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tina3869 Sat, Jun-23-01 12:32

Ripped Fuel
A friend of mine told me about this product called Ripped Fuel, it's "metabolic enhancer" and the bottles says it contains the following ingredients:

Chromium 200mcg
(from chromium picolnta)

Mahuang extracts (from arial parts) 334 mg
(standardized for 20mg ephedra alkkoloids)

Guarana Seed Extract 910mg

L-camatine 100mg

Has anyone used this? I have no idea what any of this stuff is or what it is supposed to do to your body. I hate to take it untill I know what the heck it is.

If someone could translate this stuff into plain English I would be very appreciative

Thanks, Tina

Trainerdan Sat, Jun-23-01 15:18

get rippin'
Ripped Fuel is another one of the many herbal combinations of the classic ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stacks.

It is in the same class as: Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, Thermadrene, Ultimate Orange, Beta-Lean ... as well as just doing it the old school way of popping a 20mg ephedrine hcl tab, a 200mg caffeine tab (Vivarin, etc.), and a baby aspirin.

You must be VERY careful to read the bottle before purchasing/using any ephedrine based product, as certain health conditions can be made worse if ephedrine (or any stimulant for that matter) is consumed. Off the top of my head, I would say high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, heart diesase, diabetes, hypogyclemia ... hmm ... there's a few more. Just read the bottle.

On the plus side, it is one of the most effective supplements that can help with the early weight loss that is critical for motivation during a weight loss program. It has been studied extensively for safety and effectiveness ... high marks for this ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin combo (also called ECA stack).

Now for some long winded background ....

- Ephedrine is an alkaloid (bitter organic base) found in various plant species of Ephedra, also called Ma Huang. Ephedrine is useful because it acts as a nasal decongestant, a central nervous system stimulant and as a treatment for bronchial asthma.

- Ephedrine has been shown to be very effective in elevating body temperature which can help you achieve your weight loss goals. It is not advisable to exceed 75 mg per day, taken in three divided doses.

- Ephedrine is a beta-adrenergic agonist. What that means is that it acts like adrenelin (adrenergic) in your body. However, it only acts on alpha receptors. Because of ephedrine's adrenalin-like pioperties it is very thermogenic which means that it causes your body to generate heat, which will in turn cause you to burn more calories.

Studies? OK ... It's a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo, but I put smileys at the key points if you wanna scroll down to them ...

Title: The effect and safety of an ephedrine/caffeine compound compared to ephedrine, caffeine and placebo in obese subjects on an energy restricted diet. A double blind trial.

Author(s): Astrup A Breum L Toubro S Hein P Quaade F

Journal: Int-J-Obes-Relat-Metab-Disord. 1992 Apr; 16(4): 269-77 1992

Abstract: The sympathomimetic agent ephedrine has potent thermogenic and anti-obesity properties in rodents. The effect is markedly enhanced by caffeine, while caffeine given alone has no effect. This study was undertaken to find out if a similar weight reducing synergism between ephedrine and caffeine is present in obese patients.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind study, 180 obese patients were treated by diet (4.2 MJ/day) and either an ephedrine/caffeine combination (20mg/200mg), ephedrine (20 mg), caffeine (200 mg) or placebo three times a day for 24 weeks. Withdrawals were distributed equally in the four groups, and 141 patients completed the trial.

Mean weight losses was significantly greater with the combination than with placebo from week 8 to week 24 (ephedrine/caffeine, 16.6 +/- 6.8 kg vs. placebo, 13.2 +/- 6.6 kg (mean +/- s.d.), P = 0.0015).

Weight loss in both the ephedrine and the caffeine groups was similar to that of the placebo group.

Side effects (tremor, insomnia and dizziness) were transient and after eight weeks of treatment they had reached placebo levels. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure fell similarly in all four groups.

:D :D We conclude, that in analogy with animal studies, the ephedrine/ caffeine combination is effective for the treatment of human obesity. :D :D


Title: The effect of chronic ephedrine treatment on substrate utilization, the sympathoadrenal activity, and energy expenditure during glucose-induced thermogenesis in man.

Author(s): Astrup A Madsen J Holst JJ Christensen NJ

Journal: Metabolism. 1986 Mar; 35(3): 260-5 1986 0026-0495

Abstract: Chronic ephedrine treatment of man has recently been found to enhance the thermogenic response to an acute dose of ephedrine.

Conceivably, this sensitization to beta-adrenergic stimulation might also affect the facultative component of diet-induced thermogenesis. The glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) was studied in five healthy female subjects after 3 months of chronic peroral ephedrine treatment.

Similar experiments 3 months after cessation of treatment served as controls.

During chronic ephedrine treatment a sustained :D 10% elevation of the metabolic rate was found compared to that in the control study. Plasma epinephrine levels were increased 87% during treatment. These increases tended to be positively correlated (r = 0.54, P less than 0.07). GIT expressed as a percentage of the ingested energy load was unaltered during chronic ephedrine treatment compared with that in the control study (9.0% v 8.9%).

The respiratory quotient (RQ) indicate that relatively more lipid was oxidized during chronic ephedrine treatment than in the control study. This change was observed in the fasting state as well as after glucose administration.

Certain effects of ephedrine seems to be appropriate to a thermogenic drug for the treatment of obesity:

:D A single dose of ephedrine stimulates thermogenesis, an effect that is enhanced during chronic treatment; Chronic treatment elevates the metabolic rate; and The substrate utilization is changed in favor of lipid oxidation. (otherwise know as "fat burning"):D

Title: Effects of chronic administration of ephedrine during very-low-calorie diets on energy expenditure, protein metabolism and hormone levels in obese subjects.

Author(s): Pasquali R Casimirri F Melchionda N Grossi G Bortoluzzi L Morselli Labate AM Stefanini C Raitano A

Journal: Clin-Sci-Colch. 1992 Jan; 82(1): 85-92 1992 0143-5221


1. We investigated the effects of the chronic administration of a sympathomimetic agent on energy expenditure, protein metabolism and levels of thyroid hormones and catecholamines in 10 obese subjects after a 6-week very-low-calorie-diet programme (1965 kJ, 60 g of protein, 45 g of carbohydrates).

L-(-)- Ephedrine hydrochloride (50 mg three times a day by mouth) or placebo were administered during 2-week periods (weeks 2-5 of the VLCD programme) in a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design. Five subjects began with ephedrine and five with placebo.

2. The results were analysed separately in the two groups. No difference was found between them as regards weight loss during the very-low-calorie diet and drug treatments.

Conversely, ephedrine therapy induced a significantly lower daily urinary excretion of nitrogen (and, consequently, a better nitrogen balance) with respect to placebo, independently of the drug sequence. Daily urinary levels of 3-methylhistidine during ephedrine and placebo treatments were similar.

The fasting resting metabolic rate (oxygen consumption, ml STP/min) fell significantly during the very-low-calorie diet in both groups, but this effect was partially and significantly prevented by administration of ephedrine.

:D :D (This study shows that ephedrine by itself doesn't really help with weight loss, but it will help you maintain positive nitrogen balance, which is critical for keeping muscle mass during dieting. Trust me it's a good thing ... SO ... If you take ephedrine be sure to take it with caffeine. Most products come mixed that way. Caffeine is also known as guarana.) :D :D

tina3869 Sat, Jun-23-01 18:49

Thank you
First of all let me say thank you for replying to my post. That had to take some time (no matter how fast you type LOL). I read every word in the Studies... scientific mumbo jumbo included!:D

I do have a couple more questions if you don't mind.

I noticed that when I took the Ripped Fuel today my allergies didn't bother me as much, as a matter of fact I usualy have to take a benadryl every 4 hours (per doctors instructions) and I didn't have to take any today. Could it be the Ephedrine? I noted that you said Ephedrine is traditonaly used as a nasal decongestent, so I am guessing thats where it came from.

My friend gets a much better "energy high" from this product (I swear its like she is on crack or something...bouncing of the walls and talking a mile a minute)....however she does not drink caffine and I on the other hand drink about 10 cups of coffee a day. Does Ephedrine have a different effect on different ppl or is it the caffine that is making her hyper?

I know this is going to be a dumb question so please don't laugh at me, but does thermogenic mean the same thing as a fever? Or is it a different kind of body heat. Ok OK I said it was dumb :p

Thanks again for all the info it was very interesting. As a matter of fact I am going to go read it a third time!


Trainerdan Sun, Jun-24-01 05:26

Could it be the Ephedrine? I noted that you said Ephedrine is traditonaly used as a nasal decongestent, so I am guessing thats where it came from.

Yep, that's probably it. Next time you look at the side of a box of cold medication you will probably find PSEUDO-ephedrine as the main ingredient. It's not the same for fat loss, but it "opens you up" so you can breathe. The "real" ephedrine used to be in there, but people were abusing it.

Does Ephedrine have a different effect on different ppl or is it the caffine that is making her hyper?

If you're body is used to a high caffeine intake, you will not feel as "hyper" as someone who doesn't take in caffeine. (I should also add that the "hyper" is just a side effect and will go away in a few weeks)

Each one of those doses of ripped fuel has 200mg caffeine in it. That's alot if your body isn't used to it. Which reminds me, by the way, avoid your coffee within 4 hours of a Ripped Fuel dose to avoid "overstimualtion".

but does thermogenic mean the same thing as a fever? Or is it a different kind of body heat.

Hmmm ... good one, but a fever is the body's defense for killing off infections. Even though thermogenesis will make you feel hotter and raise body temperature the same as a fever, it will only go so high. You won't be getting a 101 degree Ripped Fuel induced thermogenic response. You probably will feel hot though.

Sometimes when I am on an ECA based product I throw off heat like a blast furnace. Fern makes fun of me because of it. :D

Hope I answered your questions ...

P.S. ... I am from Audubon, NJ :)

tina3869 Sun, Jun-24-01 08:26

Thank you
You are so right about the caffine, bc a couple of weeks after she started taking the Ripped Fuel she called and said "this stuff isn't working anymore. Do you think I should take more of it?" Well since I didn't even know what it was at taht time, I told her "No, your body probably just got used to it, don't take more just stop taking it all together for a few weeks and give your body a rest, then try it again" Now that I read what you said about not exceeding the recommended amount I'm glad I told her that. People (myself included) don't realize that even though something is sold "over the counter" it can be dangerous.

To be honest I bought the bottle bc I was looking for a legal way to get some energy. We are moving from one side of Cherry Hill to the other and with two kids (10yo and 2yo) and no sugar rush to keep me going....well I am just so wore out.

How do you know fern? She is the greatest isn't she?

Audubon, NJ? hmmm...we have only been here a year so I'll have to ask my 10yo where that is (thank God for geography in school hahahaha)

Oh, before I forget...I clicked on your link and went to your site. I got about a hundred "run-time-errors" (not your fault my computer just hates pop-up adds) anyway I just realized that you answer these kind of questions for a living and I have never once saw you brag or try to sell your services....well what I am trying to say is "your a great guy"

Sorry to be so long winded.....have a great weekend!


fern2340 Sun, Jun-24-01 09:24

Blushing, thanks Tina!
Originally posted by tina3869
[BIs Dan great or what? I mean to take that much time to sit down and explain all that to me and to give me sientific studies to prove his point?

Let's hear it for DAN!!

"Dan! Dan! He's our man! If he can't help you no one can!"

:D [/B]

Ok, now Dan's head is going to get all big and I won't be able to sit in the same room as him!!! Just kidding!

Tina, I am flattered that you think I'm great! And yes, so is Dan! He is my boyfriend so that's how we know each other....
One of the reasons I love him so much is because of the way he loves to help people. (like posting scientific studies and giving info to people from his own personal experiences) :)

Anyway, Audubon is only like 10 minutes from Cherry Hill!!!


Trainerdan Sun, Jun-24-01 19:01

oh ...
couple of weeks after she started taking the Ripped Fuel she called and said "this stuff isn't working anymore. Do you think I should take more of it?" Well since I didn't even know what it was at taht time, I told her "No, your body probably just got used to it, don't take more just stop taking it all together for a few weeks and give your body a rest, then try it again"

About this ... the side effect may go away, but the ECA still will work its magic even if you can't "feel it". In fact, the longer you take it, the better. But I would stop taking it after 8 weeks on, then do 4 weeks off.

I know some guys who do 12 weeks on, but they don't take it on weekends. That is one way to go.

Saliena Thu, Aug-09-01 07:23

Xenadrine.... Anyone know about it?
Greetings all,

My partner wants to loss some weight but she has tried the low carb thing and does not like it. She went to GNC and got a medication called Xenadrine. Does anyone know about it? What does it do? I am kind of leery of meds that promise fast weight loss. Does anyone know anything about it?



ChrstnHrpr Thu, Aug-09-01 08:33

Hello! First of all, congrats on the weight loss ( I just got done reading your other post):D I have experience with Xenadrine and Hydroxycut, so here is my opinion. I would personally tell her not to take them! They dont work! They cost too much! Walmart sells a generic form of Xenadrine with the same exact ingredients for 1/2 the price. They make you moody and they are extremely hard to get off of! It is like a legal form of speed! If you want this kind of pick me up, just drink a pot of coffee!:D The ads are too good to be true and they are! They're computer touched up photos! Ever notice how everyone in those pictures suddenly has an awesome tan? I work in a salon with tanning beds and I am sorry but you cant get a tan like that in 6 weeks!:rolleyes: Just my opinion from personal experience. Tell her to save herself the money and the tears from emotional outbursts these pills cause and try some good old fashioned exercise!

Susie Sat, Aug-11-01 10:18

Well Christine one of the spokepeople just happens to be Marla Duncan.
She's a been a fitness icon since the late 80's. And I can tell you that her pictures have not been retouched. If you've ever followed fitness/bodybuilding you'll also know how much her body composition has changed throughout the years as well as her pregnancy a few years back.
As far as the tans........most models use bottled tans as I do. It gives a nice even tan without the damage of UV rays. I get a tan like that within a week's time!

Hydroxycut has also worked for me! My bodyfat levels have never been so low! I've had three children and went down from a size 8-10 to a size 3-4 within less than 5 months.
Though the results from Hydroxycut for me peeked at about 4 weeks as I'd already lost most of the fat on my own previous to taking Hydroxycut.

I am returning to the gym after a two month lay off and Hydroxycut will be my favorite companion in the weeks to come.
Although my bodyfat levels are considered normal. Hydroxycut seems to melt off just enough to show the curves I've worked so hard for in the gym. It gives me the tight look I love!

But this is just my story!

Sadai Sat, Aug-11-01 13:04

On behalf of Hydroxycut!!!
I thought I would add my 2 cents, and I absolutely agree with Susie. I currently only take 2 per day and as a result have found the energy to join a gym and lose 7 lb's to date... and I will continue using the Hydroxycut according to the directions !!

Trainerdan Mon, Aug-13-01 10:32

Xenadrine, Hydroxy, and all the ECA stacks ...
All of these products that are a combination of Epedrine (ma huang), caffeine (guarana), and aspirin (white willow bark) work for fat loss.

Some people like 'em, some don't. Personally, I love 'em. They do work ... and science can prove it. I wrote a lengthy post on ECA stacks in the Daily forum a while ago ... let's see if I can dig it up ...

madpiano Fri, Sep-28-01 16:32

Hmm, just my 2 cents : Ephedrine is a form of speed which is an A-Class drug. It is very addictive and is linked to heart problems, especially when used in combination with exercise. I know it is sold freely in health food shops. That doesn't mean it is safe ! Be carefull when you take it. My friend at home was addicted to speed, and she was skinny as hell, but she also had a year-long fight to come off the stuff and is now on anti-depressants

Natrushka Thu, Nov-08-01 09:29

ECA Question for Dan
Hi there. I've done some research on the ECA stack and I have a question, or two :)

I recently quit smoking, I know that smoking increases metabolism (I believe the number is around 10%) and therefore quitting would decrease it. I have also been taking my rising and afternoon temperatures of late to see if I was indeed having problems with a thyroid issue. My doctor thinks not. I have noticed this past week that my temp upon rising has decreased between .2 - .5 a degree. Question is this: In your post about ECA stacks you mention that :

it is one of the most effective supplements that can help with the early weight loss that is critical for motivation during a weight loss program.

Obviously, this is not the start of my weight loss program ;) Do you think I would benefit from taking this for a few weeks? My BP used to be on the high side of normal it is now 130 / 79, normal cholesterol, etc.

Thx for the help,

Trainerdan Thu, Nov-08-01 19:42

sounds like a good time ...
It sounds as if your body has adjusted to yoru current activity level/calorie level, which is indicated by the drop in your temperature (thyroid slowing down as your body's natural defense mechanism to "stop wasting away")

An ECA would be a good choice here. When your temp slows again, add some thyroid boosting supplements to the mix (guggul & phosphates ... there is a product that combines an ECA with the thryroid boosters .... I think it is made by MHP, but the name escapes me .. Thyro-Stack, Thyrolean, something to that effect ...

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