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nfnitedawn Tue, Oct-22-02 09:34

Help cfids flare up
Hi everyone I really need some support...I have cfids/fms and right now, for the past month, I've been in such a flare up I'm at my wits end. Under normal circumstances, I'm a gym addict, and at the gym 2-3 hrs a day running, kickboxing, weight training, etc. This time round, my relapse has rendered me complete powerless. I've attemped repeatedly with an iron will to go to the gym, only to be asked to leave and go "rest" and get better, or my own body has given out and I've had to return home to bed. I've also just come down with yet another chest cold/sinus infection, and it seems no matter how I try to get myself back up and running its futile.
I'm still doing Atkins, not as rigidly as before, but still doing it. My body is completely foreign to me right now, nothing is working right, my digestion, my immune system, my reproductive system, everything is out of whack. How do i continue to lose weight while going through this? My body temp yesterday was 93.7, and my body is aching all over so any activity to bolster my metabolism is out right now.... HELP!!!!
Any advice will be so welcomed.. thank you for being here for me!
Love and light to all,

Barbiedoll Tue, Oct-22-02 20:19

I am so sorry you are in pain. I know how this is my mom has fms really bad. Hers flares up when the weather changes. When cold fronts or rain comes in she hurts all over and is bed ridden. Maybe that is some insight I do hope you feel better. God bless :roll: :roll: :roll:

liberty Wed, Oct-23-02 09:10

I would recommend you have a look at schwarzbein principle may be suffering from adrenal burn out......which Dr S gives a good explanation on what it is and ......what to do if u r.

I would recommend it to anyone who has cfs/me /fms.........i think it is a must read for all of us with these symptoms.

In the meantime REST as much as possible and eat a good balanced healthy diet ............too much protein and too little carbs can also cause FURTHER adrenal stress.

take care

Liberty :spin:

kjturner Mon, Oct-28-02 05:52

Just a suggestion, but I've found two things that *really* seem to help when I get flare-ups are: Colostrum (I like New Life Colostrum Plus) and DSF Formula from Nutri-West (adrenal support). I normally take two colostrum per day and one half DSF (chewed) twice per day, but when I'm gripped by a flare-up I take 4 colostrum twice a day and as many DSF as I think I need--up to 4/day (they taste terrible--4 is all I can stand!) In fact, a LOT of times when I think I may be harboring an infection, I'll do the 'mega' colostrum and I usually either pass over the infection altogether, or just get a really mild case that may last only a day or so. I also take pycnogenol when I'm feeling really 'draggy-a**ed'. They help a lot. I haven't found anything to help with the 'clumsys' and 'dropsys', though. Thank goodness those symptoms don't last long--they're very frustrating! :daze:
I take a lot of other supplements too, but I've definitely noticed a very real difference taking those during flare-ups. I've been on a self-directed program which is very slowly working. I've been working on it for about 3 or so years now and there is some relief. I 'do' chiropractic, massage therapy, nutritional supplementation, low-carb (I'm diabetic also), and I've just started exploring the 'alkaline' way of life--too soon to tell on this one, but so far my blood sugar is looking somewhat better....

colinjn Mon, Nov-04-02 18:14

Ride the Wave
Hi Dawn,
Let's hope this thing is a temporary setback. As you probably know CFIDS has its waves and it is best to ride them rather than fight them. You might console yourself by remembering that your muscles have a good memory and will respond well when it is time to go back to the gym.

Now in case this is a turning point in your life, let me tell you about my case. I too was at the gym and moving ever forward with my life when I got hit by a major relapse. That happened several years ago and I have not recovered to the point where I used to be. All efforts to reintroduce resistance and aerobic training have only sent me into greater decline.

I have the typical CFIDS overachiever mentality and so know all the thoughts that are probably going through your mind. And yes I tried it all. Hundreds of options and thousands of dollars later I am at the same place.

My latest quest is to listen to my body rather than order it about. I am taking satisfaction in very slow and minute improvements. It is a terribly disciplined process. Much harder than the self-imposed routines I used to think were so challenging. But at least I see improvement and have a new respect for the natural flow of energy through me.

But that's me and my story. I would prefer it if you found a cheap miracle pill and went on your happy way at the gym. Destiny is a strange thing.

Good Luck


nfnitedawn Thu, Nov-07-02 10:51

Thank you everyone for your support
I appreciate all of you that responded to my plea...I apologize for not writing sooner, things got alittle worse before they got better and I was unable to get online for awhile. Thankfully, I am on the upswing once again. I found a new rheumotologist, who, though cannot cure me, is very validating, positive, and knowledgeable. Once I was able to let go alittle of my type A personality traits and stop obsessing so much, I was able to rest, and accept my siutation as it was. Strangely, as I began to slowly feel better I found gratittude in what little I could do, I put the focus on what I was ABLE to do, rather than what I was unable to do.
Presently I am back to the gym, at about 70%, my brain has cleared up, the fog is lifting, and I'm feeling more like myself. I took all the advise, and I am now listening to my body... I rest when I need to, I take breaks, and I don't push myself beyond reason.
Thanks to all of you once again, you are all a blessing to me!!!
Stay healthy happy and peaceful,

missyvonne Sun, Nov-24-02 23:16

cfids flare up
hi-you are flaring because cfids and fms(which i also have)are the only illness that excersize makes WORSE. very small light excersize is okay but there is a fine line where it goes from helpful to not helpful and triggers all your symptoms full on. i really suggest that you not do so much at the gym! find gentler ways of excersizing, yoga, tai chi, etc. and even tai chi is hard on me and its mild! take care!

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