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oakdryad Sun, Apr-06-08 16:46

oakdryad's kettlebell experiment
I always say that my natural position is supine on a lounger with a frosty cold drink and a tall cabana boy. But I've been told that exercise has many benefits. I'm dubious, but have been giving it a try for the last three weeks.

Today is a more cardio oriented day...

3 X 20 KB swings with 10# kb
2 X 10 KB swings with 20# kb
10 minutes on rebounder with intervals of bounce jogging & jumping jacks
10 goblet squats on rebounder deck (good for balance)

I hate exercise, but love the results. :lol:

snowgirl73 Mon, Apr-07-08 16:05

I have to say I had never heard of kettlebell, but I googled it & that is pretty interesting! What made you decide on kettlebell? I had looked at rebounding before & it looks like a great exercise, too.

Hopefully you will enjoy the exercise more as you go along, even sans cabana boy! :)

oakdryad Mon, Apr-07-08 17:19

Originally Posted by snowgirl73
I have to say I had never heard of kettlebell, but I googled it & that is pretty interesting! What made you decide on kettlebell? I had looked at rebounding before & it looks like a great exercise, too.

Hopefully you will enjoy the exercise more as you go along, even sans cabana boy! :)

I noticed a couple of people on this board using kettlebells and reporting good results. I googled it and had a look at some of the possibilities and was intrigued. Then I bought a couple of 10 lbs KBs and did a short combined a heart pumping cardio (the swings) and strength. Woo Hoo, two workouts in one! My type of time savings. :lol:

I love the rebounder too. I've been bouncing on one on and off for several gives me a real sense of well being.

I'm hoping the exercise puts me in a frame of mind to help me find a new cabana boy. ;)

oakdryad Mon, Apr-07-08 18:23

Today was strength oriented.

series of mobility warm ups (2 X 10 reps) -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists

3 X 20 KB swings ~ 10#
2 X 10 KB swings ~ 20#
2 X 10 low windmills ~ 10#
2 X 10 military press ~ 10#
2 X 10 rows ~ 10#
2 X 10 tricep press ~ 10#
2 X 10 chest press ~ 10 lbs (each hand)
2 X 10 can't remember name of exercise :lol: ~ 10 lbs
2 X 5 squats ~ 20#
2 X 10 between leg figure 8s ~ 20#
I know I'm forgetting at least one other would have been 2 X 10. :D

Then I stepped on the rebounder to do some balance/coordination stuff for about 10 minutes, kicks and knee lifts. I also did two sets of 10 goblet squats w/o weights.

My a$$ is sore. Not a bad sore like an injury, but an *I've been working*'s the hip snap/pelvic thrust on those KB swings that really hits it. Then I add in the squats. :D I can also feel that spot where the glute hits the hamstring. Wow.

oakdryad Tue, Apr-08-08 02:55

So the exercise with the name I couldn't remember was the bent arm pullover. D'oh!

I got on the rebounder this morning for about 10 minutes of bouncing/jogging. And I did 10 goblet squats afterward.

oakdryad Tue, Apr-08-08 17:49

This afternoon, I did a set (1 X 10 reps each) of mobility warm ups -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists. I found them on The Kettlebell Goddess Workout. Some of them remind me of bellydance drills...which isn't a bad thing at all.

Then I got on the rebounder for 10 minutes. Partway through, Freyja leaped onto my shoulder from behind. Scared the crap out of both of us. Seems that she doesn't like the bouncing when she's on my shoulder. We're even, since I'm not so fond of the claws digging into my shoulder for purchase. Sheesh.

I then did 2 X 10 elevated bridge from Mistress Krista's site. Sadly, I can't get the other videos to load...but I may use the descriptions to find other varations. I wasn't sure I could DO the elevated bridge, but I surprised myself. That hip stretch felt GOOD! And it will help with the KB swing, getting those hip extensors stretched. :D I also did one set of 10 regular bridge hip raises.

I finished up with 20 swings w/5# clubbells and then 10 5# snatches with each hand.

oakdryad Wed, Apr-09-08 09:13

Today is rest day. I haven't been sleeping well and need some time to recoup. Will do strength tomorrow.

oakdryad Thu, Apr-10-08 18:30

I didn't WANT to work out today. I was still tired. Actually, I'm going to pretty much be tired until June. I just can't fall asleep early enough with the longer days -- and yes, I use blackout curtains. But I just did it anyway. Today was strength oriented.

Of course, I spent the whole time fighting the cats. They ignore me all day, but when I decide to swing the kettlebells, they come out of the
woodwork...*Mommy, I LOVE you* laying down on my feet, or deciding to groom themselves just where I have the KB ready to go. ARGH!

So...mobility warm ups (2 X 10 reps) -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists

2 X 10 elevated bridge
2 X 10 getup crunches (partial Turkish getup) -- bodyweight only

3 X 20 KB swings ~ 10#
2 X 10 KB swings ~ 20#
2 X 10 low windmills ~ 10#
2 X 10 military press ~ 10#
2 X 10 KB rows ~ 10#
2 X 10 tricep press ~ 10#
2 X 10 chest fly ~ 10 lbs (each hand)
2 X 10 bent arm overhead pulls remember name of exercise ~ 10 lbs
2 X 10 between leg figure 8s ~ 20#
2 X 10 suitcase deadlifts ~ 20#
2 X 10 snatches ~ 5# clubbells

Farmer's walk w/10# KB locked out overhead (four circuits each arm)

oakdryad Fri, Apr-11-08 19:48

Cardio day...

mobility warm ups (2 X 10 reps) -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists

2 X 10 elevated bridge
2 X 10 getup crunches (partial Turkish getup) -- 5#

3 X 20 KB swings ~ 10#
3 X 10 KB swings ~ 20#

10 minutes on rebounder...interval jumping & bouncing

Then I got a massage. Woo Hoo!

oakdryad Sun, Apr-13-08 17:52

I have not felt like exercising this weekend. Yesterday I just couldn't convince myself. Today, I managed to talk myself into a quick and dirty KB work out...

mobility warm ups (2 X 10 reps) -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists

2 X 10 elevated bridge
2 X 10 getup crunches (partial Turkish getup) -- 5#
2 X 15 snatches ~ 5# clubbells

3 X 20 KB swings ~ 10#
3 X 5 one arm KB swings (each side) ~ 10#
2 X 10 push press (each side) ~ 10#
2 X 10 KB swings ~ 20#
2 X 5 one arm KB swings (each side) ~ 20#
2 x 5 push press (each side) ~ 20#

oakdryad Mon, Apr-14-08 17:32

mobility warm ups (10 reps each) -- neck, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, wrists

2 X 10 elevated bridge
2 X 10 getup crunches (partial Turkish getup) ~ 10#

2X 20 KB swings ~ 10#
2 X 10 one arm KB swings (each side) ~ 10#
2 X 10 2 arm push press ~ 20#
2 X 10 KB swings ~ 20#
2 X 5 one arm KB swings (each side) ~ 20#
2 X 10 alternating press ~ 10#
2 X 10 chest fly ~ 10#
2 X 10 bent arm pullovers ~ 10#
2 X 10 alternating pulls ~ 10#
2 X 10 box squats ~ 20#

add in 10 minutes on the rebounder w/jogging and intense jumping intervals.

oakdryad Tue, Apr-22-08 18:20

I've been exercising...some. I just haven't been so good about posting.

Today I got on the rebounder this morning for 10 minutes...intervals of jumping and jog/bouncing.

I also did 3 sets of 10 wall pushups.

At work today I worked off some stress by doing ledge pushups, 3 sets of 10. I wish I had something more stable to use as a ledge at home...maybe I'll try the staircase tomorrow.

I was looking at Mistress Krista's site this morning and came across the Shovelglove. Something about the simplicity and functional nature, as well as the sense of offbeat humor, of it appealed to me. I went out and picked up an 8 lb sledgehammer. I did 6 minutes (I'll be working my way up to 14 minutes, following the SG philosphy) this afternoon...shoveling, stoke the fire, churn the butter, tucking hay bales, flip the lever, ab killer & the fireman. The sequence worked out to basically 1 set of 10 reps each (side) for each exercise. I feel it, but I don't feel strained or overworked...I think I can add another set on Thursday.

My plan is to alternate shovelglove and kettlebell for three days each per week. One day totally off. The SG works a lot of core and upper body, while KB works a lot of core and lower body, so I think they complement each other. No more than 14 minutes for either workout, though.

Reinhardt Engles (the Shovelglove inventor) explains the philosophy thusly:

You guessed it, 14 is a significant number. Why? Because it's one minute less than the smallest unit of schedulistically significant time. No calendar has a finer granularity than 15 minutes. No one ever has a meeting that starts at 5 or 10 or 14 minutes before or after the hour. You have no excuse not to do this. Time-wise, it doesn't even register.

Yet it is just long enough to give some aerobic benefit. Yes, half an hour would be better. An hour would be even better. But guess what? You won't do it. You might do it for 3 weeks, or maybe even 3 months, but you'll start to resent it and you'll quit. Do it for 14 minutes and you'll do it for a lifetime.

Respect the timer. When it goes off, you stop. It doesn't matter if you have a few reps left in your set. The sets and reps are just guidelines, the timer is the only hard parameter. Don't feel like you are doing something good, something extra, by continuing. You're just establishing a dangerous precedent which will make you that much less likely to start shovelgloving again the next time. By dragging the routine into schedulistic significance, you are just setting yourself up with a good excuse to skip it.

You are doing this for the long run. The goal is to form a lifelong habit, not to burn a few extra calories today. 14 minutes is habit friendly, and excuse proof. And 14 minutes will burn enough calories, build enough muscle, for long term health.

Don't look at the timer, that will drive you crazy. Just wait for the beep to go off. Extending the labor metaphor, think of it as the overseer's whistle.

Not exercising on weekends and holidays has several benefits. Your body needs rest. You get to enjoy your time off. And you're much less likely to take trips that interfere with your exercise schedule. It'll still happen, but (unless you travel a lot for business) less frequently. And who is really going to exercise on Christmas or Thanksgivings (or your religio-cultural equivalents)? You might as well make it official and spare yourself needless guilt.

Practical, sensible and with a dose of down to earth humor. Works for me. We'll see how it goes.

oakdryad Wed, Apr-23-08 01:50

This morning I did the kettlebells for, you guessed it, 14 minutes. :lol: The timer went off as I was doing alternating presses, I had just done one on the I didn't totally respect the timer. I added one on the right for symmetry, THEN I stopped.

It worked out to:

3 sets 10 sumo deadlifts ~ 35#
3 sets 5 KB swings ~ 35#
3 sets 15 KB swings ~ 20#
2 sets 5 one arm KB swings ~ 20# (each side)
1 set 10 cleans ~ 20# (each side)
2 sets 10 squats ~ 20#
2 sets 10 alternating presses ~ 10# PLUS three *extra* on each side. :D

I also did 3 sets of 10 wall push ups.

Yeah, I felt the aerobic benefit. And I'm feeling the workout in my muscles. So it's good. Also, after doing deadlifts and swings with the 35# KB, the 20# feels like a sack of feathers...that is, until I do the one-arm swings. :lol:

oakdryad Wed, Apr-23-08 16:40

I snuck in 3 sets of 10 ledge pushups at work today.

I also snuck in 11 minutes of rebounder, jumping/jog bouncing intervals. In fact, I increased the jumping intervals to 45 seconds from 30 seconds. That kicked my butt. :lol:

oakdryad Thu, Apr-24-08 02:15

This morning I got on the rebounder for 11 minutes. 45 second intervals of jumping interspersed with jog bouncing.

Then I did 14 minutes of shugging. Almost two complete sets of 10 each (for some of them, it was 10 each side -- like shovel to the left, then shovel to the right) of the following exercises -- shoveling, stoke the fire, churn the butter, tucking hay bales, flip the lever, ab killer, paddling the canoe, hoisting the sack, chopping the tree & the fireman. This time, I respected the timer.

When I woke up this morning, my temp was at 97 (it's usually around 97.2), but after the rebounder and shugging (and about 25 minutes rest/recovery), it was up to 98.2. This is a good thing.

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