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greentea Tue, Sep-10-02 11:23

40 somthing Peri-pausal Thread
Okay all you PP's out there,
We need to share with each other just so we know we really ARE
normal :daze:
Doc. confirmed I was "Beginning the beginning", in hindsight I
now know that it "Began" several years ago :eek:
:confused: can't remember DH's name or why I walked into the kitchen but can remember my phone number from 1967.
:daizy:One minute I'm Martha Stewert, the next, I'm Mommie Dearest :devil:
:mad: TOM goes from nothing too Niagra Falls and back again
:thdown: Nightsweats...I should be 20 lbs. lighter :exclm:
:( I used to always be cold, last winter I didn't wear a coat once
:mad: used to have the patients of a saint...... sales clerks now run when they see me coming, solicitors no longer call, I put up a beware of dog sign!
:( matabolisim is zilch
;) I want "celery" all the time!!!! (get it bblondie??) (hee,hee)
Doc. put me on a Med. and it has helped, she failed to tell me
the side effects of going off. (found out the hard way)
The med slows weight loss. If it weren't for LC-ing I would be gaining because of it.
So when do the benifits of this transition start. Is the worst part over or are there more joyful experiences waiting :q:
Someone out there has got to be going through the same
thing :spin:
Looking forward to some company here,
greentea :wave:

bblondie Tue, Sep-10-02 14:34

You go girl!
Wow Gt I can relate to many of them. Not the "celery problem". You should be thankful, usually it's the opposite. You always want "celery"!!
I've really noticed the mood thing. I feel somewhat possessed during certain times of the month! And if my DH dares to say are you PMS I would truly bite his head off! Noing in the back of mind , yes I am. If you talk to a dr. about it they want to put you on a anti depressant. It's not that!

I hope you stir up some help!!

Judi B. Wed, Sep-11-02 14:47

OK so Ive been in denial!
I'm right there with ya! I will be 42 this year and I'm in total denial that this is due to the "m" word. I can't even say it :p

I have every one of those symptoms-and my libido is thru the roof :D read:boyfriend is happy!

I will get out of the shower and try to put makeup on and I'll have to stand in front of the fan to stop sweating. BF thinks its funny and he actually was the one who said that it may be happening! It never even occured to me that it was possible-besides-I'm only 25-aren't I :D ?

bblondie Wed, Sep-11-02 15:02

hey wait!!
Gt and Judi b,

Wait, when does that start happening? My libido has stayed about the same. I would love to have that effect and dh would too. Is this common? I thought It was the opposite.


Judi B. Wed, Sep-11-02 15:19


I guess it all started happening with the hot flashes! Hard to say, been with my guy for 2.5 yrs and it keeps getting better.

I just wish my metabolism would go thru the roof with my libido. THat would be a match made in heaven :lol:


pegm Wed, Sep-11-02 19:15

I'm past the 40's and into the 50's (I'm 51) and can really relate to everything! The crazy TOM (Niagra Falls is right!) . hit at age 40 -- went on until a couple of years ago. Tried a D & C, but it didn't help. Then the skipping a month now and then, now it's been 7 months! Maybe I'm done for good this time.

My hot flashes didn't start until I started skipping TOM. They are AWFUL!!! I sleep with the ceiling fan on -- wake up roasting, throw off the covers, then wake up a while later freezing because I'm laying in damp clothing from the night sweats with no covers and the ceiling fan blowing on me. I get so exhausted because I wake up over and over -- never can sleep through the night.

I used to like hot showers -- now I'm inclined to take cool ones. Sometimes, by the time I'm ready for work, I've had so many hot flashes trying to get ready that I wonder why I even bothered to shower! I can't wear sweaters in the winter any more -- get WAY too hot!!

My mood swings are awful, metabolism non-existent, and I'm really hoping the night sweats and hot flashes stop some time soon. Anyone else out there who's beyond the hot flashes and night sweats? When do they end?

upncomer Thu, Sep-12-02 12:23


The hot flashes are a personal thing - they can go away after a time, or, like my mom (who is going on 74) STILL gets hot flashes daily!! :mad:

My doc has been testing my blood every 6 months or so and has told me that my levels aren't there yet, but I have started with the hot flashes already - this summer has been a ROYAL PAIN, believe me!! the heat just aggravates my flashes. By the time I am done curling my hair (with a fan on behind me FULL BLAST), my hair is wet and straight. I walk around with my nightshirt under my boobs to soak up the sweat, as well as under the tummy (but THAT is now going away - yay!!! :yay: )

My TOM is now every two weeks, but only 1-1/2 - 2 days long.

I am just waiting for the cool weather to come - this weekend!!

greentea Fri, Sep-13-02 22:19

bblondie, Judi B, Pegm, Upncomer,
Yea :D I knew someone out there HAD to relate :exclm:
Not the funnist club to be in but mine as well make the best of it.
bblondie, I was 39 when "celery" became my every waking thought....and I'm still thinking :eek: So there are SOME good things that come from all this :thup:
upncomer that is funny about the T-shirt. I must use 1/2 a container of baby powder under mine! This Hot summer was torture and I normally LOVE the heat. I was sweating by the time
I'd get done bathing.
Judi, I'm with you if the libido can go this nuts why can't our matabolism :mad: (then again we do burn a lot of cal's....oh my,
I'm thinking again :blush:)
So, Pegm am I to understand you had to go through this for over 10 yrs. before you stoped having TOM's :q:
I asked my Dr. to check my level and tell me where I was at and she said she didn't know of any test like that :mad: Everyone else has DR's that seem to know...time to change Drs. I guess.
This LC-ing has helped in as much that I don't BLOAT like I used too and my energy level is much better. As far as moods not sure if its the meds or the LC that should take credits. Going to try and cut the meds. and see what happens...(Look out DH, LOL)
greentea :wave:

AngelaR Sat, Sep-14-02 04:00

May I join you ladies? Boy can I relate to this thread!!!

I've been trying to get info out of my mom about what she went through, but she had a stroke a while back and doesn't remember. :( Both of my sisters are starting as well, and we try to compare notes. Geez, when did we "grow up and get old?" I still call the youngest "my little sister" and she's 46!

What I have most is the horrible mood swings and memory blanks. I've been taking evening primrose oil and St. John's Wort, but I really don't think they do much.

Isn't there a way to grow old gracefully? :rolleyes:

bblondie Sat, Sep-14-02 08:54

Has anyone heard of progesterone cream helping alot of pms and premen. symptoms? I have a few friends who sware by it. You get it at the health and vitamin store. I asked my male doctor about it and he says it's there imagination but he's a man!

Anyone have any info??

greentea Sat, Sep-14-02 08:56

Hey AngelaR,
Welcome :exclm:
I have a sister that I can share with too, but we're over 2,000
miles apart so we have long pasual calls ;)
She's older but I started symptoms first but only by a month or less. She blames me for telling her about mine and says that's
what caused her to start, Lol.
My Mom won't talk of such far as she is concerned
she never went through anything but she still won't admit to
dipping in the "celery" bin either :rolleyes:
I tried the saint johns a long time ago but as my symptoms became greater it was too much for even a saint to handle :D

So, my next question is: How is Everyone's Significant Other handling all this :q:
My DH and I seem to find all the humor in it.
He has me laughing even when I'm ready to demolish the house. He's also pretty in tune with me and knows
instinctively when I need a hug or for him to take over everything. He REALLY appreciates my love of "celery" although sometimes he finds it necessary to hide :roll:
Since he's so understanding it's easier for me to roll with his crazy male mid-life crisis :daze:
greentea :wave:

molmerlin Sat, Sep-14-02 09:19

yee haw, glad to see this thread. I am there too I am 45, I thought that was too young. but holy cow, iapparently not. tom can be 7 or 8 weeks late, niagra falls the whole deal. and these hot flashes. what the heck is up with that? glad to see I am in the same boat with others. I have mood swings that must surely baffle my coworkers

greentea Sat, Sep-14-02 09:25

One other thing we all have in common....
We ALL think we're TOO young for this, LOL :daze:
bblondie, never heard of the creme, tell me more :exclm:
greentea :wave:

AngelaR Sat, Sep-14-02 10:02

ok, somebody clue me in. I don't get "the celery" Did I read it and forget already????? *darn, a mind is a beautiful thing to waste*

greentea Sat, Sep-14-02 13:43

Hey Angela,
Did ya get my PM :q: :spin:

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