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freydis Thu, Feb-06-03 08:26

Yet another success story...
In March of 2002, I was a 2-year surviver of a heart attack and triple bypass. I had been doing a low-fat diet since (at least) the early 1990's. In 1997 I became diabetic (type 2), and my health was progressing downward more quickly than ever. By last year, my blood pressure was out of control. The doctor had done everything he could do for me and the readings were still incredibly instant-death high. My weight was creeping upward - very slowly - but losing weight seemed an impossibility. My blood sugars were being controlled reasonably well with glipizide (burns out the islets).

My doctor essentially told me to get my affairs in order, that I'd be lucky to last two more years. On the way home from that visit, I decided it was time for drastic measures. I decided to try the Atkins diet.

By June, my triglycerides dropped over a hundred points and my total cholesterol went under 200 for the first time EVER. My blood pressure dropped 40 points for each number. My legs weren't swelling as bad, my allergies had gone away, my weight was down 20-some lbs, and my doctor was impressed.

By September, my triglycerides were still down, my bp was down another 30 pts for each number, my weight was down further. But, I had dropped my glipizide because of what it was doing to me. The doctor put me on glucophage and I now treat my diabetes with diet and glucophage. Someday I may be off of all meds, when I've lost enough weight.

My total meds have gone from 12 pills daily to 3. I have more energy. I have more range of motion. I'm happier. The benefits have been stupendous. Furthermore, my husband and son have seen similar benefits. And, my doctor who was against Atkins in March of last year is now on the program, too, and has lost over 30 lbs. How's that for a testimonial?

I was SO SICK when I started that I was afraid the diet would kill me. It hasn't. It has improved EVERYTHING in my life. I can walk again. I can even run a little. And I get stronger and better every single day on low-carbing.

DWRolfe Thu, Feb-06-03 09:24

Keep going
What a powerful story, freydis...thank you so much for sharing it with this group.

As you know, I was also at rock bottom and scared that I was at the point of no return when I began LCing 13 months ago. Within 2 months I was off all meds and I've never felt better than I do now.

Let's hope that many forum members and lurkers will read your story and be inspired by it! :thup:

Donald :wave:

Netters Thu, Feb-06-03 14:36

Freydis, I take heart, literally, from your story.

I'm a four-year survivor of two m.i.'s. The first one went diagnosed ... the m.d. told me my chest pressure and difficulty breathing were because I was fat. (I'd give my left LEG to be at that weight again!) I KNEW differently, but hey, I didn't argue. I WAS heavy and was ashamed. The second m.i., six months later, was a real BIG deal. =D

Afterward, determining to eat a "good" diet, my weight literally ballooned, as I stopped eating bad meat, and turned to pasta, rice and potatoes to extend my life. Such good intentions SO nearly finished me altogether.

Now I'm two weeks into Adkins, feel like a million bucks in new bills, and take great hope from your story. Everything you wrote just rings so true to me. I'm just ... so glad I stopped in here today!

Netters Thu, Feb-06-03 14:37

Originally posted by Netters

I'm a four-year survivor of two m.i.'s. The first one went diagnosed ...

Yeeeeeeah. Make that undiagnosed, and the whole story will make more sense. =D

Mental note to self: Proofread.

MarieC Thu, Feb-06-03 14:52


PoofieD Sun, Feb-09-03 22:06

I sort of knew all this stuff from your journal..but seen in one post this way..
Its the MOST powerful story around.
THESE are the changes that we need to make sure folks hear!
Good going!

chemlady Mon, Feb-10-03 07:50

freydis your story is a true success. Im so glad you shared it with us. Sometimes you forget that its not just about reaching goal and looking good. its more about feeling good and healthy and having back all those little things we take for granted. Lets face it without your health being thin and pretty is not that important. Health is everything. Ask any elderly person out there and they will tell you the same thing. Im glad your on the road and isnt wonderful to be able to run again.

Kristine Mon, Feb-10-03 19:26

Wow, *great* post, Freydis. Thanks for sharing. It really amazes me how many people try LCing as an absolute last resort, and then show a complete 180 in their health. The only thing I find more amazing than that turnaround in health is the fact that the medical community still (for the most part) ignores it.

>>"And, my doctor who was against Atkins in March of last year is now on the program, too, and has lost over 30 lbs. How's that for a testimonial?"

:lol: :D :thup:

freydis Tue, Feb-11-03 11:37

My daughter is in a Saturday morning children's bowling league. That is where I met the friend who gave me Atkins. She and I sit together and chat about the Atkins way of life every time we meet. One of her best friends began Atkins at the beginning of January, another friend's parents are considering it, and another couple whose child bowls after our league has recently begun - mostly due to this one woman's efforts.

The man from this other couple has had THREE heart surgeries and is diabetic, so our mutual friend had me talk to him and his wife about the changes that occurred in my life after Atkins. They are having a rough time getting through Induction, but seem to think they'll be fine following this way of life. (Yay!) Since I'm the only one who seems to like the Internet, I've been sharing all the information I've learned here, giving them recipes and samples of foods made at home, and telling them where to find things like flaxseed meal and DaVinci syrups.

Aside from the fact that we may end up with the healthiest batch of bowling parents in Missouri, my friend and I feel like we're helping to save lives. She (and Atkins) saved mine. I feel like I need to pass that on. This site is my greatest resource for doing so and that is a success story, too. Thanks, everybody!

AlluraD Tue, Feb-11-03 12:53

Thank you for sharing your story~
Most people are concerned with the weight issue and when the scales don't move we forget about all the other amazing health benefits this wol has for us.
Thanks for the reminder and for putting the weight issue into perspective......our lives really are a much bigger picture than just what the scale says~

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