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dabrahamso Wed, Jul-10-02 14:02

Sagging Skin After Weightloss
Can someone out there tell me what the scoop is on the sagging stomach after weightloss? I'm quite concerned about having to have surgery when I finally reach my goal. Does everyone have to have surgery to get rid of the flab or does most skin shrink back to a regular size if you lose it slow enough? My husband has also been concerned about that but I've never lost that much weight before and I don't know what to expect. Any info would be appreciated. Having babies and getting fat sure doesn't make for a sexy body does it!!!! The sacrifices we make for our kids, lol.
Well, I sure hope I don't have to go that route but maybe certain exercises can help???

vbrowne Wed, Jul-10-02 14:18

I think that because this is a slow weight loss as opposed to a crash diet your skin will probably shrink with you or soon afterwards. Make sure you exercise regularly and that should help to. I've seen people who lose really fast and they sag, but I haven't heard of any people on Atkins with that complaint. Age is a factor too - skin looses elasticity as we get older, so more exercise is recommended. I've seen pictures of surgery to correct this and it's not a pretty sight, so keep up the toning and you should be fine.

GOTTAMOVE Thu, Jul-11-02 16:44

I know what sagging skin is all about
Hi there,

Congrats on losing weight and getting healthier!! You'll find low carbing quite a wonderful way of boosting your healtha nd weightloss efforts.

Let me tell my story... so as to answer the sagging skin question.

When i was 17 (i'm now 25) i went on a low fat diet and really got into excercising and incorporating an active lifestyle . I went from being an overweight 230 pound teenager to a fit energetic one in about a year. I went down to 130 pounds--- thats 100 pounds lost!!!!! i lost a whole person! The change was dramatic, emotionally and physically. I had more confidence and felt a hell of alot more attractive but i was left with alot of stretch marks, and loose skin around my lower abdomen :( i still have it, less of course because i have really gotten into shape, put on muscle and am a personal fitness trainer by profession. Skin is not muscle. You must remember that. You can firm up skin. Once skin is stretched it will not go back to its original shape. Muscle however can be toned and strengthened through excercise, especially weight training. But Excercise will not tone up loose skin.

I get frustrated sometimes when i see the loose skin on my lower belly. I have spoken with several cosmetic surgeons. They explained how skin once stretched does not go back to its original state. They have reccomended i wait till I have my children before getting a tummy tuck. I don't have alot of skin hanging , but i do have some with some very noticeable stretch marks.

I didn't loose my weight fast.. i took a full year and 3 months to lose it. I hope this helps or clarifies things for you. Its hard to swallow, but losing the weight is the best thing I did. I would never go back. I TELL my clients " See these stretch marks --they are my battle scars, its proof anyone can lose weight if they try and incorporate a healthy lifestyle!" take care and keep low carbing

Piera :wave: :roll: :spin: :spin: :roll:

GOTTAMOVE Thu, Jul-11-02 16:46

dam typos
in one line i wrote in my previous post " you can firm up skin" it should have read " you CAN't firm up skin " sorry i was typing rather quickly

alice 2002 Thu, Jul-11-02 19:00

saggy skin
Just had to say this, it's a kinda funny thing that happened today. My dear Husband, says to me, are you losing a lot of weight? I asked why? He says.....well you seem to have a lot of saggy skin lately....

I didn't know if I should kiss him or slap him :D

shyoned Fri, Jul-12-02 08:15

i must disagree
Your skin will shrink with you if you drink lots of water (this adds something to the skin that helps with elasticity.(Spelling?) Also, if you haven't lost and gained large amount of weight over and over.

If skin did not shrink, every woman who ever had a baby would have saggy skin in the stomach area...and it just isn't true.

And not everyone gets stretch marks, either. I went from 250lbs to 120 in when I was 21. I lost the weight quickly, and not only did I not have saggy skin, I had no stretch marks to be seen.

Since I gained most of the weight back in my late 20s(Due to a thyroid problem) I still do not have any stretch marks, my skin is still firm, and after losing 26lbs quickly, see no evidence of saggy skin.

Just remember, everyone is different, and one person's experience is not another. (BTW, my sister has recently lost 240 lbs, and the only place she has saggy skin is in her arms)

dabrahamso Fri, Jul-12-02 09:32

It was great to read all your responses. I already have stretch marks from having 2 kids so I'm not concerned about that at all. I seem to have some flab happening on my upper arms and I've never had that problem before. I had lost 17 pounds but now I've gained 3, but it must be fluid retention and I got taken off my diabetes meds on Friday, YEAH!!! but my body must be going through an adjustment period. I'm also over 2 wks late for TOM??? Oh well, at 45 I guess I have to expect these things. I've never lost a large amount of weight so I really need to keep myself motivated even though I'm not losing very quickly right now. I've only been on Atkins since June 4/02 and I feel fantastic health wise so I just have to gain some patience, SOMEHOW!!! I have a long way to go so I won't worry too much about the sagging middle that I already have from having kids.

Victoria Fri, Jul-12-02 09:40

I think it really depends on your age and type of skin you have. I am very fair and have huge stretch marks from having my kids. Some of the stretch marks are 3/4 of an inch wide. I asked about this when I was pregnant with my second daughter. The nurse practitioner said it had to do with my fairness. She was red headed and freckled and said people with fair skin tend to stretch more.

I have saggy skin in my lower belly. I'm hoping that it will shrink up some as I lose slowly. I don't expect it to shrink up all the way. But the scars from a tummy tuck are just plain ugly. I would rather be naturally a bit saggy and soft than have those horrible huge surgical scars on my abdomen.

I'm also 40 something years I don't expect perfection. Maybe at 20 something I would. But I'm getting older and wiser as my skin ages as well. I don't seek perfection anymore, just a healthier body. ;) Victoria

dece Fri, Jul-12-02 09:59

I was just thinking about this very topic before I came in to read... I have lost about 20 lbs in 6 weeks, (yeah dece!) and while I'm not worried about my stomach being saggy (I've had 2 c-sections... ) I'm sure wondering about having to go buy a new bra.
I didn't want THAT part of me to shrink! LOL But my DH is going to just have to get used to it.
I'm going to keep up with the water and I'm going to begin again at Pilates, to give an overall toning. Plus, it's sort of relaxing to concentrate on what my muscles are doing. (I have muscles? ;) )

Seeing as I've never had a flat stomach, I do not envision it happening for me.
An interesting note: After my last baby (almost a year ago!) I had a flat (well the flab was there, but it was flat) stomach until my muscles healed. And then, POP! My stomach was round again. I think my muscles just want to be round under there! LOL

I wanted to say that every person is different as far as stretch marks, loose/sagging skin. Some women never get stretch marks when they're PG. I'm the type that definitely had then BEFORE babies and I'll have them after, too. That's okay with me cause the only person that's going to be seeing them is my DH and he likes my body just the way it is! ;)

Keep up everyone with your hard work. I'm so encouraged to see so many people doing such great things for themselves and the people that love them!


GOTTAMOVE Fri, Jul-12-02 10:27

CONGRATS on the already 20 lb loss!! I am assuming its from being on a low carb WOE?? keep it up!

i agree with you all.. everyone is different. Not all women get stretch marks or have to deal with loose skin after weightloss. I myself am fair skinned, but a brunette. My skin is prone to stretch marks, i guess i don't have tough skin lol... oh well. but for those of you that do have unsughtly stretch marks tanning your sin will camouflage them. If you don't like to go under the sun like me, use a self tanner. I love them. There are some really good ones on the market now. try them out :)


SlimShAdY Fri, Jul-12-02 11:01

Hmm not for nothing but
I just started using Nivea Skin Firming Lotion with q10. Claims to firm up skin and its not too expensive.

Says quote: "Noticeably increase your skin's elasticity and firmness faster" and "has been clinically proven to improve skin's elasticity and firmness by 35% in just 3 weeks and 40% after 8 weeks."

"Q10 is a coenzyme found naturally in the skin to help defend against aging. Over time, your level of q10 decreases and your skin starts losing its elasticity and firmness"
(which aging or not its basically the same theory, fixes skin that has lost its elasticity)

For the people that have lots to lose or anyone really, might be a minor alternative rather then surgery.. I dunno if it works yet but I think even a lil improvement is better then nothing and can't hurt to try. I guess its like the cocoa butter theory where you rub it on yer stomach everyday during pregnancy and have lesser stretchmarks. (which also works while losing alot of weight) Ah well, dunno but it IS Nivea which is a good name.

lol pic..

Uh k hope that helps and hope this works. Ah well, if not you'll atleast get smooth skin outta it lol :roll: :roll:

dabrahamso Fri, Jul-12-02 11:09

Thanks Slim, I'll look into trying that. I wonder if taking Q10 supplements will have an effect on the skin tightening as well then?

SlimShAdY Fri, Jul-12-02 11:10

OMG Right when i hit "post" a commercial just came on by Netrogena for a skin body firming lotion LOL

Got me wondering if I should try that one now too.. Hmm LOL

Eck Nuetrogena face prodcuts make me break out though.

SlimShAdY Fri, Jul-12-02 11:15

Originally posted by dabrahamso
Thanks Slim, I'll look into trying that. I wonder if taking Q10 supplements will have an effect on the skin tightening as well then?

Hey welcome :D

Hmm....maybe. Now that you mention it I would think so.. it also says "Q10 helps restore what your skin has lost and naturally helps your skin regain its elasticiy and firmness". And has safflower oil for moisture. Makes sense that if its the Q10 that makes it firmer, a supplent might help too. Although the supplenent you wouldn't be rubbing right on the problem areas..Hmm lol :confused:

Sounds too good to be true and might not be a miracle worker, but its gotta help somewhat. :roll:

Rhollmer Tue, Jul-16-02 16:39

No worries
In the very worst case scenario, I wouldn't worry about having to have a tummy tuck. I know girls that have had them and they really don't look bad at all. It's a quick in and out procedure. Besides, if you think of all the surgery that movie stars have had to undergo to get their looks, what's a little tummy tuck, really?

:wave: Good Luck! :wave:


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