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pre3teach Sun, Jan-18-04 21:23

just needed to vent
I am really ready to fact I am. :cry: [COLOR=Blue] I don't know if I will ever have the discipline to do this lc thing or any weight loss right. I read through journals and so many are doing so great. I am lucky if I have a few good days. I am stressing over work as they are serving us meals now and if we don't eat them they go in the trash. I have 5-10 min to eat something I bring if I choose not to eat what they serve...but this week I ended up eating both. I don't seem to have any self control and as it gets worse I get more down. Sorry for the long post. I know people get tired of hearing these kind of things...just had to share.

Lindazkewl Sun, Jan-18-04 21:42

Aww don't feel so down. I'm no expert but while realizing that you have a weight goal you want to reach, the most important thing is that you're healthy right now. Maybe you should look around and see if one of the other plans might be better for you. I know for me, I also have a horrible time sticking to anything, but I guess we have to look really hard at why we want to lose the weight and then move forward one day at a time. The blues come and go and you will feel better soon! :agree:

SweetMel Sun, Jan-18-04 21:52

I hear you............Im having a heck of a time sticking. I do real good and then boom.....i just keep on tryin gets fustrating but now i started going on my treadmill so im hoping that will help.At least im stayin away from sugars but just eating to many carbs.:(

Flintstone Mon, Jan-19-04 09:39

OMG !! I know how you feel. DH is a truck driver (w/diabetes & hb) and swore he could not do any diet because of his work. Ever try to pull a semi into a resturant parking lot?? But as long as I have foods prepared and packaged in the fridge for him to grab in the morning...he's doing wonderfully!! Somedays I get really resentful that its all up to me....but I'm pretty much the same way. If its not handy and ready...McDonalds will look real tempting. Its a lot of work spending every Sunday chopping, mixing, bagging foods for the week. But...its just the way WE have to do it...or it don't get done and the scales (for both of us) climb back up.
Somedays...I wish I had a wife!!!!

mem2 Mon, Jan-19-04 09:47

You can do this. Read and reread the book. Keep coming here for encouragement. If you could find a local support group such at TOPS(take off pounds sensably) that would be great. At times it seems impossible to me also. Lets stick with it and gain control over our eating and our lives. Best wishes for your success.

Zuleikaa Mon, Jan-19-04 19:38

Planning is key. I think resentment of the new rule is eating you and so you are eating. Also winter is a hard time to get control once you have gone off plan. Insulin and cravings are naturally higher.

You need to make you your priority and make eating right and losing weight your retaliation against the rule.

You also need to get by for three days on shear nerve and determination. You will go through hell!!! We have all been there. On the fourth day, if you have stayed on plan for three consecutive will have peace.

Have your RMs as unbalanced and well thought out and dreamed about as necessary to get through these days.

We have all been there....many can do it!!!

jedswife Tue, Jan-20-04 11:26

hi pre3teach

what plan are you really doing atkins or cad?

maybe you need to switch - i had major cravings on cad - i just could not control myself with those reward meals - i'd do fine all day and then want a whole cake as the rm.

maybe you are an all of nothing type girl like me. i am a true carb junkie and must eliminate them so i prefer atkins.

the other thing is - You are getting stuck with all that CARBO loaded school lunch meals arent ya?? i would avoid those at all costs - i would be willing to bet that ever the hamburger patty has many carbs in it.

hey_Neener Tue, Jan-20-04 11:42

Do they serve "family style" at your preschool? I know they did that with my son and it would have been hard to get the kids to eat if you aren't willing to eat it too. I feel for ya! All I can say, is you could make the kids feel better by eating "icky" things while they eat lunch. Make a point of eating salads/cut veggies with them and your proteins when you can break away for your few minutes. It's too bad you don't get a real lunch break. I have to wonder if what they are doing to you is legal. Do you work full time? If so they can't take your lunch break away!!!!!

Kindle Tue, Jan-20-04 13:32

This is actually going to be the biggest hurdle for me, too, except I work with teenagers in a residential facility, and I usually have to cook the food! AND I have to eat what they do- so I can't bring in my own meal. I plan on eating something fast while I finish their meal (maybe even a shake or a bar) until I can eat something (either after work or after the kids are in bed). Is that an option for you? What about having a snack at naptime or something? Try not to give in- you may not have this job forever, but you will have your body forever!!!


pre3teach Tue, Jan-20-04 21:04

Thanks for the all the encouragement. I had a cheat free day and then today blew it. I ate the meat at lunch and then decided to try the potatoes...need I say more. Then of course I forgot about our staff meeting/potluck (I forgot the potluck part) so I was in for it. Not enough snacks brought to last till 7:30p.m. :cry:

I have decided to bring something to eat during nap. I made beef jerky, brought fresh raw gr. beans, and caulifower. I didn't even have time to eat that today. They want us to eat with the kids to set an example...but I hate not eating and having that be the example. Usually I am pretty busy with one special needs girl that I have to help feed so that distracts from my plate some...maybe the kids won't notice. :p

Thanks again for all the encouragement. I have got to do this. I don't want to change my stats.

(I heard several staff today complaining about the situation as they too are trying to lose weight!) Of course the director doesn't have to eat with the kids...she went to taco bell yesterday. Isn't life fair. :rolleyes:

Zuleikaa Tue, Jan-20-04 21:51

Maybe you can enlist your doctor's help and get an order that you can't eat their lunch for health reasons? Maybe you could get a medical exemption? Maybe you could all meet with the Director and have eating with the kids done on a rotating basis? Maybe you can check into the legality of it all. I know in some states you are entitled to a lunch break and your company cannot dictate the circumstances.

pre3teach Tue, Jan-20-04 21:54

Several of the staff have said things so they did say we are able to take 15 min to leave the room and run errands etc. I just need to make sure the other teacher realizes that I need the break too...I have to be tougher. That isn't always my strong point.

Thanks Zuleika

Flintstone Tue, Jan-20-04 22:14

Boy...I don't know much about Arkansas laws....but most states have mandated laws regarding lunch/breaks. Here in Michigan, an 8 hr day gets you 2 15 min breaks and a minimum of 30 min lunch. I kinda thought these were federal labor laws...but I could be wrong. I think I would check into it annonymously (sp) and send your director something in print. I know "rocking the boat" usually doesn't guarantee you'll have a job for very long.....but there should be a way to "inform" your director without implicating yourself. Such a bad situation for you and your co-workers !!! Good luck !!!

Flintstone Tue, Jan-20-04 22:24

Boy.....I guess I'm glad I don't work in Arkansas. Here's what Ark Dept of Labor says on the subject:

Q. Does my employer have to give me a meal break or other break?

A. Neither state nor federal wage and hour laws require an employer to provide a break or a meal period. (State law does require rest breaks for children under the age of 16 employed in the entertainment industry.) Rest periods for short duration, usually 20 minutes or less, are common in industry and promote efficiency. State and federal minimum wage and overtime laws require that these short periods be counted as hours worked and that covered employees be paid for the time. Bona fide meal periods (typically 30 minutes or more) generally need not be compensated as work time. The employee, however, must be completely relieved of duty during this time. If the employee is required to perform any duties, whether active or inactive, while eating, the meal period must be compensated as work time.

I guess I will not try to advise. How about a :there: and good wishes that something can be worked out!!


hey_Neener Wed, Jan-21-04 12:32

Good point-are you paid during lunch you eat with the kids?

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