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ldypgmr Thu, Feb-07-02 06:29

Sunshine Moments
Hi All:

Everyday for the last week, I have had a sunshine moment. This is when I discover something neat...either I can so something I haven't been able to do in a long time or just a magical minute. Here are some of mine.

:idea: Shopping for clothes, finding a shirt I think is too small, trying it on on it FITS!!!!

:clap: The seat belt actually fits.

:rose: Slacks I haven't been able to wear for 5 years are actually loose on me.

:wiggle: In my pick-up I couldn't reach the parking break to release it when my seat belt was I can.

:sunny: Going up a flight of stairs and not being breathless at the top.

COME ON up. What sunshine moments have you had?


Gator Thu, Feb-07-02 07:03

Yeah Dee, I know exactly what you're talking about. I too have had some of those "magic" moments when you discover something that lets you know you're really getting smaller. For me, a couple of them has been:

1. I could actually bend over and get a rod from the rod locker in my boat without having to get down on my knees.

2. Getting in and out of the boat was suddenly not a big chore.

3. I could actually see the trolling motor pedal, as I sat in the fishing chair and operated it.

4. I was walking up the stairs with an armload of stuff, and my pants fell down around my ankles.

5. When I discovered in the shower that I could suddenly reach places that I hadn't reached in a long time.

6. This morning when I had to take up another notch on my belt.

7. The other day, when I was able to drive my daughter's Mustang convertible, and it didn't take 3 men and a small dog to pull me out.

8. Tossing and turning in bed at night is not a major workout.

9. The steering wheel on the van is not wearing a groove in all of my shirts.

It's great to be getting thinner!!

Gator Fri, Feb-08-02 06:53

Come on folks! Dee started a very interesting thread here, and hearing other people's "Sunshing Moments" can be VERY INSPIRING.

She mentioned several benefits of losing that I had not thought of.

A few more "Sunshine Moments" I could add are:

1. When I saw my blood pressure go from 160/120 to 115/77.

2. When someone finally looked at me and said "Hey, are you losing weight?"

3. When I dropped a quarter on the ground, and didn't just walk off and leave it there because it was too hard to get to.

4. When I'm on the floor, I realize that I can stand up from where I am, rather than have to crawl to the sofa to pull myself up.

And many more!

ldypgmr Fri, Feb-08-02 06:57

Gator, those are great!!

My sunshine moments yesterday was for the first time I gave blood and didn't feel dizzy afterwards.

I went up two consecutive flights of stairs and wasn't winded!

YES!!!!! :hyper:

Victoria Fri, Feb-08-02 08:50

Hi Dee and Gator,
Here's a few of mine. ;)

1. When I sat down in a chair at the hospital, that had arms on it, and I had room around me. I wasn't squished into it.

2. Noticing the steering wheel is not touching my tummy and I have several inches between me and the steering wheel now.

3. My daughter says I'm starting to look "shorter" now that I am losing weight.

4. My daughter said I am walking much faster around the mall while shopping. Being able to do it and having her notice made me feel great!

5. The "FAT" clothes my neighbor gave me when she was losing weight are now too big. ;)

6. Being able to walk with my son, while he is rollerblading and being able to keep up with him and not feel like I need to stop after a block.

7. Being able to put my shoes on much easier. Much less tummy in the way!!! :p

8. Noticing people at church doing a double-take at me. I'm assuming they have noticed the drop in weight. (I like the confidence losing weight has given me. Before I would wonder if I had my zipper zipped or something more embarrassing. ;) )

Well, those are just a few. :roll: Victoria

upncomer Fri, Feb-08-02 13:15

I had a wonderful sunshine moment today when I went out to lunch with my DH. We stopped off at our favorite neighborhood coney island to split an omlet. A woman that I hadn't seen in a month or so said that I am just fading away to nothing (yeah, haha - another 100lbs, maybe! :D ). Anyway, she said that I must be starving myself to lose so much weight so quickly - my DH, my waittress friend, and I at the same time said, " No, it's low-carb!!!! :yay:

It doesn't take much to be happy - one little compliment will last me all day!

agonycat Fri, Feb-08-02 13:30

Sorry for jumping in since I am not a triple digit person, however just recently I have noticed a couple of things.

My sunshine moments:

1) Getting on an airplane and sitting in the seat comfortably.
2) Being able to reach my bag under the seat in front of me without struggling.
3) Not feeling out of breath when the plane starts gaining altitude. (believe it or not, with that added weight, I would feel as if I was about to suffocate when the plane would start to climb, I would gasp for air!)

Thanks for letting me share :D

ldypgmr Fri, Feb-08-02 14:53

Great moments
Wow, those are all great moments. And Agonycat you are more than welcome to participate and share.

My sunshine moment for the day:

I have been wearing my big baggy clothes to work. My teammates know the clothes are getting looser. Today I wore close fitting slacks and a top...several people had to stop and then said WOW! Pretty powerful stuff.

I look forward to reading more sunshine moments.

Victoria Sun, Feb-10-02 23:10

I have to add a current "today" moment. Today...drum roll, please...I wore a shirt buttoned that I had never been able to button before. I actually bought it with the idea of wearing a tee shirt underneath and leaving the shirt open. It had never closed around my belly EVER. So I was truly pleased with this discovery. I felt skinny all day. :D Victoria

ldypgmr Mon, Feb-11-02 06:29

I just love it when I feel skinny all day :spin:

My sunshine moment for the weekend:

I got up Sat morn at 7:00 - went to the Y and did my workout, taking the treadmill up one level.

Came home, rearraged the house, moved tables out of the house, cleaned like I have "never" cleaned before. A friend came over for dinner, and we went to a movie.

A month ago, I would have had to take a couple of naps during the day, and then wouldn't have finished working on the house. Saturday I did all of this and had energy left at the end of the day.

Sunday was a little disappointing. I lost 1.5 pounds and was expecting a greater loss...however, I will take the 1.5 pound.


Keep a movin' :wave:

DWRolfe Mon, Feb-11-02 09:29

I've missed y'all!!!

We're in the midst of having new windows installed in our place (26 of them!) and we're living in such a mess! Our computer is taken apart and covered in plastic, so this is the first chance I've had to get back to this group. :p

I'm down 20lbs and here are some of my Sunshine Moments...

Tried on jeans that I haven't worn since I don't remember when and they do others!!

Being able to get in and out of the car easier.

Being able to reach everything and everywhere in the shower.

Being able to reach around and scratch my own back again.

Putting two new notches in my belt because my pants were falling down.

Adding a second block to my walk with the dog.

Taking 1/3 the pain medicine for my sore knees.

Telling my Mom and Dad that I've lost 20lbs.

Going out for breakfast to avaoid all the workers in our house and remaining completely in control of the food I chose to eat.

Knowing that even though our house is torn apart, I will be able to stay on plan because of the careful planning and prep. I have done to be sure that there is always "the right" foods available.

My SO's arms all the way around me. :D

I'm SO happy!

Kudos to us all!! :wave:


Julie88 Mon, Feb-11-02 10:30

Congrats Donnald!! :thup: you forgot one thing though..... posting the loss on your profile and how good it feels to be at 11% goal!! :wave:

DWRolfe Mon, Feb-11-02 10:39

So right!
Right on, Julie! :roll:

I love changing my profile to relfect weight loss! It's one of my favorite things to do!

Congrats to you too! We're both at 11% :thup:


Gator Mon, Feb-11-02 12:29

I have a really BIG Sunshine moment to share with everyone.

I emerged from the swamp, having won the battle with my temptations while the family was away for 3 days! And I caught a few nice bass too!

I took DW's advice each morning (before heading out to the swamp) and cooked up some "yummy" eggs, bacon, and fried up some chopped up mushrooms/green onions for hash browns.

The gators are in hibernation right now, so I didn't get the pleasure of mingling with them. They're lc'ers too, nothing but protein and greens.

All of the advice and support I received from everyone got me through, and I cannot thank you enough. As "Tony the Tiger" would say, Y'all are gre-e-e-a-a-a-t!

DWRolfe Mon, Feb-11-02 13:18

Gator's weekend..
As weird as this may sound... I found myself wondering how your weekend was going Gator, and if you resisted your urges for hash browns and toast & jam! This is either a sign that I need to get more of a life for myself, or that we are an extra special group of people on this board! ;)

You done good! Congratulations!

DWRolfe :wave:

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