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osuzana Tue, Apr-01-03 21:11

Panic Anxiey and the Dentist = Fear
I have had Panic and Anxiety attacks for many years, and have avoided the dentist as much as I can... My teeth have been pretty healthy untill lately I have several back teeth in need of care, and I am terrified to go... I can not stand the thought of someone messing around in my mouth... it triggers panic even just to think about it ( can't breathe, or at least it is a major fear)
I'm just wondering if any one else on this board has a similar problem and how they handle this and other situations like it :confused: Osuzana

rebsee Fri, Apr-04-03 12:56

Yes I experience this aswell. My childhood dentist was a glorified butcher whod give kids extra fillings so he could get more money. He was drunk on the job too. It's instilled a phobia of dentalwork in me and I haven't visited a dentist in 8 years and I have no plans to, the fear in me is so great. It's true that what happens to you up to age 6 dictates who you'll be. Any time I had to go up to age 15 I jus braved it. I can't stand the thought of someone performing open surgery on me without anaesthetic, it's like something from the holocaust.

bevbme Sun, Apr-06-03 14:58

I know its really hard especially if its been years since your last experience. If I could I would add hugs here {{{{Hug}}}

See if a pediatric dentist will see you.

Or if you can go in and sit in the office and just think it through without planning an appointment that day. Maybe sit in chair without planning any work.

Best wishes to you -you will know what is right for you.

strohrl Sun, Apr-13-03 10:34

I wish i could be there and help you :wave: I work in a dentist office in michigan and have to hold alot of hands to help them through it. first off, try different places just go in and meet the staff you will know right away if its going to be in your comfort zone. For patients that havent been in a while I talk them through this and remind them not to think of the dentist, remember the first step is to see the hygeinist not the dentist. also suggesting that you ask friends if they have a friend that is a hygeinist get to know her, this should be someone that will talk to you and make you comfortable. offices have changed so much in the last few years and strong effort has been made to make you feel comfortable ( im an assistant). no one says that once youve gone to a office you have to go back, keep trying, you will find the office that is right for you.

dont feel bad if its been a while I see patients all the time that havent been in 10-20 years :there:

osuzana Mon, Apr-14-03 11:19

Thank you all for your kind support and helpful ideas... I will get through it, but first I will probably cry a lot :cry: O'suz

Pat S. Mon, Apr-14-03 15:06

I know the Dentist fear well I am the worst. Thank goodness the Dentist I have now gives gas so that calms me down after I get in the chair. I know he will be kind and knows my fear. Don't be afraid to be honest they are not going to think anything bad about you and if you get a bad reaction don't go there. There are good Dentist's out there we just have to find them. Pat S

Watchmenow Tue, Apr-15-03 13:38

Find a dentist you like that will give you something before you go to your Gen. Practioner about it too. There is always nitrous for the actual procedure and 5-10 mg. of valium...I was the same as you and now I go without taking anything....I have a great dentist too....go on a search....I promise you will be fine if you take something before you go...

Chloë Mae Tue, Apr-15-03 21:44

Same here. I take beta blockers for panic attacks. My worst fear is the dentisit. Started in childhood. My teeth are awful. I have heard about sedation denistry where you are so relaxed you don't mind the procedures, yet you are awake and in full control. I am going to look into it. Hope you do too. :rose:

faeriegirl Wed, Apr-16-03 01:10

This is so interesting. I am relieved - i thought i was alone in my fear of the dentist. I haven't been in about 3 years, but when i do go, even for routine cleanings, i cry and cry. I think i deeply disturbed all the hygenists, so they are like 'oh god, here she comes' when they see me. I don't know what it is - it is a very helpless feeling, laying there, i alway feel very out of control, vulnerable. I need to book an appointment though - i try to keep my teeth ultra clean, so i don't have to go to the dentist, but the last time i went, he told me i have been brushing so hard, i brushed almost all of the enamel off my teeth :( yuck. Good luck to you! I feel better that i am not the only crying girlie in the dentist chair :)

osuzana Fri, Apr-18-03 08:19

I have been researching sedation dentistry on line, and it is a very dissapointing venture... There are so few of them who do this! And if you find one, you might need to rob a bank just to be able to pay for the consultation!!! How sad is that? :(
I just want to go to sleep, because I have panic attacks also, and my biggest fear is that I will stop breathing or will choke when I am being worked on...I feel SO trapped when I am there in that chair... my dentist is a female and a very good good, that in the last few years she has become way to busy to have the kind of patience with me that I need... I think I annoy her! I wish I could find a dentist that will just knock me out! I have had other surgeries C-sections and foot reconstruction...and have been completely out ~ and it is the only way I can deal with this stuff! It is hard to take pills and sedation like valium, and that is because I am a panic person and it is typical of our nature. We have a high level of fear of not being in control. :daze:

strohrl Sun, Apr-20-03 10:10

osuzana, Its good to see that you are trying!! In my area they have something called 1800 dentist , number you can call & find someone that will use sedation. where I work a consultation for being sedated is free and it should be. the sedation is not cheap but its worth it if that is what you need. Getting your teeth cleaned can make your whole body healthier :D . keep researching and you will find someone. ;)

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