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solamander Wed, Oct-29-03 08:36

Scale tricks (and I'm taking the 120!)
I realized when weighing myself this morning that I have a rather odd ritual. I'll only weigh myself after using the restroom fully (if you know what I mean LOL), it has to be first thing in the am (before any food, coffee etc), I'll be only in a tshirt (this morning it was cold and I had sweatpants on, had to take them off), then I get on and off the scale at least 7 times and take the best 5. Each time you get on it could be a pound or so different so it only counts if you hit the same number 4 or 5 times. Now if for some reason my weight is 1/2 pound higher than the last time I weighed then i'll ignore it, I won't make any profile changes until its at least 1/2 pound less! Today I noticed the red line was slightly off the 0, maybe 1/4 pound toward the 1 so I adjusted the line down to the 0 and I'll be damned if I didn't get a 120, only got it twice but I'm taking it dammit!
Do you all do weird stuff like this when weighing in, please tell me I'm not the only crazy one here?

paradise Wed, Oct-29-03 08:48

No, you're not crazy. I go through all the similar machinations that you do (down to stepping on and off the scale multiple times). Although, now that I am at goal, I don't do this every morning, I've stretched it out to every few days. Good luck on your LC journey!!!

angieK Wed, Oct-29-03 09:06

I only weigh myself 2 or 3 times if I don't like the number displayed. I know I should not weigh myself each day ,but I do. I don't get down if the number is up, I just sort of blame it on something else. I try to jump on the scale and accept the number that is there.

LCBarbara Wed, Oct-29-03 09:23

No, not crazy, but maybe a little OCD???????

Colleen1 Wed, Oct-29-03 09:31

Oh my gosh, I couldn't weigh myself every day. Those daily fluctuations drive me crazy.

Weighing multiple times? I must say I have never thought of that. I just use a (cheap) digital scale that I got at Sam's Club many years ago. It never occurred to me that the scale might show different numbers with different weigh-ins. I probably won't try that. It's bad enough getting on the scale once. :)

But yes, I want that number on the scale to be as low as possible, so I weigh first thing in the morning, without clothes and before eating and drinking.

Wyreless1 Wed, Oct-29-03 09:36

Originally Posted by Colleen1
But yes, I want that number on the scale to be as low as possible, so I weigh first thing in the morning, without clothes and before eating and drinking.

Or even taking a swallow of water to take my daily medications! :lol:

Stacey H Wed, Oct-29-03 09:39

Yep, I have done that too. If I get a high number now I just disregard it and weigh again the next day. When I was pregnant I would always make sure to make my doctors appts. in the morning so I would weigh in at the lowest weight possible. A little psycho.

KristiTalm Wed, Oct-29-03 09:54

This thread is a hoot.

I was having the switching numbers each time I stepped on it and it was driving me crazy. I went out two months ago and bought myself a new health o meter digital. I could step on that thing as many times in a row as I want and it gives me the same number. YAY! So, now I only have to step once.

I'm the wake up, go pee, get naked and hop on girl. I am an every dayer. I'd like to break out of that, but old habits die hard.

Good luck. Go buy a new scale and stop driving yourself crazy.


solamander Wed, Oct-29-03 10:20

Originally Posted by Colleen1
Oh my gosh, I couldn't weigh myself every day. Those daily fluctuations drive me crazy.

Weighing multiple times? I must say I have never thought of that. I just use a (cheap) digital scale that I got at Sam's Club many years ago..

Oh I don't weigh every day, maybe once a week. I'm talking about getting on & off 10 times in a row! I've got the k-mart scale, its not even digital!

adkpam Wed, Oct-29-03 11:42

Those spring loaded scales are like that. I had once perfected a combination lean/scale tilt that would knock off three pounds!
But who was I fooling...

siara28 Wed, Oct-29-03 12:25

I do the same thing..........averaging them out.......but hear this SAD STORY: (what to do???)
We got a new scale the other day because ours was rusty and old (and unsightly!!) and with the new scale I WEIGHT 2 pounds HEAVIER!?!!?!
Very bummed, NOW what do I do?
1) take my original weight and add 2 pounds to it, and then put my weight as it is now (start would be 169 now down to 147, but my goal would still be the same UGH!!!!) OR
2)take my original weight and then every time I weigh myself on this scale, subtract 2 pounds in my head?? OR
3)TAKE the 2 pound "weight gain" suck it up and MOVE ON?? OR
is there another choice??



Janey Wed, Oct-29-03 12:38

I do the same thing. I weigh myself only once a week. My scale is downstairs and the bedrooms are upstairs. During the week I shower and get dressed upstairs. I'm in a rush to get my son on the bus, so stripping down during the week is just not going to work. Saturday mornings (yes, after the bathroom thing is taken care of LOL) I weigh myself until i get a consistant number.

Siara...I would first check to make sure that the new scale is accurate. I'd hate for you to change your weight on your profile and find out that it's not right. Maybe get a big bag of sugar or flour from a neighbor and try that. I think things have to be at least 5 # for the scale to register.

Good luck and I hope your new scale is wrong. :)

bcadieux Wed, Oct-29-03 12:47

I'd go crazy weighing everyday. I go to swimming at a health club and weigh there once a week with my swim suit on. Every time I have tried cheating ( weighing in btween times) I was always up a lb or 2 so I quit. It was too traumatic! (: Of course I weigh same day, same time, and same scale.LOL

MamaSara6 Wed, Oct-29-03 12:47

I weigh daily--sometimes more than once---but since I bought a new scale I get the same number all the time. I still fluctuate a couple of pounds every day but only Saturday's weight "counts." LOL! And even then, I won't change my profile for a few weeks--unless it's DOWN!

LovableLC Wed, Oct-29-03 13:24

Might want to check your scale? When I get on and off mine over and over the same time it stays the same #.


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