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resha Wed, Jul-23-03 09:55

Ok I know I have read about this subject on this board before but my puter wont let me search out here???

So here is my problem. I am experiencing very bad heart palpatations!! Now I have had them for years but they havent been very bad a couple a day. Now that I have started Atkins they have gotten really bad I have been doing this for 10 days. I do take Atenenol for high blood pressure. My doctor has always said not to worry about them but now that they have gotten worse since I started I am a little freaked out??

Has anyone else had this experience?? If so what did you do?? Any help I would sure appreciate!! I know if I call my doctor he will tell me to stop Atkins and I really dont want to do that I have had great success so far!! 9lbs and counting!!

Thank you!!

KristyC Wed, Jul-23-03 10:12

I, too, suffer from palpitations. I have noticed mine have gotten some worse since I started Atkins 3 weeks ago, but not alarmingly worse. By saying they have gotten really bad, what do you mean? How many episodes do you have per day? If they are alarming you, I would definitely consult with your doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.

vcrothb Wed, Jul-23-03 10:54

Hi Resha;

During Induction/ first 3 weeks I had an occasional 'fluttering' feeling in my neck- is that what heart palpitations feel like? They have gone away now- I am in Week 5. Don't know what it was but maybe just my body adjusting.

Would be interested to hear other's experiences with this.


resha Wed, Jul-23-03 11:05

Well how can I explain they are very frequent like I have an extra beat. I also feel very sluggish today and somewhat lightheaded. I am on my way out to get some pottasium I have read this may be the problem. If that doesnt help I am putting in a call to the doctor.

TES Wed, Jul-23-03 11:23

Hi resha & All,

I had to start taking potassium and also mineral supplements after being on Atkins for a month to help control PVC's (heart palpations) that are a result of having two heart surgeries to replace valves. It seems this WOE and its diuretic effect, depleting electrolytes, intensified the problem. The mineral supplements alone helped, but when I added Taurine almost all have stopped. I have not seen any effect on my weight loss or BP which is now quite low anyway. I am still taking HTCZ (diuretic) and atenolol, but at my last check up my cardiologist said to eliminate them and the potassium when I was comfortable doing that. From all I have read, Taurine is a very safe and commonly needed supplement with no bad side effects. I take 500mg daily, 99mg potassium and a combo mineral pill containing 1000mg calcium 400mg magnesium, and 15mg zinc. These are all 100% of your daily requirement.

Palpations should be checked by a physician if they are a new event as they could be from an underlying cause other than diet. Most, however, are harmless and are caused by a multitude of things, making it very hard for a doctor to prescribe a cure. My cardio man says "I just can't help you with those" and to live with them. I have found that mental stress is my biggest trigger and before I truly believed and knew that mine were harmless, each one I felt caused more....ahh, that active imagination at work.

SO, if you want some amateur (but experienced) advice over the Internet, I would suggest adding these supplements in this order, one at a time for a week or so to see if it helps: potassium, combo mineral, L-Taurine. If you are really concerned, see your doc to make sure they are the harmless variety. It will put your mind at ease and eliminate the stress factor that can make them worse.

Best wishes,

hey_Neener Wed, Jul-23-03 11:28

Put in a call to your doctor. Palpatations are not simple benign things to "get used to." If they are happening chronically there may be something wrong. Are you taking caffeine or herbal products that could be causing the problem? Are you stressed out? Are you taking your potassium and calcium supplements-or making sure you are getting enough in your diet? The doctor can check your blood for electrolytes and let you know if you are off and tell you how to correct it. He can also order an EKG to see if you have an underlying heart condition. He needs to know you are on a low carb diet- you should not withhold info from your provider! The diet itself should not cause heart problems-it's the lack of nutrients that create side effects.

BlessedOne Wed, Jul-23-03 11:29

hi resha!
I took atenolol for about 7 years. I would strongly suggest going to the dr. It could be that your blood pressure has dropped enough that now you are taking too high a dose of the med. It could be the potassium, also. If it is your bp med, you really need to see the dr so he/she can adjust your dosage correctly. Don't just stop taking it on your own.

IMO, Shari

BluiizCA Wed, Jul-23-03 11:37

I would also recommend you have your thyroid tested. Heart palpatations are also a symptom of hyperthyroidism. I've suffered them for years, but not while on my anti-thyroid drugs. I did have a few palpatation issues during the first week of induction.

Are you drinking coffee?

resha Wed, Jul-23-03 12:07

You guys are great!! I have been to the doctor for these in the past wore the halter monitor and did an ekg. He told me not to worry about them that everything is fine. I do have them fire up every so often where they are bothersome but upon starting Atkins they have progressivly gotten worse. I have run to the store to get some pottasium I am going to get started with that I also take a multi vitamin and was wondering if something in that was the problem I never have been able to handle multi vitamins very well in the past. I did have my pressure checked on the store machine while I was there and is high but I have really worked myself up today about this I was pretty nervouse while taking it.
And TES I so can relate on the doctors responce he just said to ignore them (yea right). I am going to follow your recommended suppliment regime and see how that goes. As far as stress I run a daycare out of my home. So if that is any indication yes I have very stressful days!! I noticed I havent been getting alot of sleep lately either so I am going to work on that!! Thank you all you guys are great!!

I did buy some salt substitue now will that interfere with the 99mg pottasium I take or will that be to much??

jesdorka Wed, Jul-23-03 12:26

i do not know about the bp meds you are taking however i have read here and elsewhere that you shouldn't take potassium supplements when on some kinds of bp meds, maybe you should check this out before taking the potassium to be sure its ok for you. just a thought

llabonte Wed, Jul-23-03 12:54

I also take atenolol but I use it as a beta blocker for my palpatations. I too have had an EKG and the holter monitor and another event monitor and was told that they are "normal" palpatations" and they won't kill me. (Wish I knew that for sure! ha) Anyway, I have been on Atkins since May 13, 2003 and have lost 19.5 pounds and I have noticed that the only time I really notice palpatations anymore is the week before my period and even those have drastically decrease in intensity. I just told someone at work this week that I had noticed I am not getting the palpatations like I use to. I am sure the almost 20 pounds lost helps take some of the strain off the ol' ticker too. But I am willing to bet the biggest benefit is the lack of sugar and caffiene. I do not cheat at all with the caffiene and if I cheat with sugar it is purely by accident, I try to watch what I eat.
I would see a doctor though if they continue. I don't know about self'medicating. Do you think your dr will really tell you to go off? My dr was thrilled with the weight I have lost and told me to keep doing it!

resha Wed, Jul-23-03 13:20

I have just called my pharmasist (sp) and she said it is fine to take pottasium with my bp med. She also said if it did not help to get in touch with my doctor as I have made a drastic change in my lifestyle. I am not sure what my doctor will say if I can show him that I am losing weight he may not mind? I just think if I lose some of my weight things will turn around. He has always told me if I could lose some weight my blood pressure would probably come down. I have to say though I am feeling much better this afternoon not nearly as bad.

jesdorka Wed, Jul-23-03 13:41

good, glad to hear you called a professional and that you are feeling better. best of luck in your weight loss.

lisaw00 Wed, Jul-23-03 14:38

I get them on this WOE if I don't take my potassium supplements. I take 2 tablets every day and don't have any problems.

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