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sasquatch Fri, Dec-05-03 05:48

Protein Power Pals..FRIDAY!! December 5th
Good Morning Everyone!!
Just wanted to get the thread up & running!!! :roll:

BawdyWench Fri, Dec-05-03 06:16

Hi, Rob! Judging from Orang's pic, I better start practicing making martinis for Christmas Eve!

Only have a second. The Bowflex took ALL DAY to put together -- from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. That was a workout in and of itself. Several screws, nuts, and bolts were missing (nothing I probably can't get at the local hardware store), and only two things were missing that would need to be ordered from Bowflex. I need to make a formal list and then contact the seller (who promised to replace missing pieces) to order them from Bowflex.

I did a few exercises, and DH did a few more even. We're supposed to be getting a huge snowstorm this weekend (maybe 2 feet of snow), so we'll play with it more then. I also have to stop on the way home from work today to pick up a Christmas tree before it starts snowing.

I'll try to sneak in again later, but might not get in again until tonight.

Have a lovely day. I'm taking the afternoon off to get a facial. Yes, I'm treating myself, but what's a princess to do?

RobinBeBe Fri, Dec-05-03 07:06

Skipping breakfast??
G'morning all!!

I am not a big breakfast eater, never have been. Most mornings I am rushed anyways, and if I eat anything it is usually some leftover bacon or sausage and that is it.
I know from my low fat days breakfast was hugely emphasised, as a way to keep your metabolism moving and of course keep your blood sugar stable.

Do you all eat breakfast, and is it really that important?

Bawdy.....looks like you have your hands full with that bowflex :) Good luck with it!!

PatchLady Fri, Dec-05-03 07:39

Maybe the whole Bowflex work out is getting it together? LOL

I am hoping for a treadmill this year for christmas, but I don't think that is going to happen.

I would love to get a weight set, and treadmill (or other cardio) so I can workout at home. We live in the middle of nowhere, closest gym is 40 miles away. The winters are too cold and snowy to keep a regular walking routine.

ewinpa Fri, Dec-05-03 07:52

Good morning all and welcome to PatchLady! :)

I am fluctuating between 221 and 222. I am trying a slightly more protein type day.Bfast was 1/2 cup cottage cheese and snack is 1 cup lowfat yogurt with 3 strawberries. I am taking a half day vacation (i have some time to use up that I can't carry over)so I can go out a grocery shop, etc as we are expecting around 6 or more inches of snow tomorrow. I had a piece of lc bread with eggs yesterday, maybe I shouldn't eat that yet. Oh well, I'm certainly not throwing in any towels or anything. And yes, Robin, I do eat breakfast. I have always been a morning person and love breakfast. I could care less about dinner sometimes.

Patch Lady, I have Leslie Sansone's Walk away the Pounds tapes. They are great when the weather's bad and even when it's not. If you don't have a treadmill these will at least make you break a sweat if you do the 3 and 4 mile versions (1/2 hr to 50 min or so).

PatchLady Fri, Dec-05-03 08:58

Hi ewinpa...I have leslie's tape. I do use them from time to time.

I see you are from Lansdale. I grew up in Pennsburg which is close to Quakertown.

I now live in Laporte PA which is north of williamsport Pa.

Lissette Fri, Dec-05-03 09:44

Good morning everyone! :sunny:

BW & Elaine,

It sounds like you easterners are in for some precip!!! Stay warm!!!

Welcome Patchlady, i too live out in the middle of nothing! We purchased a trimline treadmill 5 years ago and I LOVE it, :rheart: Of course when the weather is nice I go for a walk or run out on our land, but if I get home to late the snakes come out, so I use the treadmill almost all year round! :)

Robin, I HAVE to eat breakfast, i get way to faint if I do not, and I do think that it does start up your metabolism! My dh is not much of a morning eater, but I will fix him just alittle serving anyway! I feel better if I eat, if I do not I will be fatiqued and feel light-headed. :daze: If you do not like breakfast, maybe try some yogurt, or have something alittle later like around 9 or 10 if you can't handle something so early! Good luck! :)

HELLO to Orang,Ellie,Wendy, Rob,Marnie,Kristine,Dreamer,Black, and to anyone else reading our thread today! :roll:

ewinpa Fri, Dec-05-03 09:49

PatchLady, I used to live in Allentown for a few years ; I'm more familiar with the Scranton area but I know where Williamsport is.

Lissette, do not give Orang an excuse to make a Photoshop picture of you getting chased by snakes :lol:


Lissette Fri, Dec-05-03 09:55

:lol: :lol:

Orang Fri, Dec-05-03 10:10

I got on the scale again this AM - 179 lbs. I'm not changing my weight until I've been off the steroids for two full weeks (that will be 12/13). My rings are still so tight I can't move them - much less get them off - so I know I'm still retaining a lot of water. Since I've been doing the modified protein days, my breath has got stinky again and I pee every ten minutes so maybe this will pass soon. :roll:

Yesterday's menu:
Snack 1: 1/2 cup cottage cheese
Snack 2 : 6 ozs sf yogurt
Snack 3: 2.5 ozs lean ham
Snack 4: 1/2 cup cottage cheese
Snack 5: 1/2 cup cottage cheese with one scoop chocolate whey powder and one packet splenda.
Snack 5: cottage cheese

8 oz chicken liver - very lightly floured - fried in canola oil
1 cup steamed cabbage
.75 cup - diced tomato with minced onion, a tiny bit of sweetener, garlic powder and parmesan cheese

Welcome to the thread. Elaine (Ewinpa) and Bawdy know a lot about various workout tapes - they can probably help you find something that will keep you workout during the frigid months

Glad you enjoyed Yeti Claus and the chocolate mousse. Of course, that was sf chocolate.

Thanks so much for the tips re: what to wear to the juror interviews Monday. Hubby actually has an NRA ball cap (it was a gift from the vendor that sells his firm ammo for the guards) - and I likely have a friend or two from my hippie days with NORML T-shirts... perhaps I should borrow some of that blue hair dye from my grandkids? And maybe some of the pink or purple for highlights?

Noticed your calories seems to be getting lower than in the past - is you appetite decreasing? Imagine it would as you've lost over 100 lbs --
:wiggle: :thup: :wiggle: You are still the man for doing that :wiggle: :thup: :wiggle:

Shelley (Lisette):
Wow re: what you are doing -- let me know how this works for you. My doc won't let me do the protein only days at all because of the metabolic disorder - said it was too risky. What I am trying is days where most of my carbs come from mainly protein sources - and it does seem to be taking my appetite down.

Not sure how I will do the WOE if I end up having to spend days in court -- I have lots of chocolate whey powder (I bought a 5 lb jar the day I met the ladies in GNC) and I always keep string cheese and small pepperoni sticks around (not sure tummy can handle those right now though) - I'm off soft food, but the docs want me to wait another week on things like raw veggies and spicy foods.

Glad to hear you mostly got the bow-flex together. I've heard they are a real bear to put together.

Yikes re: snow forecast - they are saying we might get an inch or two here - the stores were sold out of bread and eggs last night. They go nuts here when the 's' word is mentioned.

Congrats on the weight loss and stick with the program. I'm so proud of you.

We've been missing you - how about letting us know how you are doing.

Ellie is the authority on what works for those who don't care for breakfast -- I wake up hungry and get light-headed if I don't eat within a couple of hours.

Rebecca (oneEye):
Yikes re: the snow in your area - how is our California girl doing in the frozen north. Know having hubby there to keep you warm is nice.

Missing you - hope the silence is because you and your son are having a wonderful time. Please let us know you are OK when you can.

Know you are really busy being an executive chef at this time of year - know you have our support and write when you can.

Missing you - how about checking in.


OK girl - stop that lip-locking long enough to come up for air and say hi :lol:
Seriously, overjoyed that you have found a fellow who seems to be just what you wanted. As Karen has noted - I'm psychic ( :D )
I'm see you in a wedding dress on rollerblades.... :yay:

So glad you have found a method to achieve your goals. Looking forward seeing some of the pics you mentioned from Thanksgiving.

Missing you - know your hubby was gone until yesterday. Is you neighbor doing OK? How about DD and the flu?

:bhug: Know things have been hectic lately for you

Are you lost in the Canadian pre-holiday traffic :D Hope all is well with you.

Lissette Fri, Dec-05-03 11:53

hey there! :)

I was needing to know what the calorie count, the carbs, and fat count is for egg whites??? :help:

I do not have time to get on fitday , so i thought you guys would know here??

Thanks! Lissette :) :) :) :)

Orang Fri, Dec-05-03 12:06

Egg White Stats: one large egg white
Calories: 17.160
Fat 0.056 gms
Carbs 0.241 gms
Protein 3.597 gms

Source USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference

Lissette Fri, Dec-05-03 12:10

:) :) :) :) THANKS ORANG! :) :) :)

Now I am off to have some for lunch!! :D

Chamellie Fri, Dec-05-03 13:59

Don't have much time but wanted to poke my head in and say hi :) DH came back last night, sure did miss him :heart: As luck would have it, TOM has officially left the building, just in time :lol: Nieghbor is doing well and DD is over the flu. She took her first math test today since starting with her tutor......SHE GOT AN 84!!!!! The highest grade I have seen is a 61. The problem seems to be the teacher, how do I handle that? Wendy??

Robin - I am not a breakfast person, never have been. DH has been making me a slice of lc toast w/butter & SF Jelly or a thin slice of pumpkin bread w/butter with my coffee in the morning so I don't take my meds on an empty stomach. Otherwise I have something light around 9/10 am. Sometimes yogurt w/ 1/3 cup fiber one cereal mixed in or cottage cheese w/berries.

:wave: To everyone and I will try to post again later :)

ewinpa Fri, Dec-05-03 14:03

Hello from the snowy east.
Took the aft off from work, went grocery shopping and DID NOT BUY ANY JUNK except no sugar Edy's ice cream on sale :devil: (we are getting a half foot or more of snow, I have to have SOME comfort food in the house :lol: ) but bought mostly meat, 4 tubs of cottage cheese, 2 tubs of yogurt and salad greens. Also bought some frozen blackberries and raspberries as I put these in my yogurt. Going to make some soup and stew so I bought a small bag of mini carrots for the freezer and some peas.Don't eat those much but they're nice now and then.

Also went to the Vitamin Shoppe and stocked up on what I was running out of.

It wasn't snowing too badly until a little while ago, when it started up again. I'm glad I'm home and won't be driving when it's dark out tonight.

Just had 3 oz turkey ham and 1.5 oz swiss cheese. Never did eat the cottage cheese I brought as a "just in case" snack to work this AM, so this is the first I've eaten since 8 AM(it's a little after 3PM here).

OK, enough about me-but thanks Orang for the nice words :) Glad to hear you are finding a way to modify the protein days. I'm wondering if the Yeti Mousse may have stalled me? I know some people stall when they have protein powders or bars, etc.I hope not, it was SOOOO good!

Hi Lissette, sounds like you are busy today!!Hi to Ellie (way to go for your DD's math test!), Wendy, Robin, Rob,Marnie, Rebecca and the rest of the world!!

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