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Miss Melis Sat, Oct-23-04 10:23

Biggest Loser and Exercise
Any of you watching that show... I only saw the last 15 minutes so I missed the whole intro and details as to how it works... But I have a question...

They did something like 5 hours of exercise... Why didn't anyone of them complain of being sore the next day??? I am always sore... and with the amount of exercise they did... I don't think I would be able to get out of bed the next day!!! ha! ah!

take care, :wave:

WantsMore Sun, Oct-24-04 22:59

Yes I was wondering the same. I do about an hour workout and I'm sore every day. 5 hours after not exercising in forever. How could they even stand it?

LCme Sun, Oct-24-04 23:23

Hi missmelis, I did happen to see it from the beginning and there was one small scene showed of the morning after the first day when they were all complaining about being sore. Then there was another couple of scenes were discomfort was inferred: one of the guys had to run out of the gym to puke in the middle of a workout, and another one were a lady broke down and cried after some type of wind sprints. Overall, you are right - a suspicious lack -I wonder why it would be edited out?

janetkind Mon, Oct-25-04 12:38

I also saw that show. I think if any might give good tips on exersicing and eating.
They did show people talking about getting sore .
After body gets used to exersicing and wts. it should not be that sore. You should not push that hard at firts. Work up each week.
The biggset key. Is to exersice and eat right carbs and portion size. If we go back to eating more calaries then we burn and no exersice then it comes back on. I really think to it is all in head and what we all want. And to learn to matain that goal weight.
I read in book that Dont put on more weight you can not take off in 72 hours. For me that is 3lbs and it takes a week to lose that.
I write down carbs and calaries and weigh food. Been doing that for over 1 year and a half/ It helps and get some email buddies and go to chat room. We all need kick in buttand pats on back.

WantsMore Tue, Oct-26-04 14:44

I know this is completely not the fault of the show. But I wonder how many people are going to try the 5 hours of exercise or pushing it to that intensity after seeing someone lose 22 lbs in one week?

mammac-5 Wed, Oct-27-04 06:00

I thought about that, too, when I saw the show. I'm sure the participants were well screened by physicians as to their ability to do extreme exercise without dropping dead, but what of the general population? I hope we don't see people going out and trying to do these workouts on their own...the cardiologists and orthopedic surgeons are going to be working overtime!

I do wonder how the knee joints of some of the very overweight contestants are holding up, too. We all know that being very overweight is a huge stress on vulnerable knee joints and some of these folks may not have been doing much physical activity at all for several years. I'd be more concerned about that, I think, than the muscle soreness that comes from beginning a new exercise routine.

I also wondered about the wisdom of their doing weight training on consecutive days...aren't you supposed to give your muscles a day of rest to heal and build? Of course, I'm sure the producers of this show are more concerned about seeing big numbers on the scale than they are the health of the contestants' joints and muscles months after the show is long gone...

Delta Fox Thu, Oct-28-04 07:58

It's so frusterating to me the way these poor people are being overtrained. Not only are they discouraged but they are not being given the proper information to keep it off for the long term. Any trainer worth a grain of salt would know that muscle is the biggest "fat eater" around and would not encourage their clients to catabolize this valuable weight(fat) loss necessity by overtraining...Sad, really. :thdown:

TXAimee Thu, Oct-28-04 11:16

Have you seen the workout for the Red Team on Saturdays? OMG!!!! Most people in awesome shape might have trouble!!

5 miles treadmill
500 sit ups
500 push ups
500 squats
500 lunges
500 assisted pull ups

Red Team

Blue Team

dug Fri, Oct-29-04 14:10

what is the most rediculous thing is that they measure results by weight loss. Here they are gaining muscle mass and becoming leaner, but not lighter and they all think they are failing. They should be measuring body fat % in the water like they did at the beginning. It would be a far more accurate way to determine positive results. That show is based on a lot of very old ideas and really is misleading. The guy that lost 22 lbs the frist week gained 3 pounds the second. He was crying about it after the weigh in. His body is being reshaped and muscle is replacing fat. Until the fat loss in weight is more than the muscle gain in weight...
The show is discouraging in my opinion.

Nudizzle Fri, Oct-29-04 15:16

I doblt that many of them are actually putting on any appreciable muscle mass. With their exercise regimin and severe calorie deficit, i'd bet that they're actually burning their muscle to fuel their workout, along with some fat and a load of water the first week. They get stronger anyway just because of improved nueromuscular efficiency, but as for muscle gain... I have my doubts

suzzee2003 Fri, Oct-29-04 16:43

I really felt sorry for them all! I like the guy trainer much better, I did hear him say that he is trying to teach them in the long run to become healthy and not just losing the weight factor! I think it is humiliating to the people but I'm sure they all knew what was going to happen when the first agreed to go on the show.

diemde Fri, Oct-29-04 19:04

They do need to measure BF. I was frustrated for them that they were being unfairly compared. I would think that some of the younger men might gain a bit of muscle in a week if they are working that hard.

It disturbs me that people watching it aren't really learning anything about how to exercise and lose weight. I know it's just entertainment, but why can't entertainment also educate?

Exercise B Fri, Oct-29-04 19:40

like the show
I like the show but all of you are right regarding BF/muscle. There is no way that anyone could exercise for five hours 5 days a week. Last December I went to the gym 7 days a week for 1 1/2 to 3 hours and I payed for it woke up one morning and couldn't move my whole right side was as if someone took a slug hammer and just kept hitting me. I went to physiotherapy for about 4 months, I had to take time off work, I couldn't get to a doctor for 10 days because I couldn't move I was in so much pain and I didn't wan't to call a ambulance, my kids had to help me I couln't eat hot/cold food it would go right to my bones. It was the worst couple of months in my life. After getting xrays done they found that it was in my neck (C4 & C5 )When I looked at the xray you could see the curvature. All that tugging & pulling finally caught up with me. I still go between 5-7days but I don't push myself like I did before it's not worth it.

Sorry for getting of track! I think the show is great I rush home from the gym Tuesday nights. The show has some good tips we all know that there will be a lot of editing. If anyone gets the food network there's a cooking show on Low Carb and loving it. I work in the days so I don't get a chance to watch it, I just caught the preview today. :yum:

Miss Melis Fri, Nov-05-04 11:16

Exercise B--- OMG!!!! I am sorry... but I am kind of laughing!!! IT is SOOO true!!! Why??? do we do the things we do!!???

Glad to hear others are feeling the way i am about this whole thing!!!

thanks for posting those sites.... kind of interesting!!!!

Yah, the joints --- just seeing them jump up and down the way they do (have to) is just amazing and would seem painful to me!!! I know I would be in Pain!!!!

Be Safe,
Miss- Melis

pre3teach Sat, Nov-06-04 18:16

When I saw the guy who gained weight I first thought he was gaining muscle too but after reading the workout he is probably eating himself alive!!! How awlful...and if this doesn't work for them and messes up their lean muscle% then they will wonder why they gain it back so fast. And you may lose but how depressing to exercise that much and lose 3lbs! It sends the wrong message!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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