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Julie Huck Tue, Mar-04-03 14:58

Help! I need your opinion!
I decided a few days ago to get a new scale. My 3 1/2 year old tanita digital was getting a little flaky and I was tired of having to be very careful how I stood on it to get a consistent reading. It used to be that no matter how I stood on it the number would be the same. It's old, it's been dropped a few times by the kids, and I've stood on it when I was too heavy for it..... So, it's no wonder it's not behaving right anymore. So I just ordered a new tanita model ant I received it today. I like it very much. And it's EXTREMELY consistent.

Ugh! Here's the bad news. I weigh 277.4 on it! I expected it to be different but not 8 lbs different :( **sob**
So now, being a numbers person, I don't know how to fit this change in.

Can you please take this poll and vote on how I should handle the change in numbers?

Thanks :)

Julie Huck

Dingo10520 Tue, Mar-04-03 15:09

hmmm...I picture myself going shopping for a new scale and trying them all out 'til I found the one that registered the lowest. If the old one was off an ounce or two every time you weighed, then you can't really go with any of those readings. I guess just leave your start weight the same and register the new reading as current...arghhhh. It's what happens in the future that counts, and best of are getting healthier every day!

RGale Tue, Mar-04-03 16:34

I'd say leave your stats alone and just wait for a new low to change them. After all, you haven't gained, and you'll catch up with your new scale before you know it.


jude Tue, Mar-04-03 18:31

Hey Julie, don't sweat it! You've still lost 40.5 lbs, which BTW is FAN-TAS-TIC !! I vote your first choice (sorta like jumping in cold water--the shock is over quickly).


dcbrowne Tue, Mar-04-03 19:01

I just experienced the same thing-but mine was up 10 lbs. Don;t forget you are the same new and improved you ,you were before you bought the new scale-pat yourself on the back.

Karen Wed, Mar-05-03 00:55

Not that the scale matters at all...but if you are a numbers person, look at it objectively. Your starting weight was 8 pounds higher and you've still lost the same amount of weight.

When you're at your goal weight, what will it matter? :)


Julie Huck Wed, Mar-05-03 02:12

Thanks guys It's not so much the new number really. Number is just a number after all. It's just the idea of working so hard to lose 40.5 lbs just have 8 taken away from me is really disheartening. So I think I'm going to go with option A like most of you suggest. I will raise my starting weight since I've only been at this 2 months and the scale has likely had this problem longer than that. It's gona look weird in my life form program though. The old scale may say that I weigh less and you would think I'd want to stick with that but it really sucks to deal with checking my weight over and over again in the morning just to be sure it's being consistent. And trying desperately to stand exactly the same way everyday. This new one is right on the money every time no matter what. And, It weighs to the 0.2 lb so that will be helpful during slow times.

Thanks again Everything you all said really did help

(Jumping into the cold water now to get the shock over with! ;) Thanks Judy)

Julie Huck

LittleAnne Wed, Mar-05-03 03:09

New Scales
Hi Julie

That scale problem. I know that there is never consistency between different scales, that is why it always pays to weigh on the same set.

Whatever happens you have lost those 40 pounds, so increase both your starting and current weights to keep in tune. Then wait to see these scales move downward.

Every success.

Tiggerdy Wed, Mar-05-03 11:25

It's like deja vu.
My old scale started to develop an attitude and didn't like certain ways that I stood on it, etc. DH went and bought me a new scale, so as to keep me from getting crazier, but it didn't help. I got on it and it consistently read 8 lbs. higher than my old scale. Yeah, I was pretty steamed, but then I looked at my progress thus far and decided to keep moving on. Finally those extra pesky pounds are gone, along w/a few others. The other bonus I found w/having a new scale is that it actually matches what my doc's office and Curves scales say. Go figure.

Your results thus far are wonderful! This WOL can be hairy at times (seems to be related to the scale more often than not), but keep the faith as the weight will melt away right before your eyes!

Take care!
Nikki :daizy:

AZSunshine Wed, Mar-05-03 11:37

Julie - you still lost 40.5 pounds so you have not lost that impressive result. I am not losing any where near that number.

I must remember patience, persistence, and perspiration.

JJHend Wed, Mar-05-03 20:41

I went through the same thing when I got my new scale.
I actually don't have any idea how much I weighed when I started. I didn't register on my doctor's balance scale so I know it was over 350. And my old scale was only "accurate" up to 300. It just told me I weighed 342 for 4 months. Never moved. So I got the new scale. Unfortunately it said I weighed 351 so it felt like all the hard work to get to 342 was worthless... but you know, I just FELT better and it controlled my diabetes so I gave up on the numbers and just enjoyed how I felt.
Now I have to admit, its hard to stay away from the new scale for a week at a time but I'm considering moving it to a new home in the basement... far less tempting there!
I finally ended up putting my stats at 350 as my starting point and my current new scale weight. I think I've actually lost more than that but I'm happy to be where I'm at. Its still less than where I started!!!
You are doing sooooooo good!!! Hang in there and TRY not to worry about the #'s.

liz175 Thu, Mar-06-03 06:53

I post my weight based on my bathroom scale and I weigh several pounds less on my doctor's scale and on the YMCA scale than on my bathroom scale. I am sure that the doctor's scale and the YMCA scale are more accurate than my bathroom scale because they are balance beam type scales and I've been tempted to switch to posting my weight based upon the YMCA scale so I look a little lighter. However, my bathroom scale is very consistent and it's readily available, so it is what I use. I'm more interested in the direction of the change than in the absolute number.

Therefore, I agree with what you did -- switch to posting your weight based upon your current bathroom scale so you can easily watch for changes and monitor your weight.

It's amazing the amount of energy all of us (including me) devote to thinking about scales and numbers. Just think what we could do if we more productively used that energy!

BigMamma12 Thu, Mar-06-03 20:31

Those Darn Scales
:( I know how you all feel about the scale thing...I try so hard not to think of weighing myself...but not having somewhere to weigh myself is making me a little crazy....I would like to know how much I have lost , but cannot find a scale to weigh me...when I get way over stressed about it I just say to myself....well one day .....soon I will be able to weigh myself on a normal scale...cause I'm not giving up....and I know all of you won't either...hope all is well with ya'll..Celina :daze:

dessertmom Fri, Mar-07-03 12:44

I truely feel for you bigmomma(hope Ive got the name right :confused:
I've got a stunning electronic scale. Problem is it weighs only up to 140kg or 308lb.My stats speak for themselves.I tried buying another one.Seemed like a good,sturdy one.Well,supposed to go up to 330bl but even though Im now officially(spelcheck please.... :blush: )327bl the dial stil goes a full circle and then some.So no weighing for me....

To overcome this I have joined a group(low fat,low protein ect....)just to go for the weekly weigh-ins.I have to pretend to really have pushed it hard every week cause both times that I went I lost more weight than everybody else.(mind you this week she expects my menu for this past week to evaluate.....)

I understand the need to get on that scale. Not being able to weigh everyday has been pure and utter hell.But after 2 weeks I dont obsess about it like before so maybe its not such a bad thing.

Keep the faith.Measure yourself once a week.......and low carb..

Good luck

Skamito Tue, Mar-11-03 12:09

DessertMom... you FAKE a low fat menu just to weigh yourself?!? :lol: Oh my gosh, what a lot of work. Too bad there aren't more low carb support groups to go to!

Sorry about your scale mishap, Julie. It's a bit of a bummer, but like everyone said, it doesn't change your progress!


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