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Dstar96920 Sat, Sep-20-03 18:03

What is going on? When did this board become the Eating disorders board?!?!
I am moving over to another board for awhile, because I can't take any more "I am so fat, I am underweight already, must lose more" posts. Or, "Why I am stalled? I am only at 105 pounds, I have to weigh 100 pounds". WHAT?!? I can't stand even looking at them anymore! It doesn't matter HOW SMALL BONED YOU ARE!!!!! That is underweight, unless you are 4'10 and haven't reached puberty yet!!!! My sister at 5'7" and a size 4 weighed in at 110 pounds and HER DOCTOR had her visit a psychologist who treated her for an eating disorder. She had trouble getting pregnant, and the first time she did, miscarried. THAT made her take it seriously. She was obsessed with her weight too. And she looked like hell. She now makes herself eat, for her children. Yes, she is a HEALTHY 125, size 6 and has two beautiful little girls. We do have to watch her though, the best advice we give her is that we DO NOT want her teaching this destructive behavior to her girls. Sorry, but this has hit a MAJOR nerve. I will miss you guys! Especially you potatofree!

el corazón Sat, Sep-20-03 18:10

Wow sorry you feel like that! What board are you going to? I havent found many others as helpful and supportive as this 1.

Rosebud Sat, Sep-20-03 18:16

I'm sorry you feel the need to leave, Dstar. You're a great member and will be missed. :bhug:

Unfortunately, all weight loss forums tend to attract people with eating disorders as they try whatever they can to lose weight. Occasionally we can help them, but although I know most folk with ED's don't listen, I'll never stop trying! The sad truth is that a scary number of people with ED's die every year, and if we can occasionally get through to one, well - it makes it worth while.

Don't lose touch with us, Dstar. Please call in from time to time so we know you're still doing well. Even better, how about reconsidering going elsewhere? ;)


becky160 Sat, Sep-20-03 18:42

In this forum there are many posts and threads from people that had really gone thru hell to loose weight and have achieved their goal, thanks to this forum and the suscribers that gave them the help and support they needed.
New LCers that join day by day, will need your help, support and encouragment.
. :wiggle:

ian559 Sat, Sep-20-03 18:46

Sad to see you go I thought you had great comments and helpful advise. You just have to pic and choose the tread to read.

sophotia Sat, Sep-20-03 18:58

yeah I feel ya Dstar96920. Sad thing is these people dont even know who they are to even respond to your post. *sigh*

Dstar96920 Sat, Sep-20-03 19:01

Height Feet Inches

Small Medium Large Frame
4' 10" 102-111 109-121 118-131
4' 11" 103-113 111-123 120-134
5' 0" 104-115 113-126 122-137
5' 1" 106-118 115-129 125-140
5' 2" 108-121 118-132 128-143
5' 3" 111-124 121-135 131-147
5' 4" 114-127 124-138 134-151
5' 5" 117-130 127-141 137-155
5' 6" 120-133 130-144 140-159
5' 7" 123-136 133-147 143-163
5' 8" 126-139 136-150 146-167
5' 9" 129-142 139-153 149-170
5' 10" 132-145 142-156 152-173
5' 11" 135-148 145-159 155-176
6' 0" 138-151 148-162 158-179
Weights at ages 25-59 based on lowest mortality. Weight in pounds according to frame (in indoor clothing weighing 3 lbs.; shoes with 1" heels)

NYorker Sat, Sep-20-03 19:02

You know, I just ignore those threads. It works. I don't have time for that nonsense.

atlee Sat, Sep-20-03 19:10

DStar: After you've been here for a while, you'll notice that this board is very prone to "memes", where a bunch of similar posts will pop up at once. For two or three weeks, everyone will be talking about refeeds/carb blowouts, then everyone is suddenly stalled at once, and so on. Yes, you'll always see a thread or two on any weight-loss-related board that makes you go hmmm, but normally it's not all-ED-all-the-time. Wait it out, it'll go away, and in a couple weeks you can listen to everyone talk about how they're justified in going off-plan for Halloween :).

becky160 Sat, Sep-20-03 19:10

I completely understand you. I feel really offended by those posts and make me also angry. But please....Don't leave.
You should post in all those threads, the weight table you posted in here. Let them know your feelings and give them your point of view...maybe this way they will react, even if your point of view is different from theirs. They just want to hear" oh, hooney, yes you are so FAT and ugly"...or the contrary...."What are you talking about, you look great." I have the impresion that the people that make this posts are childish, and unmature, and want to get all the attention
POST: Please, helpe me , I feel SOOOO FAT." Got our attention didn`t it!

J.J. Sat, Sep-20-03 19:10


When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

If this were easy everyone would be doing it!

Those are two things I've always been told. Bailing out isn't the answer! You're focusing on the wrong things. You can only only give advise to folks, but you can't expect them to take it!

Life isn't always easy! These folks who have these unrealistic expectations will be disappointed and won't last long term. It is not your job to convince them or cure them!

Think of the folks who have taken your advise and benefitted from it and not the ones who have eating disorders. You can't help them, they must help themselves!

Archie Sat, Sep-20-03 19:32

Hi Dstar96920 ,
I joined ALCers in August, a short time ago and quickly found there was a TON of useful, helpful information here. I also began to notice that some of the post didn't seem to make much sense like the "I'm Stalled" post where the posters starting weight would be something like 125 and the target weight was 118. Or the poster who after 4 months was down to 124 from 126 and they would expounding on the virtues of Atkins or LCing. I find now that I can more or less ignore those posts as I think we all should so as not to encourage the forums to transform into something they weren't intended for. But if those like yourself who make proper use of it all leave :tears: then it will transform and a very valuable resource may be lost to those like myself who benefit from it. For the ones like me who are grateful and benefit from the ones like you I would humbly ask you to stay. :yay: I have lost 33lbs and my life is transformed and it just keeps getting better....that's what these forums are about and we need you here to keep it working.

Dstar96920 Sat, Sep-20-03 19:42

You guys are gonna make me cry! I have been whining to my husband for hours about "losing my friends on my LC board" He made me come and see if anyone had posted a reply...and YOU ARE ALL SOOOO NICE!!!!!! I just take this so seriously, maybe a little too seriously, but I really worry for these people! I go back and forth, from being MAD at them, to feeling sorry, back and forth. I did take becky's advice, and posted the weight charts. I didn't reply, just the info. If just one of them would look at it, and say "Wow" I really am thin! I would be happy. Guess this whole thing just got a little too close to home (with my sister), and it was hard for me to ignore. THANKS AGAIN YOU GUYS! :)

fishfish Sat, Sep-20-03 19:47


If you do not like those posts, why read them? This board is filled with a very diverse group of people; all ages, varied socio-economic backgrounds, worldwide geography, etc....

I am a 40 year old male living in Beverly Hills; do you think I relate to each and every post? Of course not. Everyone on this board is trying to improve themselves with this woe. Maybe you shouldn't be so judgemental. I am sure there are people who don't like or relate to your posts; big deal.

I have gotten a tremendous benefit from being a part of this board. I have even gotten a benefit from reading posts that I considered annoying or stupid or ignorant.

So if you want to leave, fine. Your loss, though. This board is a great resource; maybe you could figure out a way to use it to your benefit instead of letting your dissatisfaction with certain elements of it get in the way of helping you with this common challenge we share.

NYorker Sat, Sep-20-03 19:49

You know, Archie's point is the best. If people leave because of the annoying (but also pathetic) cries for attention from people who need a different kind of help than is offered here, then they end up taking over the board.

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