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firespirit Wed, Oct-17-01 23:18

Moving a Mountain
Keeping a food journal with everyone's helpful comments has helped me so much stick to the change in eating. So here I am plunging in again :exclm: Hopefully keeping this exercise journal will do the same thing. I haven't really exercised consistently since intra-murals in high school. I used to love basketball.

Ultimate physical goal: to be able to play basketball again

First physical goal: To be able to ride my bike to and from the store (~3 miles round trip) without feeling like I'm going to die.

As I've already admitted to in at least one other post I am 5 ft 4 in tall and my hips are 5 ft 2 in around. About 1.5 years ago I through myself into a strenuous walking program, and severely sprained a calf muscle in my left leg. ( It still aches occasionally).
Since then, with this body, I haven't done much moving.

The doctor says walking, weights, and water aerobics would be a way to start. I'm afraid to commit to exercise, because, to be completely honest, I've become so lazy. But tonight I walked around my apartment complex. So this week my goal is to walk around my apartment complex at least 1 time at least once a day. And to stop driving just around the corner of apartment to check mail.

This journal's title comes from the Bible. Somewhere in there Jesus said "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains." I only have faith the size of a mustard seed that I can move this mountain of fat (if that).

I don't sound like my usual bubbly self, but I know how much harder this is for me even then giving up carbs.

Struggling along in this :doah:

fiona Thu, Oct-18-01 00:20

Great work
{5 ft 4 in tall and my hips are 5 ft 2 in around.} LOL

It might seem to be a small step : walking round your apartment complex but IT IS A START. The first step is always the hardest. After that it just gets easier and easier every day. Even when you stop it gets easier to start again.

Your calf injury might have linked exercise with pain in your mind and instinctively we avoid whatever brings us pain. Be creative about changing that and linking exercise to JOY: to achieving goals, to a new slim you, to wonderful sexy clothes ... to fun etc. The actual movements DO bring about a physiological change that gives you a FEEL-GOOD, alive feeling anyway.

Well Done.

Take care

firespirit Sat, Oct-20-01 00:18

Okay, okay--I confess. I started this exercise log, then I did nothing for the next 2 days. So I stopped in here tonight to vow to walk around the apartment complex tomorrow. I will check back in then.

fiona Sat, Oct-20-01 05:54

Have you done it yet?
LOL! Confession is good for the soul but only if it is used to reassert your goals and not an excuse to get out the "self-Whip".

That is exactly how journals help. Remind me of my goals and get me back on track .... and

{to vow to walk around the apartment complex tomorrow} ... give me permission to do what I like doing best of all ! (according to my dh!)! .... nag! Have you been round that apartment complex TODAY? What did you notice as you walked briskly past?

Take care.

fern2340 Sat, Oct-20-01 06:48

Glad you started a gym log Firespirit!
It definitely helps me to write things down and for the most part, it helps me stick with my routine more. Walking around your apartment complex is a GREAT place to start!! Keep up the good work!! I like your goal of wanting to be able to play basketball again----I love it (i've been playing since 6th grade!)


firespirit Sat, Oct-20-01 19:56

Ha--I did it!

I walked around the apt. complex today--not just once, but twice. First time I just kind of moseyed along; enjoying the fact that the desert has finally cooled off. Then I was really enjoying myself, so I decided to go around again, this time a little faster. Yeah for me!!!!!

My apartment complex has one side facing the street, one side with a cool view of distant mountains, and three sides that directly face small mountains. It is scenery I really enjoy. When I first came to the desert, I thought it would be all rocks and dirt; but the variety of plant life is astonishing. Almost any time of year something is blooming. Most things are dormant right now, but I did see clusters of yellow flowers here and there. Also, the complex is landscaped in big rosemary bushes ( Yes, like the spice), some of the bushes still had beautiful lavender blossoms also.

The complex is build into the side of some cliffs and has some ups and downs. It is not flat ground, so for me it is a workout. It has one really steep incline which I can walk up or down hill depending on which direction I start out in. Today I walked the steep one uphill.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :D

Natrushka Sat, Oct-20-01 20:21

Good Job, fire. Every time you get out and do something like that you're helping yourself, and not just physically. Exercise makes you feel good, about your accomplishments and about facing challenges. Keep up the good work!


doreen T Sat, Oct-20-01 22:34

hi firespirit
Your route sounds absolutely wonderful. I'll bet it looks different depending on the time of day that you walk ... I know where I like to hike/nature walk ... it looks like a totally different place in the morning than late afternoon ... the direction and angle of the sun makes the shadows change shapes. It's great, and the walk is never boring!

take care,


firespirit Tue, Oct-23-01 01:00

Why is it that somehow, something always gets in my way!

The last few days I've had some problems with my back/neck which have made even wallking nearly impossible. I slept wrong about 3 days ago; and today I could barely turn my neck, or by end of day hold my head up. My mom is really into chiropractic care, and she thinks I need to see somebody about it. I keep hoping I'll just wake up doing better--I have been rubbing liniment and tea tree oil on my shoulders and neck, also applying heat.

I have been doing some light stretching exercises, trying to stretch out the "kinks". If I'm not doing better by tomorrow, I guess I might have to call my mom's chiropractor.

firespirit Wed, Oct-24-01 23:24

Back at it
Today I went to the chiropracter and he showed me why I was in so much pain. My spine is beginning to zig where it should have zagged--visible enough on the x-rays. The guy is real reputable, so I will be visiting him the next few weeks to straighten me out. Had my first adjustment today. Feeling bettter, but my neck muscles are still as tense as plywood :(

Came home and walked around apartment building twice. :D

Have been looking over a book I've had for a while called Strong Women Stay Slim. I'm no longer interested in the lowfat diet recommendations it gives, but it has an excellent program for beginning some training with free weights. I've got the weights to get started (3lb, 5lb, and up) at home, because I used to do the weight program the book recommends. So as soon as the chiropracter gives me the okay, I'm going to start doing this. I seem to recall really enjoying the fact that my muscles were becoming stronger.

Anything to stimulate me to a more regular pattern of exercise.

firespirit Thu, Oct-25-01 22:59

Once again walked around the apartment complex 2 times.

Goal for tomorrow: Do light yoga routine that I used to do--see how much of it I can still do.

AND 2x around this silly apartment complex.

doreen T Sat, Oct-27-01 09:51

hi firespirit
My girlfriend has a lot of back pain problems ... and she finds chiropractic treatments really helpful. Here's hoping it brings some relief for you.

Wow, twice around the block AND yoga ... now that's progress! :D

Keep up the good work.


numberonewendy Sun, Oct-28-01 06:56

I'm afraid to commit to exercise,

Hi Firespirit,

I too am afraid of commitment with exercise. Here I thought I was the only one....LOL

I have some time this morning and thought I would go through this thread. Its peaked my interest as I have just started to go to a gym for the first time in my life.

Reading your posts, gives me thoughts of, if she can do this, so can I. Thanks for sharing your fear of commitment. Your not the only one and also allows me to know, I'm not the only one ;)

firespirit Mon, Oct-29-01 18:52

Back on track????
I fell into a fit of depression and exhaustion and carbs :( (more details in my food journal) but hopefully I'm back on track now. The day after my last post I did do part of my old yoga routine, but I didn't do any walking. Other than to go to and from work, I haven't moved much since then.

I hate depression, don't you???? :bash:

I'll check back in later, hopefully to say I walked around the apartment again.


It truly is helpful not to feel so alone. At my size, I don't think I'll ever be a fan of the "exercise til you drop cheerful club"; but I do know that I really need exercise. Even if I could lose without exercise, I'd just be a big pile of skin and wrinkles without some toning up. And as I get smaller, perhaps I'll find more joy in "moving" when I don't feel like a "mountain". A friend is trying to get me to join a gym, but I want to be exercising (at least walking) on my own before I do...Otherwise it will just be a big waste of money. Good luck with your exercise, Let me know how it goes.

fiona Wed, Oct-31-01 01:59

Go Go Go and Pull others with you
Wow firespirit

Glad I popped in here. I have used my flu as an excuse to stop exercising but seeing how far you've come has inspired me to start again.

Thanks for the pull!

Take care.

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