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Jeep#17 Mon, Oct-04-21 10:13

Carb Nite Solution
Hi :wave:

I’m just starting this plan by John Kiefter and hoping it will work for me, I was on the CAD plan and really liked it but I wanted to try something new.

I’m down 5 pounds in 2 weeks although it’s probably water weight.

Is anyone doing this plan or would like to join me? I would love to hear how others are doing on Carb Nite.

JEY100 Mon, Oct-04-21 11:19

I didn’t try the "carb nite" plan, because it was like the CAD plan and other carb cycling methods I did try, that did not work for me. Limiting carbs for only part of the day and then giving yourself a reward of a carb+fat food was a sure way to gain weight for me. Keifer had donuts on his carb nite, not a plain sweet potato.

Three methods have worked for me…the first was the Dr Atkins or Dr Westman approach where you have to give up most carbs, staying down at 20 g total carbs a day to start and then increasing only as much as you can handle well. That works until it doesn’t. Or as Dr Ted Naiman writes:

"If you want your body to be better at burning fat, you only have to do one thing, eat fewer carbohydrates. If you want your body to be better at burning your own stored body fat you only have to do two things, eat fewer carbohydrates and then eat less fat."

After I understood that ( it only took a decade!! Slow learner :lol: see my success story for more info ). I switched to two other moderate carb programs.
Dr Ted Naiman's The Protein to Energy Diet and Marty Kendall's Data driven fasting program. They both encourage some time restricted eating each day, but not fasts longer than 24 hours. They both emphasize protein intake, nutrient dense foods, including nutrient dense carbohydrates.

You can find them here in this semi low carb forum, they are the first two after your question. Carb Nite may offer you enough difference from CAD, but all the carb cycling programs "work" in similar ways. Also, as I remember it, Carb Nite was not a long term lifestyle but a short term restrict and feast protocol. I was looking for a way to eat forever to maintain a healthy weight.

Jeep#17 Tue, Oct-05-21 09:25

Morning…. :wave:

Getting ready to have my first meal of the day, I am really amazed at this plan. I have lost more in 2 weeks than I did with any other plan I was on. What is so awesome is it is seeming to be effortless and the days just fly by. Other plans (for me) always seem so tough to stay on.

I’m also doing 16/8 and I have done shorter windows but this is the sweet spot for me.

I know it’s early on but I think this plan could be my life plan :clap: That is very exciting for me but I have to keep losing weight I just can’t go back and forth anymore. I don’t mind if it’s slow like a pound a week but I don’t want to gain and lose the same pounds over and over :o

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Wed, Oct-06-21 12:43

Hi all :wave:

I’m staying under my 30 carbs a day and doing my 16/8…..I do like the 16/8 window. I made a chuck roast today and had some for lunch, it was delicious :yum:

I am hoping to find others that are doing Carb Nite or would like to try it with me, it’s always nice to have a buddy.

Have a great day :rheart:

Jeep#17 Sun, Oct-10-21 09:24

Morning :wave:

Today is my Carb Nite and I’m going to a fall festival I go to every year. I love going and I’m glad I can eat and not worry about the carbs today. I love riding the ski lift and shopping at all the vendors nice hand made items.

I’m down another pound this week so I’m happy with that.

Have a great day :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Oct-11-21 10:34

Afternoon :wave:

I had a great day yesterday at the festival and had a lot of good food…..then came home and watched my beloved Bills beat the Chiefs on SNF :D

Today I’m back to LC till my next Carb Nite :) I didn’t eat till afternoon I’m not really that hungry after my Carb Nite.

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Thu, Oct-14-21 11:37

Afternoon :wave:

Just checking in, I’m still on the plan with no slip ups which is really shocking to me. I think because I always had a problem with weekends on CAD but now I’m ok to follow the plan till my Carb Nite. My weight was always going up and down every week and I think eating carbs every day I just couldn’t lose. The two plans are nothing alike and I’m really thriving on this one.

I’m looking forward to checking the scale this weekend, I like to weigh in on the morning of my Carb Nite. I am sooo happy with this plan! I am also looking forward to all the holidays this year.

Have a great day :rheart:

Jeep#17 Sun, Oct-17-21 11:04

Afternoon :wave:

I’m having my Carb Nite today, I’m planing a BBQ with sides and I made a nice dessert for later. I love my Carb Nite :D

Ok so I weighed in this morning and I’m down 3 pounds!! I can’t believe it :) I don’t think I have ever lost 3 pounds in a week and that’s after the Fall Festival last weekend. I’m so happy on this plan, and so glad that I finally found something that I can stick with. I think the Carb Nite makes the LC life style doable. I can enjoy celebrations with my family and all the holidays without saying all the time “no thank you I can’t eat that” :wiggle:

I love the low carb life I just need a break once a week and this is what this plan offers.

Later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Fri, Oct-22-21 05:59

Morning :wave:

I’m still on plan and doing good, making a small roast today that I cut in half because I don’t like to cook to much and be eating it for days. I did order some steaks through Sams Club that was a special deal through the mail……prime NY strip steaks. I have never had them I’ve only bought the rib eye steaks but I thought I would try them because steak prices are through the roof!

I’ve been looking for the frozen chicken wings but no one has any in stock, I like to get them at Sams Club for $3 a pound but they were out last week when I drove down. I had a Sams closer but they closed it down not sure why it was always busy.

Have a great Friday :rheart:

mojolissa Fri, Oct-22-21 10:17

Hey Jeep :wave:

Got your message, I'm glad to visit with you here!

So happy you've found something that works for you!

Oh yeah, everything (all meat) is so expensive at the grocery stores. I haven't been able to find a good price on pork, ham, ground beef, or chicken. We've been hearing on the news that turkey for Thanksgiving will be at a higher price too. We might have a Thanksgiving lasagna instead. LOL :lol:

Jeep#17 Fri, Oct-22-21 12:18

Hi mojo :wave:

Thanks for your kind words, I do think this is my new plan going forward till it isn’t lol……it is working for me I haven’t lost weight like this in a while. I’m hoping it continues because I’ve been able to stick to it.

I just saw turkeys in the store and thought maybe I should buy one early this year. I never know when the stores will run out of things lately. Hey lasagna🤔 not a bad idea! Nobody says we have go traditional :cool:

Have a great weekend friend :rheart:

Jeep#17 Mon, Oct-25-21 04:24

Morning :wave:

Had a great weekend and Carb Nite on Sunday, the weather was not good but the sun did come out after the rain.

I’m down another pound this week and I’m happy with that and glad I didn’t gain. I’m having fun with my carb nite’s and feel so much less stress with this plan :)

Have a great Monday :rheart:

mojolissa Mon, Oct-25-21 17:54

Hey Jeep :wave:

I happened to find some turkey breast at Kroger for $.99 cents a pound. I do like dark meat, but I figure if I can't have the whole turkey, this will do. I'll just cook it low and slow in my crockpot to keep it moist and tender.

Sounds like you're doing well on this plan. Remind me again of the rules? Stay low-carb until the weekend?

Talk later :rheart:

Jeep#17 Tue, Oct-26-21 08:25

Hi mojo :wave:

Let me know how the turkey breast turns out in the crockpot, I don’t eat white meat because it’s always turns out so dry. I never thought to cook it in a crockpot.

Yep you got it pretty easy plan and I like easy lol

Lazy morning today for me rain rain and more rain. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be sunny so I might do some outdoor chores. Are you home schooling your sweet grandson this year? Or do you get to be the #1 grandma again and not the mean teacher :D

Later :rheart:

mojolissa Tue, Oct-26-21 10:23

Hey Jeep :)

Yep, that does sound like an easy plan. Glad you're enjoying it!

Grandson is back to school! Yay! He is doing very well, but the school has had some cases of covid, but they haven't closed it down yet and I hope they don't. No more mean teacher mode, just sweet grandma. :D

We've been doing some yard work as well. We have deleafing days here, when they take leaves, branches, grass clippings for free. Not many leaves have fallen yet here, but we've trimmed some tree branches and took out an overgrown rose of sharon bush.

Talk later :rheart:

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