around over the last few years.

Weirdly enough, it has been by doing LESS cardio, and MUCH heavier lifting (!), especially heavy leg work, which I had always meticulously avoided. :rolleyes: When I DO cardio, I make sure I NEVER do ANY before lifting, and I lift very intensely. This magical combination has done more to burn off bodyfat and change the shape of my body than ANYTHING. And I used to run 10ks. Didn't do a thing. I actually GAINED weight running.

Have a peek in my gym log, and at the first page of my journal - there are some links there that might interest you. And I have some pix in my gallery, if you're wondering what this kind of lifting makes a woman's body look like - I think you and I are about the same height, and you're 6 years younger than I am.

bellybuton Mon, Jun-28-04 05:56

(now I am humming the great Sir Mix Alots song...I like big butts..and I can not lie....hmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmmmm......)

I also have a nice pair of chicken legs to go with my nonexistant butt!! But I do make up for it in the chest area. And I must become very stupid when I am around. Always willing to buy me drinks they are! Not to bright are they?!?!?!

I'm glad you are enjoying my journal. I enjoy yours too!!! I just have a quick question for ya..."what is hoeing a turkey leg"?????

Congrats on another gym session!!! Wednesday is just around the corner!!!!

Joce Mon, Jun-28-04 22:24

I'm liking this gym journal thing
Hi guys, thanks for stopping by my journal. Thanks for the info Built. I can see I'm going to have to spend quite some time studying your gym log. I use to lift heavy weights and do a lot of body building. Loved it. Life intervened, discipline let up and quite frankly I miss it. Now that I'm back at the gym I'm already starting to increase my starting weights. Won't be long and I'll be back to some decent weights. I use to push 440lbs with my quads at one time, now I'm doing 230lbs, so I've a way to go to get back to where I was. You're dead right about the weights burning off fat better than anything else. As I drop some of this damn fat off me ass I'll build the weights up again. Got a long way to go on my arms - only manage 60lbs on the tricep curl machine at present - way bummer. Couldn't even do tricep dips supporting me own fat ass when I started out :exclm:
Oh, hoeing down on a turkey leg is just slang for eating my way through a giant size turkey (as in the bird you guys eat for thanks giving) drum-stick. It was my third "meal" of the day. I'm trying to get back into the old habit of eating small amounts more often to increase my metabolism. Lots of protein at present as I'm in induction on Atkins, day 11 and finally in ketosis. Feeling marginally better, a little less tired and more energetic but boy talk about bitchy. I've got a bad temper that normally I keep mostly under wraps, but at present it doesn't take much for me to blow up at nothing. HOpefully this too shall pass.
Anyway, pouring with rain today and I'm quite proud of myself because I went out and climbed the steepest hill around here and did my longer walk. Didn't realise how unfit I actually am until gasping for breath and nearly fainting on the way up the hill. But I damn well made it and relished the blasting cold air and rain that hit me at the top. Love being out in the elements - much better than walking on a treadmill any day.
Off to the gym tomorrow. 30 mins cardio on treadmill and weights routine. Still 2 sets of 15 reps, weights not too heavy but some of them I'm bumping up. Slowly goes it. :D

Built Mon, Jun-28-04 22:27

Reward yourself for bumping them up by dropping the set length down. (And do 'em first, of course)

I operate in a reward-based economy.


Joce Mon, Jun-28-04 23:01

Cool, thanks. I'd just figured that one from your info posting. Will warm up for 10 then do weights, then 30 mins on treadmill. Ta. Still reading your info as I write this so will glean more as I go along. Really appreciate that you put so much info down for any smuck like me to read.
Joce :D

bellybuton Tue, Jun-29-04 21:19

Originally Posted by Joce
Really appreciate that you put so much info down for any smuck like me to read.

We are all smucks then Joce!!!!!!! Me thinks Built needs her own forum!!!!

Joce Wed, Jun-30-04 18:23

Ha, Thanks Dawn you're right, we're all smucks and Built does need her own forum.

My gym sessions are going well. I went yesterday and had a lymphatic drainage massage before doing my workout. Shifted something as I'm sure getting rid of a lot of fluid since then! After that I did a 5 min warm-up, my weights routine, which I'm extending every time I go and pushing heavier weights, then 40 minutes on the treadmill walking at a fast pace on the hill profile. Loved every minute of it. Had a protein smoothie afterwards and a hard-boiled egg, then had a sauna for 10 minutes. Bliss :p

Today I'm off for a walk with my dogs up around the steeper, long hill track that I did on Tuesday. Weigh in day tomorrow for my 14 days of induction. I'm going to stick with the levels I'm at now for at least the next month, to help get rid of the next 20-25lbs and then I'll increase my carbs a little week by week to find a level that helps me lose weight still but more slowly. Once I get down to 155lbs I'll start playing with ratios of carb/protein/fat to see what suits me best while I aim for 145lbs as my goal weight. We'll see how it goes. I'm fully expecting to take a good 18 months to get where I'm aiming for in terms of weight, and then I'll start getting a bit more serious about the body building thing. Meanwhile I'll keep pumping iron and building lean muscle mass so the old fat burns a little faster and I feel fitter and healthier.

My eating has developed a pattern:
B/fast: 1 poached egg and 2 slices carb free bacon (most the stuff we get over here has some sugar in it, but I found some yesterday that's totally carb free - Yippee :yay: ). I'm also having 1Tbsp flaxseed oil (linseed) mixed with 2 Tbsp quark, 1 Tbsp coarse ground psyllium husks, and 1 Tbsp of LC passionfruit topping. I take; 2 Efamarine (a combination of fish oils, evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil), 2 Red Clover (for PCOS symptoms), 1 women's multi with vitamins, minerals and herbs, 1 Co-enzyme Q10, 2 B multi's, and 2 150mg Chromium.
Snack (if I need it or when I get hungry several hours later): HB egg, or a cup of decaf with 2 Tbsp whipped cream.
Lunch: If I'm at the gym I have a protein smoothie with 25g protein powder (this is a really good powder with only 1.25g carb per 25g serve and lots of other amino-acids, minerals and herbs for digestion and increased metablism) with water and 2 Tbsp of whipped cream (to make it more palatable). If at home I have 1 95g tin of smoked salmon or lemon and cracked pepper salmon - 1.4g carb, with 1 C salad mix (mostly lettuces), 1 tsp mayo and 1 tsp ceasar dressing (0.5g carb), plus a HB or poached egg if feeling hungry.
Another snack mid-afternoon of 20-40g cheese, depending on hunger or munchies level, or the cheese - my gouda is lower in carbs than the edam so I have slightly more of the gouda or emmental. Also a cup of decaf and cream if the urge takes me.
Dinner: 150-200g meat or fish (tonight it's fresh salmon steaks) with mixed lc veg (zucchini, cabbage, silverbeet or spinach, celery) and/or salad, up to 1 1/2 Cups, with 1tsp of ceasar dressing.
Snack: the flaxseed oil and quark combo again.
I also drink about 3 litres of water a day, that's (if I can figure the maths) 12 x 8oz glasses = 96oz :q: Also several cups of decaf green chai tea.
That's about it. Not much deviation from that except other meats thrown into lunch or as part of the snacks.
I'd be interested on anyone's htoughts as to whether they think this is a good Induction style food plan. It's usually about 15g carbs, sometimes slightly less and sometimes slightly more.
Must go walk those dogs and stop prattling. :daizy:

bellybuton Wed, Jun-30-04 21:25

I am not one to ask....hell, I have given up on Southbeach and any type of I just went back to cutting back on the carbs. No real plan but It worked before so I am hoping it works again!!!! But to me.....your list looks great....low carbs and it actually looks like you get to eat quite a bit.

Built Wed, Jun-30-04 23:23

Food looks fine to me. Lots of good fats and proteins, supps are good, lots of water and fibre - excellent!

Joce Thu, Jul-01-04 14:42

Day 14
Thanks Built. Actually yesterday I was too full so I'm cutting back a bit today. Just having the flaxseed oil, quark etc for breakfast with all those little pills.
Weigh in day today. Only 100g weight loss since last Friday, but 10lbs loss in the two weeks, so I suppose I can't complain too much. I was less a couple of days ago but I've still not sorted out the constipation problems, even with psyllium husks and Alpine Tea (a natural herbal laxative). This too shall pass :lol:
As for measurements:
Bust: 41.6" (-1.8") Waist: 33.8" (-2") Hips: 42.8" (-1.6") Widest: 46.6" (-1.8") RT: 29.4" (-1") RC: 17.4" (-0.8") LT: 28.4" (-1.4") LC: 18.4" (-0.8") RA: 14" (-1.2") LA: 14.4" (-0.6")

Well that's not too bad for a start. Must be off as I've got a hair appointment, my gym workout, buy a pressie for my nephew's 10th birthday and deliver it, and walk the dawgs.


bellybuton Fri, Jul-02-04 17:49

Way to go on the measurements!!!!!!! And ten pounds in two weeks!?!?!??!
Holey Moley Smoley! Guess all that hoeing is starting to pay off! :D (Wow...I just made you look like a "Lady of the Evening". Oops)

Congrats...and as for a start...its an awesome start!!!!!

Joce Fri, Jul-02-04 22:12

:lol: :lol: :lol: Lady of the evening :lol: I'm seriously chuckling at that one. Me thinks not. But thanks for the congrat's. I'm one of these totally impatient types who wants everything to happen at once. Actually I weighed this morning and was down to 190.3lbs, so that's not too bad. I've had a day of walking, shovelling metal, and operating our big tractor. That may not seem like much, sitting on a tractor, but by the time I've lugged around the big chain to do some towing, and jumped on breaks and clutch, my quads definitely had a work-out. Tomorrow I'm operating a chainsaw all day cutting up firewood, so that's my exercise sorted then! Back to the gym on Monday. Boy am I gonna knock off this damn fat and build some muscle :D

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