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muddauv3 Wed, Mar-10-04 07:47

Tryglicerides...SCARY LEVEL > Med question
:wiggle: Hi,
Im a little concerned. I want to start a plan. ( again) Not sure which one. I have tried, Atkins, SB, Fat Flush, WW, and Calorie Counting. Have a hard time sticking to them. I WANt to commit to one. Here is my concern, My Blood test have come back and my numbers are this:
Cholesterol= 320 high
Triglycerides= 316 high
HDL = 58 good
L D L = 199 high
Total ratio = 5.5 high
Risk was high 3.43
2004 results Feb
Cholestrol Total= 239 high
Triglycerides = 412 high
HDL = 45 good
L D L Not valid due to tri's were over 400
CHOL/HDL Ration 5.31 high
CHD Risk= 1.4 high

My doctor has perscribe Niaspan for me to take to lower my triglycerides.
Im not really sure if I want to take it. TO many side effect. It is time released and Im to take at night. ANyone taking this?

Secondly, will atkins, (if I can stick to it or SB) help with my cholestrol.
I do see some of my numbers dropped but, my tris went up.

Im hypothyroid/hashimotos here. and that I know plays a role

I would love to drop 50 pounds without dropping on the ground ... :cry:


TarHeel Wed, Mar-10-04 07:59

My doctor has perscribe Niaspan for me to take to lower my triglycerides.
Im not really sure if I want to take it. TO many side effect. It is time released and Im to take at night. ANyone taking this?

I was first put on Niaspan to try to lower my cholesterol. While I had no side effects, it didn't help with the cholesterol. So a little over a year ago, I was put on lipitor, and started Atkins. Within 4 months my blood lipid panels were vastly improved, and my doctor reduced the lipitor to 5mg a day. I'm hoping to be taken off of it completely when I go back for my physical this June.

Hope this helps,


Dodger Wed, Mar-10-04 10:19


What are the reasons that you could not stay of any diet plans?

muddauv3 Wed, Mar-10-04 10:30

Staying on plans??????
Originally Posted by Dodger

What are the reasons that you could not stay of any diet plans?
Well back when I did Atkins I had such a hard time with blank tasting foods. I love my fruit and ((( SHHH carbs))).. sooo it was hard for me. Then all the talk about how Atkins isnt really good for people. This was a year ago. Then, SB, not good at following thier food either, unsure of outcomes on that plan, Then joined WW. Not one ounce came off. was discouraged. Then I thought ok.. I give up until FAT Flush came out. That diet seemed to be ok. VERY COSTLY though and lot of things to prepare and follow. But I tried it. Then the blood work came back this past Feb and scared me... So, Im like at a loss, I dont know which way to turn.... what to do. My dr is so anti againts all these diets. But, i need to do something. 50 pounds needs to fall off and my tri's need to go down. What to do ...what to do..

To back up a little.....the other prob I have is ... A lot of cheeses make me feel horrible. I think I basically feel confused on Atkins, I cant do sugar free stuff. Splenda I can... but others no no... Then, I really get confused as to if IM eating ok. and sometimes there might be a little hidden sugar in some meat and it is hard to find some deli meat that doesnt have a form of sugar..things like that.

I hope you aren't confused by my reply as I was writing lol ;-):lol:

there is the sum of my tries


CindySue48 Sat, Mar-13-04 21:02

muddauv3: "I love my fruit and ((( SHHH carbs))).. sooo it was hard for me."

Yea....we all love them....and that's why we're here!

Carbs are addictive and you will go thru actual physical withdrawal (some of us worse than others) when you give them up That's the whole thing with the food industry AND the food guidelines! They want you to eat their product so they advertise it. Because of the thigh carb counts your clood sugars go all out of wack and you end up craving! Since you can't have that "bad" fat, you eat more carbs....and the cycle starts all over again.

How about this. Reread Atkins, Protein Power, whatever one you preferred, and read it thoroughly. Not just the parts about the meal plan, but the parts about the science behind LC (I think PP is better for this).

After you've read the book and understand exactly what too eat and when, gie it 2 weeks. If you don't notice a dramatic difference in how you look and feel, give it up. But you MUST follow induction as written, no "illegal" foods at all! If you slip, get right back on LC and go back to day 1 count.

You can give somethign up for 2 weeks! It may be hard, especially at first, but you can do it! The first few days you might want to cut back on your normal exercise routine (play it by ear). I've done induction twice and both times, by the end of the 4th day felt pretty lousy, but day 5 I woke up feeling great!

Right now I'm on day 13 and I've noticed a dramatic decrease in GI symptoms, have less joint pain, virtually no cravings, and am often not hungry at all between meals.

As for the foods on the plan? Just don't eat them. You don't HAVE to eat anything you don't like! I don't like artificial sweeteners, and have noticed sweet taste sets off my cravings, so I don't eat them. I don't like most cheeses, but the ones I like I love, so I don't ahve it every day, but when I do I have 3-4 oz for the day. I'm also very picky on veggies, so I eat mostly salads and just have a non-salad veggie 4-5 times/week. I eat at least 2 salads a day tho. Make sure you get enough to eat tho! If you don't like something, substitute, don't just drop it. And don't worry about fats! Natural foods are the best!

Give it a shot....but stick with it for the 2 weeks. I think you'll be glad you did! If you want to get your triglycerides down, LC is the way to go. Triglycerides are directly realted to carb intake....and some consider it more dangerous than TC, LDL or HDL.

And let us know how you're doing! This is a great place for support!!!!!

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