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Divina99 Tue, Jun-08-04 20:18

Divina's Time To Shape Up!!
Starting up my WO log. :)

May 22, 30 min workout plus walking
May 23, 30 min workout, plus lots of walking 17,380 steps
May 24, 30 min workout,
May 25, missed workout
May 26, 30 min workout
May 27, 30 min workout
May 28, 30 min workout
May 29, walking

May 30, 45min weight training

May 31, 30min bike, 20 pushups, evening workout 30min bike, 21 P/Ups.
( Total of 12miles and 800cals burned on bike including earlier workout. Got in an extra 21 military style push-ups.)

June 1, Workout: Weight training-Upper body...Arms & Abs.

June 3, Today:Weight training today...lower body...lundges, squats...the works...oh and some crunches...did 30 min interval training on my stationary bike. (for the workout I missed yesterday).

June 4, I can hardly type right hands are trembling from my arm and back workout (half the "articulations" I hardly know the names of)...I tried out a 25lb dumbell with some lifts...HEAVVVY! Felt like a weakling trying to do 1 bicep curl. I was kinda tired from all the previous arm work ...couldn't even get that many pushups as I usually can after a cardio. Arms are going to fall right off!LoL It's a good feeling though...sore but, good.

Walked 10 blocks there while pushing my son's big stroller...walked at a fast pace..worked up a sweat...on the way home walked another 10 blocks back...this time I walked even faster and did some running.

June, 6 Did my workout...weight training...lower body...
Did a couple crunches..nothing to be too proud off.LoL
Squats using 25lb weights in each hand (50lbs)...did 5 sets- 15 reps-10-8-5-2
Lunges (50lbs) 4 sets- 10-7-5-2
Calf raises holding 25lbs in each hand- 2 sets - 25-20 reps (need more weight) but, I definitely felt it. I saw another exercise called Donkey Calf Raises..I could get my DS2 to sit on my hips while I do these.
Forgot to do Stiff Legged Deadlifts will leave those for another day of glutes and hamstring workout.

20 minutes of interval training on stationary bike.

I feel I have weights around my ankles or something while I walk!LoL Oh the pain tomorrow. I'm ready with some muscle pain reliever ointment.

June 7, Weight training today: Chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs.

June 8, Seated dumbbell curls: 4 sets of 6-4-3-2 w/25 lbs a side (my left side is weaker..4-3-2-1)
Standing bicep curls too many reps..weight was too light but, 25lbs too heavy...
Did 30reps to start did 4 sets. Need to build a 15-20lb dumbell for less reps.
Lunges 10-8-6-4 w/ 25lbs a side
Squats 4 sets of 12-10-8-6 w/ 25 lbs a side
Stiff leg dead-lifts 3 sets of 12-10-6 w/ 25lbs a side
Some Ab. work.

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 09:20

June 9, Off day....just did some walking.

June 10, Morning cardio before breakfast - 20 min. HIIT on stationary bike...interval training program.
Post WO protein shake.

Trainerdan Thu, Jun-10-04 09:24

Look at Divina hittin' the weights! :) Looks good Di ... I'll keep popping in to take a look. ;)

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 09:57

Cool!! Thanks Dan. :D Trying to figure out which muscles groups to work one day..then off another.

My WO's are a bit unorganized.LoL

Oh yeah, came back to add the 20 pushups I did after cardio.hehe

mle_ii Thu, Jun-10-04 10:14

When I was first starting out years ago I did an excercise for each body part every other day. Not sure that is the best, but that's what I did.

Right now I'm trying to work through an injury so I decided to break it up by doing Shoulders, Back and Biceps one day and Chest, Triceps, and Legs on the other.

Once I get more to the intermediate level I'll do Chest and Triceps one day, Legs and Shoulders another, and Back and Biceps the third day. For this alternates the push pull muscles for those areas, except the Legs Shoulders of course. Also, alternate between which you do first because one fatigues the other, this way you can lift more with the first body part than you could if it was the second.

I'm sure someone with more info will chime in. :)

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 10:38

Wow mle_ii...thanks for the tips!!:) I will check out your gym log to get an idea as well. :thup:

mle_ii Thu, Jun-10-04 10:45

Heh, well I wouldn't put too much into what I say. I bet Built or TrainerDan could provide more substantiated info. Mine's mostly from a lot of reading of Men's Health, so take it for what it's worth. :) There are so many different techniques, one might work better for you than another.

In fact I wouldn't worry too much about when to workout what in the begining. The most important parts when you start out is to make working out a part of every day life, to concentrate on form and to build that connective tissue up for more intense workouts down the road. You don't want to burn out. And I seem to be the king of burn out. LOL

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 11:24

LoL Well, me too. I took off most my weight by doing cardio and weight training. More cardio though..and usually I did it the other way around..cardio I was pretty much exhausted by the time I tried the weights afterwards. I then switched to LC WOE..and I wanted to see if the diet worked on it's own..well..I did lose weight but, probably muscle along with that wasn't may have looked great on the scale but, really not worth it!

Now I feel so much healthier..have much more energy and more alive! My weight has gone up but, I'm not worried...I know things will even out eventually.(actually this is exactly why I was scared to start up my workout routine..crazy huh?..The things one will do to avoid seeing the scale #'s go up. :rolleyes: ) Anyways, I'd much rather be heavier with lean muscle mass than thin and flabby.LoL

Trainerdan Thu, Jun-10-04 11:58

A common split people use is "Push/Pull":

Back & Biceps one day, rest, Legs, rest, Chest & Triceps day, rest, repeat.

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 12:07

Hmmmm...I'm really liking that complete rest in between.:D Sounds good to me. Thanx Dan. :)

Right now I'm just trying to keep at it..don't want to get lazy..but, also don't want to burn myself out.

Thanks for all the tips guys! ;)

Built Thu, Jun-10-04 12:21

You are WORKING girlie! Good job!

I was laughing reading through your post of feeling like you had weights around your ankles. I feel like Mr. Heavyfeet after quad day.

I am so proud of you!

Divina99 Thu, Jun-10-04 12:46

Awww thanx Built.:blush: Your compliments mean alot to me. :agree:

I'm going to pin up these pics of Chyna as my focal point while lifting. LoL I always admired her...being the only woman wrestler in WWF at the time.

Trainerdan Thu, Jun-10-04 12:53

mmmmmm .. Chyna ...

Built Thu, Jun-10-04 12:55

I WANT her legs!

Divina99 Fri, Jun-11-04 19:48

Built's workout....This had me sweating big time.


abs 3 minutes

Made new dumbells...15lbs each...

LEGS weights were too light for legs. Going to up it to 20lbs.

split squats (stationary lunges): 30lbs 3 sets of 20-15-10

Don't have the cable or bench to do the lying leg curls so replacing with squats. Not sure if it works the same muscle group?

Dumbbell Squat: 30lbs 3 sets of 20-15-10

SHOULDERS 15lbs each arm.

Dumbbell lateral raises 4 sets of 7-5-4-3 (barely! more like 2-1/2 lol)
This killed me! :o

dumbbell shoulder (military) press 3 sets of 12-9-6

CHEST 15lbs each
dumbbell flys 3 sets of 20-15-10-

incline dumbbell press 3 sets of 12-10-6
leaned back on a chair.

overhead tricep extensions 10lbs 3 sets of 7-4-2
These killed me too...OUCH! Need to work on triceps!

Dumbbell Triceps Extension 3 sets of 15 lbs 6-5-3

What a workout!! :D

Oops...Addition mistake...math is not my strong either lol...I meant 30 lbs...15 in each hand for the leg work.

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