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motis Thu, Jul-10-03 10:20

Expectations vs. Reality...
A quick survey from you guys, if I may...

What were your expectations about Atkins before you started (possibly before you even read the book) and how did those expectations stack up once you actually started? Did you do better or worse than you expected? Did you think you would stick with it as long as you have? What are your expectations for the future on Atkins? Tell me all about it!!


Marchstart Thu, Jul-10-03 10:46

Well I originally heard about Atkins from my sister about a year ago....never really thought about it til a few months ago.when I got really sick....and I decided to start looking into a WOL that I would want. I really hate all those lean cusine dinners....they are tasteless and phony....On low fat diets I was always hungry...and stuck with it only a few days then back to regular eating......I loved to eat pasta....bread...rice....all the time....but since I started Atkins I thought...ill do this a few months...loose some wieght...and go back to my eating in moderation. Well its been 4 months and I dont want pasta....bread......rice...any of it. I truly enjoy this way of eating. These words coming from a woman who NEVER thought she could do it......but I did....and Im so happy!!!!! I was one of those people who just thought Ill be fat forever....and was ok with it. But How Atkins changes all that....Im still fat....but Im really working towards getting and truly happy about seeing my reflection in the mirror...I Plan on sticking to Atkins for a long time.......It works....I feel great...and I get to eat and not starve....Atkins gave me my life back....:) :) :)

BlessedOne Thu, Jul-10-03 10:52

I can't believe no one has latched onto this post, yet.

My expectations before the book were extremely doubtful.
After I read the book the first time, I thought, maybe.
After I read the book the second time, I thought, I should probably give this a try.
After I read the book the third time, I knew I had to try it. In fact, I was even hopeful that this might be the key to my history of being overweight.

Once I got started, I couldn't believe it was so easy to stick with. Then, I couldn't believe that I was losing so much, so steadily. Now, after eating this way for five months, I can't imagine any other way. I can actually see myself losing all of the weight that I need to and getting close to the weight I'd like to be.

I am thankful that I didn't just blow it all off with my un-Atkins-educated opinion! I try never to tell anyone about the "diet." I just suggest they read the book. The rest will take of itself.

Good thread!


Jannie Thu, Jul-10-03 10:58

My expectations were--"hey, I'll try this for 2 weeks and see how it goes". Then I started to feel so much better, plus I started to really lose weight! I was also pleased that you could get so much info and encouragemt from the Atkins web site, and didn't have to buy books, etc, unless you wanted to. My loss was fairly steady, 1-2 pounds per week. I found I didn't miss "illegal" foods all that much, since I really like all kinds of veggies and meat. And, you never go around hungry on this plan!! :yay:

Now that I'm on maintenance, I do use Atkins muffins and low-carb bread, and I'm eating some fruit, too-just checking the scale 1-2 times per week to make sure I'm not gaining back. And I use Atkins Advantage bars to keep the old sweet tooth satisfied. :)

I personally think that, if people really understood carb addiction and the multiple benefits of this WOL, a ton more people would be doing the l/c thing. I do think it's catching on more and more-- :yay:

Side benefits for me include-less arthritis and plantar fasciitis problems, more energy, greater self-confidence--and i now dress a whole lot sharper, too!! :thup:

Hope this helps- :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

Bebet Thu, Jul-10-03 11:29

Since I had done Atkins before, I knew bascially how to go about it. At the end of Feb, without a whole lot of thought, I decided, I'll start on the first of March and I did. I went back to the Y and began working out again and did some walking. I never really thought about being where I am today. I did much better than I expected. I began walking 5-6 days a week for about 50 minutes, lifting weights, and now I'm 48pds lighter (added to the 20 I lost last fall, for a total of 68). I feel great. When the weight started coming off, and I began getting compliments and HAD to buy new all new clothes I just had this tremendous sense of freedom. I don't feel tied down to a fat body any more. I have stuck to the WOE and an exercise program 95% of the days between March 1 and now, thats about 3.5 months longer than most of the programs I've ever stayed with. Seeing how I look now, knowing how I feel now, I've made the committment to myself to stay with this WOE and lose at least the 37 more pds to my original goal of 150. For lifetime maintence I see myself staying withing the paramters of this WOE. I look forward to getting Atkins for Life and seeing how to use it best in my life. I really don't want to go back to being fat. I know I will if I return to my previous eating habits. I promise myself a few treats here and there, knowing that I will continue with my exercise program and the Atikins WOE. :Party:

motis Thu, Jul-10-03 11:44

I didn't have time to post my own experiences when I made the original post. So here goes...

I started hearing things about Atkins about a year ago when my mom and dad went on it. They lost quite a bit of weight, but were pretty slim to begin with, so the results weren't as noticable as they might have been on a larger person. Well, my parents weren't very serious about doing it, so they soon went back to their regular eating (which is healthy enough by itself). I never gave it much thought.

My husband's co-workers started doing Atkins left and right and he saw how much weight they'd lost. He suggested that we give it a try. My first thoughts were that it sounded good, but of course, too good to be true. I've seen people succeed on many different diet plans, but I've never been one of those people. In fact, I've never made it for more than 6 hours on ANY diet. I figured that we'd give it our best efforts, but fully expected to fail by the first day.

Well, the first day came and went. I think I knew then that I'd make it. I wasn't hungry and wasn't craving. By the time the craving DID hit (by about day 3), I didn't want to mess up what seemed like the perfect diet plan for me. So I resisted and went on to have a squeaky clean induction for three weeks.

Like many other people, I expected that my induction weight loss would continue on. I'd lost 9lbs in the first 5 days, but didn't see another change on the scale for 2 weeks. But I felt so good by day 7 that I just didn't want to quit. I was snagged by the good side effects that I knew nothing about before starting.

All in all, I'd have to say that LCing has far exceeded my expectations. I counted on the weight loss, but never expected....

Massive energy
Shiney Hair
Clear complexion
Clearer thinking
Sleeping better
Waking up like sunshine
Controlling food
No more aching bones
Running up stairs
Not eating in front of the TV
and best of all....
A healthier, happier husband.



Operaghost Thu, Jul-10-03 12:56

Wow, what a great thread.

I have to admit that I really didn't expect much from this diet. I had tried the lo-cal/lo-fat diets before and never stuck with them more than a couple weeks.

I am a corporate trainer and I see a new batch of students every week. Over the years many of these students mentioned Atkins. I figured that I would give it a try one day. But not right now!

Then, when I finally made the second best decision of my life (looking over my shoulder to see if my wife is reading this) and started Atkins, I set a goal of 200 lbs. which I never really expected to attain. But once I started losing a pound a day during induction without being hungry, my expectations changed.

Now, after 10 months, the expectation of losing weight rapidly has faded to the reality of a slower more controlled weight loss. This is a good thing as it keeps me honest and on program.

So expectations have changed but the reality is that I am healthier and happier than before Atkins and that is what really matters. That, and my wife not cringing in fear of a heart attack whenever I mentioned an ache or pain. That I can't put a price on.


fishie48 Thu, Jul-10-03 13:38

I had found an old copy of the Atkins book a couple of years ago and decided to try it two summers ago. I went over 2 months but only lost 3 pounds, got discouraged and went back to the regular eating. The old version allowed no veggies during induction and definitely no fruit so it was a miserable summer missing all the fruits and veggies that I loved. Over the past year and a half people at work have been on Atkins. No one had as much weight to lose as me but they all seemed to have moderate success. We'd make fun of them at staff meetings eating sausage and cheese for lunch. Finally this year after the holidays and it seemed having gained another 15 pounds without blinking I decided I had to do something and decided to quietly start Atkins, part of my religious Lenten sacrifice where I would normally give up chocolate and ice cream, two mainstays of my diet. I figured I could do this until Easter, maybe lose some weight and then go back to normal, but Easter came and I had had moderate success, found it wasn't hard to stay on this WOE so I just kept going. Now after over 4 months, its hard to fathom going back to eating bread, pasta, bagels and all the other stuff I used to. Back then I would come home from work and realize that the day had gone by and I hadn't eaten any protien at all. What a difference a few months makes.

saffron28 Thu, Jul-10-03 13:59

I first heard of the Atkins Diet from a friend of mine. She described the freedom to eat meats, and higher fat foods, rather than the typical diet of all veggies no meat. I thought to myself this is a diet made in heaven for me, as I am very much a carnivore, and LOVE meat!! I borrowed her older copy of DANDR, and started to read it. By day two I went out and bought the new copy, reading it cover to cover, while eating omellettes, and steak. I truly thought at first, well if I lose weight terrific, if not, and I don't gain, I can eat like this forever. That was eleven weeks ago, and twenty pounds ago. I am thrilled with the weight loss, and still very contented with the way of eating. I did not expect the side effects of clearer skin, shinny hair, more energy than I have had in years, and a much better outlook on life. They were very pleasant side effects, that I am happy to keep forever.

tracyw Thu, Jul-10-03 15:46

I first heard of Atkins a few years ago when coworker of mine- who was thin and fit- told me she had been 50 pounds heavier the year before. She was still on Atkins- though she allowed herself to cheat from time to time. I halfheartedly tried to do it without reading the book- got discouraged and forgot about it. That was 2 years ago.

A year ago, I realized that I had gained a lot of weight and that I was the heaviest I had ever been. My stepmother went on the Lean for Life plan and lost 100 lbs in a year , but it seemed too regimented for me. A year ago, I tried Atkins for ONE day- came home crabby and grabbed a roll and shoved it in my mouth.

A few weeks ago, in a telephone conversation with my father, I learned that he had been on Lean for Life for a month and had already lost 25 lbs (he has A LOT to lose). I told myself that if he could do it, I can do it. But again, I decided Lean for Life wasn't right for me so I prepared myself, revisited the book with a new ambitious and positive attitude and began induction 16 days ago. I FEEL AMAZING!! I can't even believe it- I never thought I would or could feel this good. I don't want to go back. I will not give up this WOE!!

I don't really weigh myself- but I am already seeing changes in my body. I plan to start exercising too. I didn't expect this to work because I, too, was so used to starving on low fat low cal diets. It is working for me and others everywhere (you guys!!) I know this is not a "quick fix" but a life change- and I feel as if I am so lucky to be changing my life in such a healthy positive way!

I promised myself that when I get to where I want to be, healthwise or even before, I will make sure that I help other people who feel hopeless about their weight and health, the same way I used to. I intend to keep that promise!

I love this WOE-WOL!

Good low-carb thoughts to all!!


RoseTattoo Thu, Jul-10-03 15:59

In the last two years, my father died of a cerebral hemorrhage complicated by peripheral vascular disease, and my mother developed vascular dementia. My cholesterol has always been high, but I ignored it until my parents' illnesses. First I went on a vegetarian WOE as prescribed by my doctor; the net result was that my LDL and triglycerides went through the roof and I gained 15 pounds. End of that story. I'd known about Atkins because I tried it halfheartedly a few years ago. This time, Atkins/PP are a commitment. While I don't have that much weight to lose, I would love to get off the Lipitor I'm taking and get rid of excess body fat.

This is a wonderful WOE. The amazing thing is that there is no food I would possibly want that there isn't an allowable substitute for. How many eating plans can offer that?

Jeanne Sch Thu, Jul-10-03 16:05

I'm with MarchStart. I had the same problems with pasta, breads and for me, ESPECIALLY sweets. I knew this was at least partially due to my candida infection I've been fighting for years. My thought was to lose some wait for an upcoming pregnancy and then after the pregnancy, I would *lose all that weight* although I wasn't thinking that Atkins was necessarily the answer.

When I started, I really wanted nothing to do with proteins and vegies - talk about BORING. I wanted candy and pastry THANK YOU VERY MUCH to get me through each day.

I was addicted somethin' awful to carbs - God Bless the Memory of Dr Atkins!!!! :)

Lonely Thu, Jul-10-03 16:11

I've never even read the Atkins book, but I did get the basic instructions from the Atkins website about two years ago. I was twenty-five pounds overweight and 19 years old back then, and I thought this was a very extreme diet that can only be used for clinically obese people with all sorts of health problems. But I was so unhappy with my weight, that I decided to "do the diet" rebelliously. I started it, and I lost eleven pounds in the first twelve days. I couldn't believe how good it was. I think I got scared by the thought of succeeding, and by the thought of having to do it forever. After three-and-a-half weeks, I quit because of a terrible craving for chocolate. Since then, I've gained another 25 pounds.

I attempted to get back on Atkins two or three more times, but the results in the beginning weren't the same, and each time I had the "diet" attitude.

But two and a half weeks ago, I found this site. I got so inspired that I joined, and four days later, I began Atkins as a way of life. I have lost around ten pounds so far, but I am not focusing on weighing myself at all. I know that this is for life; that when I get married, I'll have to run my household as an Atkins household is run.

The results far surpass what I had imagined this WOE to be. My chronic insomnia is cured; my appetite is satisfied quickly and easily; and my weight is going down quickly. Before I started, I thought this diet must be great, because, as long as I stick to no-carb foods, I could eat and eat and eat - and I love to eat. BUT now, I don't even understand why anyone would want to eat and eat and eat! I get nauseous by the time I eat a second portion of something, and I am glad to stop. All in all, I am very happy with it.

saltnpeppa Thu, Jul-10-03 19:58

I didn't know what to expect. Didn't know if I could stick with it. I read the book and it made sense to me about the isulin responses and what not. That's the main thing that keeps me from cheating. (my only cheat is booze). I have very supportive friends and family and am really lucky about that. One friend who loves to bake made me some LC cookies from Dana Carpender's book. I froze them and made a couple here and there when I needed a treat. In 8 weeks, I've lost 30 lbs and am really happy about that. I dread when the loss will slow down, but right now, I feel like a freight train on track that ain't slowing down for no carbage!! :D:D

mammoth Thu, Jul-10-03 20:28

All my expectations have been EXCEEDED on atkins! I just never imagined that it would go this well!

Biggest surprise for me: How EASY it is to stay on plan!
Great thread Angi!
Best wishes;
Jake :wiggle:

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