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Karen Sat, Nov-29-03 01:20

Interesting, Short Articles from the Radiant Recovery Website
Brain Chemistry 101

Anxiety or Caffeinism

Is There a Connection Between Sugar Sensitivity and Birth Control Pills?

Glycemic Index: The Big Picture

Artificial Sweeteners

Restless Leg Syndrome

Seeking the Perfect Diet Drug: Meridia

A Tale of Oats

Glycogen Storage in Exercise

Serotonin and Bulimia

Serotonin and SAD

Insulin Affects Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Obsessive Cleaning and Serotonin

Neurochemical Control of Crying

Morphine Affects Social Play

Picking Fights



You can find more info on the Radiant Recovery website.

Duparc Fri, Feb-17-06 19:55

Downloaded them to read; will probaly comment a later; meantime, I am in the throes of upgrading the kitchen!

MonicaAus Sun, Feb-26-06 17:36

Wow, You have all the best info. i love all the valuable stuff!!!

skeeweeaka Tue, Mar-21-06 06:20

Use Fish Oil Supplements For Depression
I came across a thread in the supplements forum that I feel will be very useful here... Please read the Omega Three discussion here and the stories that are in their discussion forum. Apparently, there are many, many people who are suffering from mental illness that are using Fish Oil capsules to improve their symptoms...they are recommending Twinlab Mega Twin EPA Fish Oil capsules.... There are discussions here and successes...

shopgirl28 Thu, Mar-23-06 18:18

I just learned a lot about myself. thank you so much.

HtotheIzzo Wed, Aug-02-06 15:19


that was pretty good stuff. Bookmarked it!

Edvard Sat, Aug-19-06 12:36

Lots of great articles, thanks!

dansonya Sat, Aug-19-06 12:54

I used to belong to the Radient Recovery group. I joined after reading one of the founder's books. Didn't stay with them long as they seemed to me to be sort of like a cult. The longer I was there, the stranger the group got. no offense to anyone that belongs to them, but anyone that thinks eating an egg McMuffin WITH the Hashbrown is an acceptable breakfast is just not on the same wave length with me. And the potato at night before bed really threw me. Her Book was called "potatoes, not prozac" or something like that. I dropped out after she blasted me openly in a discussion in her forums regarding my husband and kids and their lack of sugar sensitivity. (none of them are sensitive to it, and I said so, and she informed me how wrong I was, and what a disservice I was doing to them by continuing to allow them syrup with their pancakes, or allowing them to go trick or treating and actually eat some of the candy or something like that.) I don't constantly pump my kids full of sugar, but come on, refusing to let them trick or treat???) It seemed to me that if you didn't agree with everything she said as the gospel truth, she would write publicly all the ways sugar had corrupted your mental capacity, and it wasn't really your fault that you couldn't understand that she knew what was best for you. Very condescending.

That's not to say that she didn't have some really good things to say, because she did. I especially liked the study regarding the link between Alcoholics and Sugar addicts. There is a lot of valuable information to be found in her groups, and her books. I just don't like Sheep Mentality.

HtotheIzzo Sun, Aug-20-06 11:41

Didn't stay with them long as they seemed to me to be sort of like a cult. The longer I was there, the stranger the group got.

I can second that concern.

After reading about halfway through the articles, I was becoming increasingly more concerned with lack of evidence, lack of medical study citation, and overall tone of the site. One only needs to read THIS to see that, although the claims are great and seem sensible, without citing any sort of peer approved medical journal makes the statements also seem wanting.

Also, I'm a bit concerned when the author, Laura, is more concerned with enabling seratonin than her OCD.

dansonya Sun, Aug-20-06 11:53

You should go on her forums and read the posts. I believe her name is Kathleen DesMaisons or something like that,though. Anyway.

All the posts in the forums sound very drone like, and are geared toward how wonderful the author is, and how she saved them, blah blah blah. None of them were actually losing weight though. I guess all that oatmeal and the potatoes. Anytime someone pointed that out, every one chided them like they were a child, and you got more of "listen to Kathleen, maybe you just need a one on one session with Kathleen so she can show you where you are wrong" Or "don't worry about your weight and your high cholesteral and your diabetes. You will be happy if you just do what she says, she knows what's best for you"

I won't even comment on the thought that eating a potato can get you off your anti depressants. Or maybe I just did...... :p

PS Diva Sun, Aug-20-06 12:47

Well this post explained a lot to me. I had seen radiant recovery mentioned here before but didn't know what it meant. Now I've visited the site and see that they would like to sell me stuff. Lots of stuff! But as I wander through the site I am finding it somewhat difficult to figure out what precisely what their thoughts on nutrition are, and although it tells us the author has a PhD, it doesn't say in what field!

Thanks for posting this Karen.

dansonya Sun, Aug-20-06 13:38

Originally Posted by PS Diva
Well this post explained a lot to me. I had seen radiant recovery mentioned here before but didn't know what it meant. Now I've visited the site and see that they would like to sell me stuff. Lots of stuff! But as I wander through the site I am finding it somewhat difficult to figure out what precisely what their thoughts on nutrition are, and although it tells us the author has a PhD, it doesn't say in what field!

Thanks for posting this Karen.

If I remember correctly, she has a degree in psychology. She began her career as a counselor for alcoholics. She did a study concerning recovering alcoholics and their need to eat sugary foods when they were on the wagon. This what made me read some of her books, Alcoholism runs in my family, and it seemed like a good excuse to blame my lack of will power regarding sugar/starchy foods on.

PS Diva Sun, Aug-20-06 19:38

A psychology degree would make sense for what she does. On my local tv station here the station advertised their weatherman as Dr. So and So. It was only later we learned he had a doctorate in Philosophy! So I was just a bit suspicious.

tangy Wed, Jul-16-08 02:18

All PhDs who are addressed Dr. _____ are doctors of philosophy unless they are in medicine, dentistry, or law. It's what PhD stands for. A psychologist receives a doctorate of philosophy in psychology. Same nomenclature goes for any other field of study.

EDIT: Someone might wanna consider unstickying this thread - all the links in the OP are broken.

dansonya Wed, Jul-16-08 08:52

Well, the thread is 2 years old, lol. You are the first person to comment on it since 2006. I didn't even realize it was a sticky (or that I had subscribed to it, a post announcement showed up in my email box this morning).

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