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cucu Mon, May-10-04 09:04

After Reading NeanderThin.... I would like some IN-PUT on my observations
Well I spend yesterday all day reading the book of neanderThin and I have few questions I would like to ask, Next book is the PaleoDiet that I already bought…so here are my comments.

1.Immune System I am fascinated with the concept of “immune system” I felt like screaming to the world I found what has been my problems all this years, in fact I kind of thought this book needed some help to catch the eye of the reader, in my case I am very interested and read all the book looking hard to understand all of it, but I can see that if someone that is not overweight or suffer major sick problems would dismiss this book in the second chapter.. and it has Magnificent information. Now the question here is if someone can direct me to another author that might get more technical on this subject, and how the proteins from grains or cheese can imitate our own and immune system start defending himself.

2. Scary Part of the Book I consider myself very discipline on diets, once I take one I just embrace it all the way, but when they say that if I just eat one “tortilla” I might respond with few pounds over, or if in the future I decide to come back to a lowfat/highcarb diet, my immune system will be more stronger and combated harder my own body so I will be very overweight. I don’t know why I got so scare about this part if I am totally convince that I will do a LC diet, but I wanted for other to share how their bodies have reacted if you ate some flour-product by accident.

3. Enzymes and Constipation the book says that after a week or so (if you came from a lowfat/no meat diet like me, I was rawvegan foodist) you start producing the “right” kind of enzymes to digest the new food you are eating, so you body will be smart enough and you will feel better, well I already pass that stage, but the other concept was that it will take up to a month to get regulated on the Constipation. What are your experience in this matter? Since I am doing taking Flax Seeds, plus a lot of Water, plus Fiber a total of 15g coming from this things and the rest of the fiber coming from my veggies to meat a nice 25g where I can go to the bathroom very well. But the question is:

Wouldn’t Flax Seed should be taken out of the diet?, it has to be grinded in order to be eaten and absorbed the omegas, and isn't that process out of the question from people of that times?, and Fiber well is unnatural to eat it in a way like psyllium since has a huge process, so I am leaning to just eat my veggies, so should I trust that in a month my intestines will start working properly? What are you thought on this matter? I don't want to become "to tecnical on what is not allowed" because I also agree that we have EVOLUTION to meet how to adapt to todays world, since for example is hard to meet our nutrients as easy so we might need this Omega from the flax... but I wanted to find the "healthies" thing for my intestine and avoid a future problem if the seeds of flax are rancid (old)..

Thanks for listening and I would really like to hear your thoughts

nela Tue, May-11-04 04:00

Let me see if I can answer. I'm no expert but this is just my take on things and my own experience:

1.Immune System:

I've noticed that my usual seasonal pollen allergies have improved a LOT this year. Last year I could barely function in the springtime, but this year hardly a sneeze. The Paleo is definitely helping my immune system. Plus I haven't caught flu this year.

2. Scary Part of the Book...
but I wanted for other to share how their bodies have reacted if you ate some flour-product by accident.

Well, I've cheated on this diet at times, like by having a slice of pizza when we were at a friend's house and that was all she gave us. I find that it would be terribly rude to refuse to eat at her table after going to the trouble of making it. So in this kind of situation I have flour based products and you know what? Nothing bad happens. It's the SUGAR that creates havoc with me, not the flour. If you find you have some flour, just do strict Paleo for a few days and get back into your routine.

3. Enzymes and Constipation:

Interesting questions. I don't eat Flax Seeds, so I can't help with that one. . I just have lots of fiber rich veggies like green asparagus and that sort of thing. I also use olive oil on salads, etc. Lots of it. That takes care of constipation. In any case, you might find you "go" less on Paleo, as you're probably using the food intake to its best advantage and not having to get rid of so much waste. This is just my own theory, I haven't read it anywhere.

Good luck!!! :)

Hellistile Tue, May-11-04 10:22

1. Immune System - since starting low-carbing my arthritis, depression, headaches, high triglycerides disappeared and my allergies and asthma improved. If you need more technical information on how all this works check out these sites:

That should get you started.

2. Scary Part - on Valentine's Day a co-worker brought a valentine's day cake to work that his wife baked. I had one piece. Since then I cannot go one day without cheating. Unfortunately, my headaches, allergies, asthma, arthritis have become worse, I have gained back 10 pounds, and feel horrible. Yes eating something accidently or on purpose can result in unimaged agony. Pray for me to get back on track soon.

3. Constipation - I do not suffer from this ailment and never have. Eating fruit, nuts and lots of vegetables keeps me in fine shape. I do not eat flax in any form. I get my omega 3's from fish.

Lobstergal Tue, May-11-04 11:51

Originally Posted by cucu
Wouldn’t Flax Seed should be taken out of the diet?, it has to be grinded in order to be eaten and absorbed the omegas, and isn't that process out of the question from people of that times?

No because ancient people would have ground the seeds between 2 stones
in order to use it in some way as well as eaten them as is.

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