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LCNewbie44 Fri, Apr-28-06 21:17

Diet pills/appetite suppressants
Can anybody here recommend any diet pills or appetite suppressing products or pills? Does any of it work? I thought mega green tea looked interesting but I don't trust amazon reviews because the positive reviews could be advertisers for the products. I've seen appetite suppressing pills, to aromas that claim to curb the appetite, but I'm still reluctant to spend my money on any of these products because I don't want to spend my money on something that's not effective.

I understand that there's no "magic pill" that will make me lose all my weight over night. I'm just looking for something to curb my cravings.

Born2run Fri, Apr-28-06 21:35

:Party: :dazzle: I hate to rain on your parade but I think appetite suppresent pills are a bad idea. When I was much younger I got hooked on Dexatrim. I got to the point where I was taking handfulls just to get them to take effect :agree:. It was really painful to get off of it, then my weight zoomed back on faster then you could ever imagine. You have to remember this is a change in the way you eat from now on. If you do your program correctly then your weight will come off the way it is supposed to. I know it's hard, but if you have an urge to snack, pick something with protein in it, or choose an Atkins shake. I urge you to please reconsider appetite suppresants they are dangerous. Judy :confused: :bhug: :p

LCNewbie44 Fri, Apr-28-06 21:54

Judy I appreciate your concern, and you make a valid point but I'm getting to the point where this is becoming a serious health problem for me. I get cravings, and can't stop them. I drink water, take protein..all of that. Still have the hunger cravings. This isn't a vanity issue for me any longer. My goal weight is more than your weight right it's kind of hard to explain this to you.

I've tried the induction of Atkins and usually can't last the whole day. I'm 330 pounds 5'6 and gaining, and I've weighed the risk of taking a diet pill to continuing on the road i'm going, and I have decided that I have a higher risk of having health problems or dying if I continue this life style- and I will if I don't curb my appetite soon.

nedgoudy Fri, Apr-28-06 23:39


I am a compulsive overater and a
member of the group too. I can tell
you that OA might help with the cravings.

It is hard to hear, but you are going
to have to TAKE CONTROL of those
yourself, and solve the problem by
starting to eat practically nothing
for about a year to lose your weight
and then eat a sensible satisfying
food plan after you lose the weight.

Business as usual is no longer an
option for you and I congratulate
you for realizing that.

There may be meetings in your area
if you check at:

And beware the few people in OA
that have been members for years
and have GAINED weight. You don't
wanna take advice from a loser like
that. You wanna find someone in program
that has lost their weight and kept it off for
years to be your sponsor.

Good Luck, I am not gonna tell you
that it is easy, but it sure as hell is
a better alternative than eating
yourself to death! I have been
on that road and don't intend to ever
go back! How about you?

black57 Fri, Apr-28-06 23:47

Protein is an excellent appetite suppresant. You will be surprised how you will have a more manageable appetite on low carb and adequate protein and fats.

TidalPool Sat, Apr-29-06 07:02

Great advice from others... I found when I drank a few cups of caffeine free green tea it for some reason made me less hungry... just my experience...

Citruskiss Sat, Apr-29-06 10:34

Hi LCNewbie,

You were saying that you have a hard time lasting through the first day of Atkins induction....and I think that's a pretty common experience. The thing that helped me most during that first week on Atkins induction was to eat and eat and eat - but only induction-acceptable foods. This meant large omelettes, maybe eating two steaks at dinner time..lots of pigging out, but it helped me get through those sugar/carb withdrawals.

This is why Dr. Atkins suggests not worrying about calories at first.

While I was struggling to get through those first several days, I actually ate more food than I did before starting low-carb. Tons of chicken wings, blue cheese dip, bags of shrimp, chunks of steak and so on.

All you have to do is stick with the "list" - but go ahead and eat as much as you need to get through the day. After a short while, you'll experience the full appetite-suppressing benefits of a lower carb diet. It's just those first several days that are hard, because your body is screaming for sugar, carbs and the like. But, please eat as much as you need or want long as it's from the acceptable foods list. If this means you end up ordering a package of 50 or more wings from the local takeout place, then so be it. If it means five-egg omelettes in the morning, so be it.

A week later, you'll find you're simply not as hungry...and it'll amaze you.

Low carb eating is the very best appetite suppressing "product" I've ever tried.

Hang in there and get yourself some really delicious low-carb foods and eat to your heart's content. It's gonna'll see.

And don't forget to forgive yourself if you eat like mad at's all part of the process of getting through the carbohydrate withdrawal.

Happy shopping and eating. :)

Born2run Sat, Apr-29-06 15:47

Great advice from both Nedgouty and Citruskiss, and believe me I understand this is becoming serious.And you are feeling that you have to do something drastic to get your weight going in the right direction, But Appetite Suppresants will cause irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, emotional outbursts, extreme anger followed by not being able to stand anybody. Crying jags, sleeplessness, That is only a few things that happened to me. And they destroyed my first marriage, I was married to a guy who expected me to stay model thin at all times. He couldn't stand the drugged up me either. What got me to see the folly of my ways is when I landed in the hospital on a drug overdose, I almost died. So that is the reason I cringe when I hear the words Appetite Suppresant..

Yes I Will Sat, Apr-29-06 16:15

Before you comment that I will not know where you are coming from since my weight it close to your goal weight let me state that my begining weight that is listed is NOT my highest weight. It is the weight I was when I started on this forum in March 06.

I know exactly where you are coming from. Even one bite of sugar will set me off to eating every thing in sight the next day. One bite of sugar and I will be starving the next day. It is like I have never eaten. It will take me over a week to get back off of the sugar induced staving mode.

That first week can only be survived with sheer will power. The first week has nothing to do with how much I eat but that I have NOTHING with sugar in it.

This is the reason the LC works for me. During that time I can eat non stop as long as I stay within the allowable foods. I do not sit down for three meals a day. It just does not work. What I do is plan out all my food in the morning. I take more then enough allowable foods with me to work. I take plenty of 0 carbs sandwich meats. Spinach salad. Boiled eggs. Bite size chopped up meats. Any thing that is allowable and I like. I bring enough to feed an army. In the morning I eat 1 boiled egg and a drink of water, that is it. As the day progesses I will eat any time I am hungry. Not starving, I do not wait that long. Even if it is only 15 min I have something. Take a drink of water and one egg, one slice of sandwich meet, one raw veggie, anything that is allowable. This continues all day. By the end of the week I find I am eating less and less.

Remember to take vitimins. Be prepared to go through a few days of being tired all the time. Sleep all you can. Exercise all you can. By that I mean anything. I would sit in my chair and contract my butt muscles or my stomach muscles. That was exercise for me.

Your body will let you know what you need to change and adjust. For me I just found I was eating less and less and moving around more.

Be prepared that if you do not eat enough fiber and drink enough water you will get constipated. What saved me was eating milled flax seed. I beat it up with an egg and cook it like a pancake. Not bad at all. Add a little splenda and heavy cream. I actually enjoy it and get a lot of fiber.

No diet is going to work for you until you are ready to commit to it. Believe me I have tried and failed so many times. This time nothing is getting in my way. Not the brownies my son baked. Not the coffee milk frapes I make every evening for my H,( who needs to gain weight). Nothing.

It is a long hard road. But I now feel GREAT. I walk up to four miles every day. I have energy to clean the house, closets and all. I am getting all the yard work done.

Yes it does get easier. Hang in there.

LCNewbie44 Sat, Apr-29-06 18:14

Originally Posted by Born2run
Great advice from both Nedgouty and Citruskiss, and believe me I understand this is becoming serious.And you are feeling that you have to do something drastic to get your weight going in the right direction, But Appetite Suppresants will cause irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, emotional outbursts, extreme anger followed by not being able to stand anybody. Crying jags, sleeplessness, That is only a few things that happened to me. And they destroyed my first marriage, I was married to a guy who expected me to stay model thin at all times. He couldn't stand the drugged up me either. What got me to see the folly of my ways is when I landed in the hospital on a drug overdose, I almost died. So that is the reason I cringe when I hear the words Appetite Suppresant..

Born did you use diet pills in the 70s or 80s? Things have changed a lot since then. There are ones with natural ingrediants that aren't any more harmful than a vitamin, but there are diet pills and appetite supressants that are harmful just not as many. Thx for the input everybody. I ordered mega green tea diet pills, and I'll let you all know how they work.

Another thing is each time I do atkins I eat all the low carb food in my house in a couple days. All the meat. All the pork rhinds, and all the vegetables. I don't have enough money to go shopping every couple of days right now, so I eithe find a way to control my appetite or eat myself to death with cheap junk food.

Rosebud Sat, Apr-29-06 18:20

If you want something to help curb your cravings, try L-Glutamine, as suggested by Dr Atkins. It made a huge difference to my initial "sweet" cravings. :)


2brickie Sat, Apr-29-06 20:50

You could also try Hoodia, it helps to stop the cravings. My sister took it and lc'd and lost tons. She only took it the first month to help her get thru the induction phase of weaning off sugar, and she said it really helped. She did say make sure you are getting 100% Hoodia, no additives.

She was a carb addict. She would eat port of subs or subway and a bag of chips every day. My mom and I lcing finally made her realize she was being very unhealthy, and my dad is diabetic and she learned she needed to take control now before she was headed in that direction.

Good luck and if we can help just checking in here everyday, come check in.

ProfGumby Sat, Apr-29-06 22:41

Originally Posted by LCNewbie44
Born did you use diet pills in the 70s or 80s? Things have changed a lot since then. There are ones with natural ingrediants that aren't any more harmful than a vitamin, but there are diet pills and appetite supressants that are harmful just not as many. Thx for the input everybody. I ordered mega green tea diet pills, and I'll let you all know how they work.

Another thing is each time I do atkins I eat all the low carb food in my house in a couple days. All the meat. All the pork rhinds, and all the vegetables. I don't have enough money to go shopping every couple of days right now, so I eithe find a way to control my appetite or eat myself to death with cheap junk food.

Well Howdy!! You are where I was, all the way. I had very little willpower and it took the threat of dying to wake me up. You can sure try some sort of pill, but many do not work or have disasterous side effects. I know there are a new breed of the diet suppliments out there, and many seem to be safe.

I would not touch them when I weiged 351, and I sure won't reccomend them now. Now this is from a guy (me) who whole heartedly believes in the use of vitamins and suppliments as part of the low carb way of life. I take several along the guidelines Dr Atkins recommends.

I think you should seriously look at this post again....


I am a compulsive overater and a
member of the group too. I can tell
you that OA might help with the cravings.

It is hard to hear, but you are going
to have to TAKE CONTROL of those
yourself, and solve the problem by
starting to eat practically nothing
for about a year to lose your weight
and then eat a sensible satisfying
food plan after you lose the weight.

Business as usual is no longer an
option for you and I congratulate
you for realizing that.

There may be meetings in your area
if you check at:

And beware the few people in OA
that have been members for years
and have GAINED weight. You don't
wanna take advice from a loser like
that. You wanna find someone in program
that has lost their weight and kept it off for
years to be your sponsor.

Good Luck, I am not gonna tell you
that it is easy, but it sure as hell is
a better alternative than eating
yourself to death! I have been
on that road and don't intend to ever
go back! How about you?

Ned is a good man, and has walked this road ahead of both of us. I don't want to come at you, nor do I want to sugar coat it. But until you get control of you any "diet" diet pill or Way of Eating is doomed to follow all past attempts.

Like I said, I got scared half to death by a doctor and a series of medical issues, my friend please, don't wait till that is your fate, or worse!

If followed correctly one shoudl not feel hunger on Atkins. If you are wiping out all the food in the house I really believe you ought to check out OA as Ned suggested. Also, see a doctor. Preferably one that is Low Carb friendly. Get the base blood work and physical done to be sure there is no underlying issue to worry about.

Battling the cravings is a normal part of any health regimen. And to any carb addicts/sweet addicts out there it is a lot like someone battling a drug addiction. When you first stop, cold turkey, you body and the cravings go into warp drive looking for the sugar/carbs. I had that and had to fight that hard.

It was a few attempts at Atkin's before going through a proper or clean induction. The good news is, when you get over the cravings wall the success is generally quick and very noticable.

You are reaching out for help, and that is a big first step. You are well above the norm for doing that.

Follow through, you can do this, and once you have control of your life again, you will be amazed at how good that feels!

Good luck, and I wish there was an easier answer I could give you....

LCNewbie44 Sun, Apr-30-06 00:16

Hi Prof. I've considered going to OA, and several people have been urging me to go, but I don't do well with groups or social situations anymore. I'm just not a social person at all in real life now, and because of that I don't think OA would do me much good.

You have to be open with people and talk about your problems in order to get help from people and my problems are far too complicated for me to be open about them- especially in a group setting.

salamanda Sun, Apr-30-06 00:33

You have to be open with people and talk about your problems in order to get help from people and my problems are far too complicated for me to be open about them- especially in a group setting.

JMHO --and I've been going to OA for some time-- so I understand your concern about being unable to express your feelings in a group setting.

That said, I sat in meetings for awhile and after months of listening and identifying so deeply with other people's stories/recoveries, I finally felt safe enough to share in the meetings. There are many, many people in the program who have very "complicated" situations. Not to sound rude or anything (and I hope I don't) but you are not alone. That's why we're compulsive overeaters. It's a disease. And we don't like to talk about it! But we have to do that to recover!! I take it very seriously. OA saved my life and you can be sure that if I wanna continue to save it, I'm gonna share that stuff and get it out so that it doesn't eat me up inside. The identification I get with other overeaters in the rooms of OA is what makes it easier for me to overcome the reasons/triggers for my overeating in the first place.

Also, I saw a therapist for quite some time about my "issues"-- and this seemed to work nicely with the program. Maybe starting out slowly and talking to someone on a one-on-one basis might be a good way to begin?

This was just my experience and I wanted to mention it, for whatever it's worth...


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