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Lessara Wed, Dec-11-02 08:07

Big Ladies Club
I was hoping start a thread for those of us, women, who have over 100lbs to lose. I'm looking for people who have low carbed for over 6 months and would like to talk about exercising, stalls, expectations and such.

Lately I have been fustrated with my weight loss and I've been low carbing for over a year. I do a variety of plans, Atkins and protein power being the main ones. I started going to the gym a month ago, and I'm currently caffeine free. :)

I had really hoped to be at least 250 by this time since I've first started and I feel alittle like a failure sometimes. Other times I feel like I have picked off all my problem areas and smooth sailing should occure. :rolleyes: Maybe its unrealistic but its a dream :D
So is there anyone interested?

DarkLotus Wed, Dec-11-02 09:13

I'm interested, I have 41 more pounds out of 106 to go, so I dunno if you want me in your group or not. I have been doing Atkins for 9 months now with fairly good results. I also exercise five times a week, doing weights lifting and cardio. I'm also preparing/considering my first Body for Life challenge in January (I want to read the official rules thoroughly before I commit to it). Having fellow lowcarbers with similar goals to share notes with is always helpful. :wave:

DWRolfe Wed, Dec-11-02 09:24

So I guess I have nothing to contribute because I'm a guy?

:lol: I guess I have always viewed the Triple Digits Club as being sort of an all inclusive environment--the common bond being the big triple digit numbers... True, I'm not likely to jump in on TOM or PMS conversations, but how we eat, exercise, our self image issues are really the same.

We've kicked around a Men's Only group several times and concluded that it wasn't really necessary because it's actually really good to have diversity in a group. And sometimes we learn that the things we think are so very important to members of the opposite sex aren't important at all.

I certainly won't kick if people want to make a Women's Only Group. I support anything that helps us get healthy and lose weight. But for the record, I'm willing to share fully and openly with everyone in the TDC. ;)

Donald :wave:

upncomer Wed, Dec-11-02 12:13

I'll join the group! After a couple of dismal months, I have decided to get my act in gear again!

I have bought the Zumba tapes to begin dancing/working out (Beto is such a cutie! ;) ), and am pooped just by learning the steps!!! :eek: I have a very bad back from surgeries so I am taking it very slow.

I am also starting a journal (including my thoughts as well as food) to find out WHY I decide to eat something I shouldn't. I know that when I get to the root of my past problems, I will be able to handle my crisis problems a bit better.

My problem is keeping all of my stresses, frustrations, feelings inside of me and not letting them out and taking care of it. Instead of letting it out, I open my mouth and let the food in!

BTW, Donald, I don't mind you being here - you give me a lot of insight of myself. Besides, you make me jealous on how great you are doing!!! :p

Lessara Wed, Dec-11-02 14:42

Donald, I would love having your handsome face hanging around here but... ;)
Sometimes I get so discouraged about my weight loss when I see how much you have lost :rolleyes: My weight loves me and is a struggle to lose. But please any words of wisdom would be greatly appriciated! :D Do you go to a gym? Just wondered what your exerience might of been like. :)

Lessara Wed, Dec-11-02 14:52

Donald, I would love having your handsome face hanging around here but... ;)
Sometimes I get so discouraged about my weight loss when I see how much you have lost :rolleyes: My weight loves me and is a struggle to lose. But please any words of wisdom would be greatly appriciated! :D Do you go to a gym? Just wondered what your exerience might of been like. :)

DWRolfe Wed, Dec-11-02 15:49

OMG, that's not good!
The last thing I want to do is make anyone feel badly about their LC progress, Kassie!

I know what you mean about being envious, as I know others in the forum have lost more than I. But it doesn't cause me to feel bad about my own progress. Rather, I hope my stats inspire others. ;)

You probably won't like this answer much, but no, I do not belong to a gym. In fact I only added walking as a form of exercise to my program about 7 weeks ago. So until then, I had managed to lose about 80+lbs without working out. But one day I was re-reading DANDR and it includes a statement that if you're not exercising while following the Atkins plan that you're not really doing the plan fully. So I started walking. And I feel great for doing so. I sit at a desk all day, so walking is much needed by my body. It also gives me a great opportunity to clear my head of work related issues and to do some planning for the future. I don't listen to music while I walk, I just think and breath. Before I know it, I''ve walked 2.5 miles or more and I'm ready for a shower and a good night's sleep.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're giving the gym a try. It's only going to be good for you and it may be just the ticket for jump starting your weight loss program. :thup:

And thanks for not slamming the TDC Big Ladies Club door in my face! :)

Donald :wave:

gapgirl420 Wed, Dec-11-02 18:02

This is a good idea, and DONALD...your experience in the loss department would be could be the supervisor of sorts :q:

I've lost 30 of 110 lbs...I haven't started exercising yet, but after reading Donald's comment from DANDR...I guess I better get on the stick....well on the least!

Thanks for thinking of this Lessara


liz175 Wed, Dec-11-02 20:13

The thing that concerns me about this threat is that those of us who don't meet the criteria (I've only low carbed for five months, not over six, so I don't meet the criteria -- perhaps I am just being selfish here), are going to lose an important source of support. The Triple Digits Club is slow enough now as is; drawing people away to an exclusive forum will make the rest of us feel even less a part of a community.

Lessara Wed, Dec-11-02 21:14

This thread isn't carved in stone
Liz you are most welcomed aboard! :wave:
I was just trying to give a general idea. Sorry if it made you feel left out :(

Donald, I hope I didn't upset you. Maybe I word it wrong :rolleyes: You are an inspiration, no doubt about that! The fact you are male helps you with your loss. I wish I could be as inspiring but I'm a very slow loser of weight but I was hoping to form a support group. I feel sometimes like an outsider because I have so much to lose. Everyone else who has a lot to lose has lost quite a bit of weight. I hope I don't sound too pithetic! :eek:

I still have hope, for all I know, exercise added to my non caffeine existance, coupled with low carbing just might start my landslide.
GapGirl and Liz, you are doing great! :yay:
Same with you DarkLotus! :clap: :clap:

gapgirl420 Thu, Dec-12-02 17:34

THANKS Lessara!!!!!

It feel so good to be finally loosing...It took me a while to get started...I would get the inspiration and then something or someone would knock me back down...

Now that I've got my eating under control and decided to do this FOR ME and NO ONE ELSE, it's working and I'm going all the way down this time!!!!

Everyone is doing so good, and no one should take offense and think that they can't come in here to post...Everyone is a winner here and the only way to stay that way is to SUPPORT EACH OTHER!!!


tripletmom Fri, Dec-13-02 14:54

Not sure if I totally fit the criteria or not... but here goes:

I was on LC for 8 months from 1/2000 - 8/2000 lost 80 pounds, got pregnant (see my user name!) and am just now getting back.... January 1 is my start date, with no exception!

I know all about stalls, Atkins, Protein Power, etc., and am always happy to give someone a boot in the butt, as long as they'll be willing to do the same for me!

I figured I would also do an exercise tape daily... I have a few Richard Simmons tapes, and if he is too perky that day for me, I also have Tae-Bo. Thinking about getting a Pilates video as well.

I would love to start accumulating recipes so we can have our own "triple digits recipe book"... format to be determined. I also have MasterChef software, so if you have a recipe, and not sure of it's values, I can find out!

So, can I join too??

DWRolfe Fri, Dec-13-02 16:32

Not a chance...
1 Attachment(s)
Originally posted by Lessara
Donald, I hope I didn't upset you. Maybe I word it wrong :rolleyes:

Absolutely not! You didn't upset me in any way. ;)

I'm frankly really happy to see how many women are interested in participating in this group! Hats off to all of you. And trust me, there will be many more people wanting to join in January...holy cow...that's just a few weeks away!

More power to the Women's Group!

Donald :wave:

sheilaraye Fri, Dec-13-02 21:55

Hi everyone--this is neat thread!
Kassie--how did you kick caffeine? Did you do it gradually
or go cold turkey? It's the one vice I cannot seem to give
up. I can do it for a two or three days maybe, but the
pull is unbelievable.....Diet Mountain Dew!! Woo hoo.
Hope you don't mind if I look in here from time to time--
it's inspiring to read what you all have to say.

Catmom Mon, Dec-16-02 15:22

Count me in on this one too. I'm down 28 pounds after 5 months (do I qualify) but have had my share of slow loss and stalls. I finally have my "head" in a place where I am accepting of slow loss. I have adjusted my expectations to know that I simply won't lose more than 1 pound per week on average if that. At first it drove me totally nuts but I now accept that it is going to take me 2 years plus to get to goal.
I am not exercising very much - upper body weights only. I have arthritis in one knee and have a hard time walking too much. My goal on that is to lose enough weight that my arthritis will be less painful by spring and can go walking each day with DH.

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