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TeachinNV Mon, Feb-23-04 22:45

My Daily "ME" Time
Hi all...:wave:

After about 5 weeks of going to the gym, I finally decided to keep track of my progress in this gym log. I call this my "daily ME Time" family knows that I won't answer my cell phone while I'm at the gym. They also know that I won't be home right after school.

I've finally gotten a schedule together for my workouts...

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 10 minute warm-up (stationary bike) + strength training (upper & lower body) + 45 minutes of cardio (treadmill: small hill program)

Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday: 45 minutes of cardio (treadmill: small hill program)

Sunday: not a darn thing. :p

For my strength training, I use the machines. I'm still too unsteady and unsure to feel comfortable with the free weights. I also do 3 sets of 12 for each machine.

My ultimate goals are to avoid plastic surgery (tummy tuck, etc.) when I'm done losing my weight. So, I want to tone as I go along. I also want to be able to walk easily on my trip to England this June. I want to be able to climb castle stairs without expiring on the way up; I really want to be able to climb the many stairs to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral so I can see the fabulous view of London.

I sure hope I'm going about it the right way. I haven't lost much weight lately, I'm hoping that's because I'm gaining muscle instead.

Well, off to bed...I'm pooped. TTFN!! :wave:

TeachinNV Mon, Oct-18-04 21:24

Restarting my gym log

Well, it's past time to restart my gym log! Although I haven't been posting, I have been working out. In fact, I've been working with a trainer since March. I work with him three days a week, and try to get to the gym for my cardio most other days.

I don't always make it back on those alternate days, but that's something that I'm working on. :o :o

So, here's the latest...

Today I did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I used the crosscountry setting which includes inclines up to 7. I managed to stay at 2.8 mph and my heart rate averaged 136 which I think is close to where I want it. My shin splints were acting up, but it sure felt good to get some exercise in. I hadn't been to the gym since Thursday, and hadn't done any cardio in over a week. :(

My goal for the rest of the month is to train 3x/week and do cardio 3x/week. I will take one day off each week...because I need it.

TTFN!! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

galatia Tue, Oct-19-04 15:38


I also want to be able to walk easily on my trip to England this June. I want to be able to climb castle stairs without expiring on the way up; I really want to be able to climb the many stairs to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral so I can see the fabulous view of London.

Did you have a good trip? I've always wanted to go to England myself, and see those castles. I've read so many historical novels about it......:)

TeachinNV Thu, Oct-21-04 20:43

Hi Galatia... :wave: :wave:

Yep, I had a fabulous time in England this summer! I climbed EVERY stair in England. Everything is upstairs or downstairs...nothing is built on the groundfloor. O.k. I'm making that up...but it sure seemed like it. I managed to climb to the top of Glastonbury Tor (a really tall hill), to the second level of St. Paul's Cathedral, and did scads of walking and climbing. By the time I came home, my knees were not happy with me at all. Too bad, I'm heading to Scotland next summer and will probably manage to irritate them again. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So, I'd better keep working out to build them up.

Tuesday was gym day, and the trainer was trying to kill me. O.k. maybe not kill me...perhaps he was only trying to cripple me. We work the entire body during each session, so it was an equal opportunity torture session.

Today, I felt really tired and a bit sore in the shoulders and arms. Jack took pity on me and didn't work me too hard. We did some calf raises, some lunges, and worked my biceps, triceps, and back. I also did the mandatory crunches. Overall, not too bad...but I'm still pooped. I think it's a combination of PMS and it being Thursday. I get really tired by the end of the week.

TTFN!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

galatia Fri, Oct-22-04 07:02

I am going to go and read all you've written in your sound like such a neat person. Your writing is fun to read, you are quite the creative writer. And you sound like such a fun person. I know your students must love you :) . How old are your children? I'll probably find out the answer to that in your journal. Mine are all grown and on their own now. Well, my youngest is in college so he still comes home on the week ends. He is going to Italy for 11 days, with his history department, around Thanksgiving. Enjoy your exercise! :)

TeachinNV Fri, Oct-22-04 20:10

Hi Galatia...

Thanks!! I am a pretty neat person. :o)

My boys are almost 18 and almost 21. The oldest will be moving to Houston in the spring to go to school. The youngest is trying to get through high school (homeschooling). It's not always easy or successful, but we're trying.

Have a good weekend!!

TeachinNV Fri, Oct-22-04 22:20

This week...

This week at the gym...

Tuesday...personal training (weights)
Thursday...personal training (weights)

I'm not getting my cardio time in like I should. I had a very busy week, and just did not have the energy to go to the gym. I know that I feel better when I do, but just didn't make it.

So, my goal for the next month is to get my cardio in three times per week and training 3x a week.

TTFN!!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

TeachinNV Thu, Dec-30-04 18:22

Well, it's almost the end of the year and time to assess my success and failures for 2004.

Overall, I'm pleased with my progress this year. I have lost 38 pounds and while it's not as much as I'd hoped, it's better than having lost nothing at all.

I've managed to exercise more this year than in any other year of my adult life. I've even enjoyed most of it...although it will probably never be my favorite thing. I still manage to find excuses to not exercise, but I'm going to work on that in the coming weeks. When I fail to get to the gym, I'm only hurting myself, and I'm ready to stop doing that.

I certainly feel better at the end of this year than at the end of last year. I have more energy, confidence, and am generally a happier person.

So, health-wise, 2004 was pretty darn great.

My goals for the next year...

1. Lose 5 pounds...12 times...for a total of at least 60 pounds.
2. Get to the gym regularly for my "Me" time.
3. Increase my cardio to at least 3x/week.
4. Begin walking every morning...daily "wake-up" time.
5. Increase my water intake.
6. Have a fabulous time in Scotland this summer.
7. Continue to learn along with my students and continue to enjoy each and every one of them.
8. Journal at least 5x/week.
9. Be a happy and healthy me.

TTFN!! :wave:

mizzbryce Mon, Jan-15-07 19:54

HI Im kinda newbie but i want to start exercising as well and I have a hard time finding time or someone to push me into doing it . I have access to all kinds of weights my husband lifts almost everyday i find excuses. But I have lost 30 pounds low carbing and have stalled and want to kick it into high gear and get 20 more pounds Off I want to start me a gym log to. IF I GET TO MOVING. I have my sons wedding in may would love to drop 20 more and tone up by then. WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!

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