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Red Thu, Nov-21-02 16:46

Anyone from the prairies ??
:wave:Hello to all of you Canadians out there doing life the LC way. Is there anyone from Saskatchewan out there? I'm feeling kinda lonely :cry:

agonycat Thu, Nov-21-02 16:52

Hey Red!

Sorry the board is a bit laggy tonight. Since the news broadcasts we have been taking some heavy hits. I removed your other two posts because they were empty :confused:

Glad you finally got one to work ;) Hang in there with us. The attention should die down in a few more days and the board will speed back up.

(At least we hope that is what it does)

Welcome btw!

penelope Thu, Nov-21-02 17:36

red ,
hello to you....

No ,but from where I am standing I can smell them .

I paint .

I do pottery,

and the Chinook is blowing and my face is all squinched up from the” Wind Headache" :wave: :wave: :wave:

Red Thu, Nov-21-02 19:08

A chinook!? Calgary perhaps??
Anywhere that there is a chinook is a good place, cause its close to the mountains!! And I love mountains!
We are having a chinook here right now.....I'm waiting for the mountains to show far, no luck. :D

Red Thu, Nov-21-02 19:12

Oops again....for some reason, when I post a message, it isn't always telling me that it is posted, so I am repeating myself, and now I can't delete this one, so I will just babble, and hope that the moderator will have pity on everyone and delete it for me. :doah: ....Nice girl, just not too computer literate sometimes.

Red Thu, Nov-21-02 19:17

Sorry, I also meant to say that I paint as well. What type do you like to do? I like to paint in acrylics and watercolor. I also like to read, interior decorating, and cook. And I feel very blessed to have found the LC life after so many years of too much weight.
Red (aka Carolyn)

penelope Thu, Nov-21-02 20:31

Hi Caroline ,

I paint in Acrylics and I am shy with watercolor.

I love cooking in spurts not day to day humdrum .

I am making low-carb ice cream at the moment.
I am an avid reader except when I have to make pottery deadline .
The stress of it and the long hours put a stop to reading.

What are your favorite snacks at the moment.

Oh, and I am not too good with a computer

Pene :wave:

Red Thu, Nov-21-02 22:21

Fave snacks
Pene ( I like that)
Do you want the I'm behavin' snacks, or the pushin' the limits snacks??
I'm a savory -salty-sweet crunchy snacker (I think that about covers it!!)
I like Pork rinds with salsa and sour cream, pork rinds with cinnamon and splenda - heat and eat!!
A small handful of nuts, popcorn(lots of butter)
Oh ya....I forgot that I like chocolate too! And although it is very hard to find many low carb things here, I have found pure delite bars and that is a very good thing!
How about you?
Red :D

penelope Thu, Nov-21-02 22:34

I could send your post back to you and it would cover the things I like.
[I live in the Peace region]

I am afraid to eat popcorn...... carbs??

I buy very thin pepper dry salami and bake it, then cover it with mozzarella.
When melted I spread a tbs. of Ragu pizza sauce on top then bake until the cheese is crunchy.


Red Thu, Nov-21-02 22:46

That sounds yummy! I will try it!

I try to take it easy with the popcorn, but there is a fair amount of fiber, and the amount I eat doesn't seem to bother me -try to keep it to around 2-3 cups. And I rationalize it by telling myself it sure beats the oodles of chips that I used to scarf down every chance I got!!

Well, it is 10:45 here and I'm off to dreamland. Good to talk to you! At least it feels like there is at least one other low carber around here!

Be good and hope we can talk again soon!
Carolyn :wave:

Cinderella Fri, Nov-22-02 07:18

Hey Red....I'm from Sask. I was in S'toon for :D



Red Fri, Nov-22-02 08:13

Hey Cin!
This is great....I'm not alone after all!!
Do you have family here? Are you a farm girl?

I was raised in a couple of small towns (acutally, one town, one lake) But I've been in S'toon pretty much since I was 18, and let me tell ya....that was more than a couple of years ago ;) if ya know what I mean!

Thanks for your reply
Red :wave:

Aster Wed, Dec-04-02 17:05

HI i'm on the prairies too.

Rural Saskatchewan for the last 2 years. I've never been to S'toon . I might have to drag my DH into the city for a week or 2 though sometime near the end of January when the cold really sets in.


Cinderella Thu, Dec-05-02 09:57

I'm not a farm girl at hate farms.
My parents are in S' is a beatiful city. Unfortunately I don't make the trip too often as Regina is closer.

Everyone liking our cold spell???


Red Thu, Dec-05-02 10:45

Well, it is sunny out my window right now, and that goes a long way to improving my mood!!!! But no, I do not like the cold spell! :mad:

But at least we can talk to each other from the comfort of home and a cushy computer chair - beats dog sled any day!!

Stay warm

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