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cricket56 Thu, May-28-15 18:57

A-TEAM GAME #4 '72 & '92 followers welcome
This is a team approach to a fun and motivating weight loss experience! We follow either 1972 or the 1992 version and use total not net carbs. We do have one member that has a different plan but she has been with me since the very first idea of a game came along so she remains with us!
Come and try this out.It is a long journey and why make it harder when you can have company!

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2...........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........144.0 .............139.0...........5.0
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.2 ............156.2...........5.0

In the order of starting the Atkins' Plan date: We are the A-TEAM #.............AS #.........lost

Cricket.........11/28/13.........224.0...........05/28/15 ...........144.0.........80.0
Paulette........02/02/14.........331.8...........05/28/15........... 223.4.......108.4
Chrissie.........01/05/15........222.2...........05/28/15 ............175.6........46.6

cricket56 Thu, May-28-15 19:40

Hi TEAM ! I do hope we get some new folks to join us. You never know. I did not post the lines for Cathy since she had not posted today. Ann is gone for a few days so she is off the game as well.
Posting is daily as usual.
Please check to make sure the posts are the most current ones. Means going back after you post and check.
We all do make errors, but this is how it is done on every challenge.
Heading to sleep now. Had some dissapointing news today and not in the best frame of mind so be well and hope to be here tomorrow. Swim is in the morning but if it is cold again Imay not go.
Happy dreams and lower numbers to all.

ChrissieL Fri, May-29-15 05:00

it's Cathy's day today
have a beautiful, blessed day:angel:
party like it's 1963 ;)
:Party: :Party: :Party:

ChrissieL Fri, May-29-15 05:05

happy friday!!
FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 :rose:
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2...........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........144.0 .............139.0...........5.0
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.2 ............156.2...........5.0

no change for me today; i knew that was gonna happen :lol:
CRICKET.....i'm sorry you got disappointing news.....that's never fun; i'm here to listen if you want/need to talk/vent :there:
try to have a good day everyone :wave:

PauletteB1 Fri, May-29-15 05:50

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 *
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 *
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2...........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........144.0 .............139.0...........5.0
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.2 ............156.2...........5.0

Still no change for me, either. :thdown: My TOM came to a standstill, I don't know if it is still coming! Just some spotting. but I sure feel like it should. I am all bloaty and my feet are getting puffy. :mad:

Yesterday my cals were at 1259. Today we are having pork ribs on the grill later this afternoon. I am going to have some chicken breast for lunch. I like to mix a little sour cream with herbs and dip my chicken in it, so that is my plan. I worked up my menu and I am at 1286 calories. I am hoping the extra calories will boost me or something.

Happy Birthday Cathy, wherever you are! :bday:

CHRISSIE - sorry no loss for you today. Maybe you and I can see something tomorrow. I am quite sick of being stable for so long. Something's gotta give!!!! :lol:

CRICKET - I don't know what bad news you got, but I hope it is something that can be rectified. For whatever it's worth, have a nice Friday, and enjoy your swim. I hope it is sunny and warm there for you. :rheart:

If I ever drop a pound again, I will be so happy. :hyper: I am hoping for Whooshie to come visit us all again like she used to in the days of yore. I have been on this diet for centuries, it seems. At times like this, when I just sit in place for weeks, I feel like it isn't working any more for me. I try changing things, but nothing seems to work. Less calories. More calories. More fat. Less protein. More protein. etc, etc! Frustrating, it is. I read all about stalls online - everyone has theories. But it is all the same jabberwocky. Maybe I should try one of those egg fasts or fat fasts????? CRICKET, WHAT SHOULD I DO????? I want to see some scale movement here! :mad: :confused: :( :daze: :roll:

Maybe I should just be more patient. SIGH.

But I sure hope the rest of us have a great Friday, and perhaps a LOSS! :angel: :angel: :angel: Be back later to find out! :wave:

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 07:33

PAULETTE.. those fasts are idiotic. I know becasue I tried THEM WHEN THEY FIRST CAME OUT. yES, YOU LOSE AND THEN YOU GAIN IT BACk... sorry hit the caps on key... at anyrate, you KNOW you are in ketoisis. YOU KNOW you are losiing inches, and the scale is telling you that you ARE retaining water to fill the cells. You have to know that more fat is leaving that reatining since water weighs are losing a lot of fat. I would do the carb cylcing as I mentioned a while agor. It is the one thing that makes sense and keeps you exactly on plan. Up the calories with fats for lower carbs and then up the carbs in proteins for higher calories and lesser fats. Keep the ratios in your limits. This will wake up your metabolim. 3 on one cyle and three off the other for a couple of weeks. THAT works. ALSO I would stop and have a serious review of some things. Perhaps on one day of each cycle use only induction foods to break your pattern of eating. You have been on this a long time and have come a long way. You would not be human if you did not get disgusted or annoyed by now. Over all, the pounds are coming off. It is unrealistic to say this month I will lose X amount becasue i did that before. The more you have lost and the closer to the goal the more frustrating and diffuclult it is. THIS is the hard part. Stick it out GF! I KNOw you of all people will come out successful forever.

CHRISSIE>>>I posted this in my J to you:~~YES and thank you Chrissie. Only the ones on this game chart.( this is for the TOTALS CHART that is goingin the wrong direction! )
The old rules are in effect. No post for 2 days and be gone. ~~Must have prior notice ~not disappearing act. There is not one person busier than I am so I am not hearing I was busy or forgot. I AM HERE for anyone on the team but we need team players not visitors and a team player follows the game plan and works the plan. THANK YOU for stepping up to the plate! HUGS TO YOU!

I have not as yet weighed in and will ASAP. TY P and Chrissie for marking the posts that are done.. PAULETTE.. that was perfect to # the ones done. I do not know why the C&P does not carry over the colors or cutie stuff.....
I made whipped ceam last night so today is a fat feast.

sunnyofate Fri, May-29-15 08:46

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 *
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 *
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2...........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........144.0 .............139.0...........5.0
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2

Dear Paulette, If I may.... Some things that helped me when i was stuck....look at everything you put in your mouth- here are some of the culprits for me: (hard to believe but true)
Sweetner ( I'm drinking my coffee with out now)
Cough syrup
those no calorie flavored waters
anything Atkins
Ranch dressing
really really careful with nuts
hope this helps! Sunny

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 12:11

Originally Posted by sunnyofate
FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Dear Paulette, If I may.... Some things that helped me when i was stuck....look at everything you put in your mouth- here are some of the culprits for me: (hard to believe but true)
Sweetner ( I'm drinking my coffee with out now)
Cough syrup
those no calorie flavored waters
anything Atkins
Ranch dressing
really really careful with nuts
hope this helps! Sunny

SUNNY.. do not agree with this in some things...
No calorie water is fine as long as it is NO carbs and made with Splenda. It has no effect otherwise....Cough syrup has alcohol.. that is a given not have.. have nothing wioth alcohol in it.... ranch dressing is fine. read the lables and have the portion given. remember that carbs under 0.5 may be writen as ZERO~~~~ ATKINS shakes happen to be safe. tastes YUCK and costly but count the total carbs. It has no sugar alcohols etc.>> VITAMINS tell you on the label what they contain. There are ones that are fine and supplements are useful! COUNT CARBS in these as well.
We cannot avoid life but live within it. PAULETTE.. you SHOULD review your foods ....
Thank you SUnny for the reminders about the foods with hidden bad things!
WOULD you PLEASE mark you change of line with the # as the others are doing. I will do it this time only.
Down a whole 0.2. Suppplement time for me!

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 12:14

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 * :)
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 * :)
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2..........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........143.8 .............139.0...........4.8* :thup:
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2*

ChrissieL Fri, May-29-15 13:37

new totals chart.....
In the order of starting the Atkins' Plan date: We are the A-TEAM #.............AS #.........lost

Cricket.........11/28/13.........224.0...........05/28/15 ...........144.0.........80.0
Paulette........02/02/14.........331.8...........05/28/15........... 223.4.......108.4
Chrissie.........01/05/15........222.2...........05/28/15 ............175.6........46.6

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 14:42

YES< HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHY where ever you are. Hope to see you post today. Hope the plan is working and you are working the plan. We know you can do it and this is a struggleing period for all of us. We NEED all of the links i this chain to be strong or we tend to give up en masse.
Today I did have my caffeine with whipped cream. Very good and very filling. I also had 4 small wings. I think the meat on them was less than 2 oz. HAD to be. One small nite from each. Carl had made angus frozen patties last night and there are 2 left over so that is dinner. One will do for me and no seeds and no veggies. No protein drink as well. I did go picking and tating and spit out more than I swallowed. They are bountiful and will get out early in the morning. Carl will pick this eveing and maybe if I can get my fat ass moving I will join him. It is very boring just being there by yourself doing this tedious mundane no brain work. OH how I miss my profession! I have given up the consultation work and the ghost writing for my past peers. Not sure why but I do know it is no longer interesting nor fulfilling. SSDD is all. I Miss being in the midst of the activity. having my facility.My staff.I loved them and the work that was not even work to me. I miss the counseling and group sessions. I miss the education and lectures I did. Sorry. feeling under used and just wasting a lot of my time but there is nothing to do. MY TEAM MATES... make allyour time count. GET HEALTHY NOW. None of you are my age and have a lot of time to go and fun to experience. Make it count. I wasted my better years. Sorry. But it will pass when I get the orders filled. right now there are 400 gallons to get picked.Just depressing seeing those bushes and all the berries that need to be picked and knowing that is one tenth the ones growing! BBL

KathyinNM Fri, May-29-15 16:55

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 *
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 *
Kathy..............145.7...........145.4.............140.7........... 4.7*
Lisa.................185.2..........185.2..............180.2..........5 .0
Cricket.............144.0..........143.8 .............139.0...........4.8*
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2*

Gotta run errands and go to the gym before work so i'll catch up later!

Happy happy birthday Cathy!!

lisap04 Fri, May-29-15 17:39

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 *
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 *
Kathy..............145.7...........145.4.............140.7........... 4.7*
Lisa.................185.2..........1854..............180.2..........5 .2*
Cricket.............144.0..........143.8 .............139.0...........4.8*
Jodi.................138.0...........138.0.............133.0...........5 .0
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2*

Happy Happy Birthday Cathy!!!!...... Cricket if I was closer I would of loved to help you pick!!!! Xo to all keep tough!!!

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 19:26

FRIDAY 5/29/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0 *
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0 *
Kathy..............145.7...........145.4.............140.7.......... 4.7*
Lisa.................185.2..........1854...............180.2...........5 .2*
Cricket.............144.0..........143.8 .............139.0...........4.8*
Jodi.................138.0...........136.5.............133.0...........3 .5*
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2*

cricket56 Fri, May-29-15 19:34

SATURDAY 5/30/15 Game #4 began FRIDAY May 29th

HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY ( official one)
Name...........start wt............current.............goal........# to go

Paulette..........223.4...........223.4. ............218.4..........5.0
Chrissie...........175.6...........175.6. ...........170.6 ..........5.0
Kathy..............145.7...........145.4.............140.7.......... 4.7
Lisa.................185.2..........1854...............180.2...........5 .2
Cricket.............144.0..........143.8 .............139.0...........4.8
Jodi.................138.0...........136.5.............133.0...........3 .5
Sunny..............161.2...........161.4 ............156.2...........5.2

THE ACTIVE A-TEAM Members TOTALS as of MAY 28th game #3 In the order of starting the Atkins' Plan date: We are the A-TEAM #.............AS #.........lost

Cricket.........11/28/13.........224.0...........05/28/15 ...........144.0.........80.0
Paulette........02/02/14.........331.8...........05/28/15........... 223.4.......108.4


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