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mnokat Mon, Oct-21-02 13:32

Kickin' Kate's butt off ....
Okay, I decided that I need to start a gym log to help keep me motivated to work out... it's so easy to skip it!!!!!!!

I'll start with yesterday's workout... Sunday, believe it or not!
20 min elliptical, level 6, 1.3 miles, betw 50-62 rpms....
20 min treadmil, walk (3.5-3.8mph) / jog (5.1-5.5 mph) combo, 1.3 miles... only about 4-5 mins total of the jogging... I'm so out of shape!!!!!

Decided I'm going to concentrate more on the jogging for now, rather than the weights. Once I can get up to doing a mile at full jog, without having to stop to walk, I'll put the weights back into it. Jogging is the only thing that has ever worked for me in the past.

Also going to start doing crunches, and tricep raises at home....

Tonite: LAUNDRY, organize bedroom, stock bookshelf... that alone will have enough lifting to count as a workout! I have so many books, it's ridiculous!!!!!!

mnokat Tue, Oct-22-02 19:59

Well, didn't get to that laundry yet, but I did get to the gym tonight. Started my switch to the treadmill thing... my knees are holding up well, so I think I'm okay for it. Good thing I made it to the gym too, with the friggin cheeseburger quiche I made... must take smaller portions next time!

Anyway, tonite I did:

Treadmill: 30 mis - 2 mi. flat!!!!!! (6 mins ~ 5.5 mph, the rest varying betw 3.3-3.8 mph)
bench dips: 2 sets of 10 (bothers my wrist... must be more careful of the tendonitis)
lat pull downs: 2 sets 15 reps ~ 40 lbs
seated rows: 2 sets 12 reps ~ 50 lbs

I think that was it... going to do some stretching, drink a liter or so of water to help flush the quiche, and hit the rack... see ya in the am!

mnokat Thu, Oct-24-02 20:14

40 mins 2.66 mi.

mnokat Wed, Oct-30-02 13:21

yesterday, 10/29:

30 mins treadmill. a hair under 2 miles

warm up 3 mins ~3.3-3.6
5.1 3 min
5.1 2 min
5.2 1.5 min
5.2 1 min
6.0 1 min
1.992 mi
cool down >2.3 mi total

mnokat Wed, Oct-30-02 15:02

OH! And I am definitely starting BFL on Saturday!!!!!
Going to the gym tonight... Think I'll do close to the same thing I did yesterday, if my body is up for it...
Thursday, maybe some powersquats and abs...
Friday, day off...
Saturday: C1W1D1 UBWO!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm SSSOOO exicted!!!!!!!!!!

mnokat Thu, Oct-31-02 09:22


treadmill 20 min:

3.5 warm up 2 min
3.9 2
3.6 2
4.3 2
3.6 2
4.7 1.5
3.6 2
5.1 1.5
3.6 2
5.7 1
3.6 2
3.3 cool down

Going to the gym tonight to get my BF% calculated...
haven't decided what I'm going to do while I'm there though... tomorrow is a free day, and saturday I start BFL with an UBWO... Maybe I'll just do some power squats and calf raises....
hmmmmm... Gotta talk to Paul and go over my plans with him for my workouts... left my folder at home though so will print them off the BFL website and fill them out here I guess.

194!!!!!!! Yeay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

mnokat Fri, Nov-01-02 07:26

Went to the gym... all set to do my BF testing... getting changed and realized I forgot to pack sneakers and sports bras!!!!!!! LOL
Needless to say, no work out last night.

BUT, did have a nice 1+ hr session with Paul going over my results, my goals, and he helped me design the WO plan for the next 4 weeks. He's such a good guy!!!!

So, All ready for Saturday. Just need to learn how to change the weights on barbells, and I'll be all set. Suppose I can just ask some guy while I'm there Sat morning...

mnokat Fri, Nov-08-02 09:34

Okay, need to get this updated before I get any further behind!!!

Started BFL C1 on Sat, 11/2/02 (nan's b-day)

Measurements (per EE)
Waist: 35.25
Spare tire: 44.5
Hips/butt: 47
back: 35
bust: 41.25
Arm: 14
R. leg: 29
neck: 14.5
Wrist: 6.25
forearm: 11
Calf: 17

11/02/02 UBWO:

Incline barbell press:
12 x 40lbs
10 x 50
8 x 50
3 x 60
12 x 40 (start at 30)
flat dumbell flyes:
12 x 5 (need more weight)
Seated cable rows:
12 x 40
10 x 50
8 x 60
6 x 70
12 x 60 (9)
12 x 60 wide grip lat pulldown (9)
Lateral raises:
12 x 20
10 x 25
8 x 30
6 x 35
12 x 25
12 x 5 reverse flyes (need more weight)
Standing barbell curls (aframe)
12 x 20
10 x 25
8 x 30
6 x 35
12 x 30
12 x 5 concentration curls (need more weight)
Lying tricep presses:
12 x 3
10 x 5
8 x 7.5
6 x 7.5
12 x 5 (9.5)
12 x 5 kickbacks - JELLO!!!!!! (9)

11/3/02: HIIT CARDIO
20 min treadmill = 1.385 miles

ABS - crunches, reverse crunches, oblique crunches

11/4/02: LBWO
Leg extensions:
12 x 40
10 x 50
8 x 60
6 x 60 (9)
12 x 40 (8)
12 x BW+frame POWER SQUATS - need weight!

Seated leg curls:
12 x 100
10 x 110
8 x 120
6 x 130
12 x 120
18 x 10 lbs lunges - need more weight, check form with paul

Standing calf raises:
12 x 60
10 x 60
8 x 80
6 x 100
12 x 60 (9.5) OOOWWWW!!
12 x 25 seated calf ... could use more weight (8)

11/05/02: HIIT CARDIO
(calves in a LOT of pain from calf raises)
Calves hurt bad... all I could do to finish the 20 mins


No work out. TOM bad... painful... calves still killing

11/7/02 UBWO:
Incline barbell press:
12 x 40lbs
10 x 50
8 x 70 (weights stuck...didn't notice till end of set)
6 x 70 (9.5)
12 x 50
flat dumbell flyes:
12 x 10 (9) good weight... tough
Seated cable rows:
12 x 40
10 x 50
8 x 60
6 x 70
12 x 60 (7) start at 50 next time...
12 x 70 wide grip lat pulldown (8)
Lateral raises:
12 x 20
10 x 25
8 x 30
6 x 35
12 x 25
12 x 5 reverse flyes (need more weight) got form right this time
Standing barbell curls (aframe)
12 x 25
10 x 30
8 x 35
6 x 40
12 x 35 (9) start at 30 next time...
12 x 10 concentration curls (9)
Lying tricep presses:
12 x 3
10 x 5
8 x 7.5
6 x 10
12 x 5 (9)
12 x 7.5 kickbacks - (9)

okay, that's everything... cardio tonight.

mnokat Mon, Nov-11-02 08:06

Let's see, I don't have my folders with me, so I will update the last few days as best as I can remember:

Cardio - not a good work out. Got my 20 mins in, but only did a little over a mile on the treadmill, most at a very slow speed. Shins were killing me, may have shin splints. Switching to the ellipitcal for a while beginning Sunday.


11/4/02: LBWO
Leg extensions:
12 x 40
10 x 50
8 x 70
6 x 80 (8.5)
12 x 70 (9)
12 x 50 lbs POWER SQUATS facing machine... better. could still use more weight for these ones.

Seated leg curls (Hammies):
12 x 110
10 x 120
8 x 130
6 x 140
12 x 130 (9.5)
6 x 50 lbs, 6 x BW POWER SQUATS - facing away from machine.
Try 15 lbs each side next time. good wo though... felt it in the hammies and glutes!

Standing calf raises:
12 x 40
10 x 60
8 x 80
6 x 100
12 x 80 (9)
12 x 50 seated calf (8) still need more weight

need to work on my quad strength. This amazes me, as my quads always used to be so strong... see what happens as you age?!!! Ick. Teenieboppers watching me on my hammie curls were funny though. I swear they thought that by talking to eachother through the mirror I couldn't see.... even though I was looking into the same mirror and sitting between them! LOL Couldn't tell if they were horrified or impressed by the amount of weights I was doing... was funny to watch them though.


Elliptical machine... good workout! Sweated buckets!
Kept the machine at 60 rpms the whole 20 mins... alternated between levels:
12 (repeat 6-12)

Ended up going 1.52 miles and burned something like 258 calories. Not bad. Like the sweating... I always feel that sweat is a good sign.

Upper body tonight. Going to increase all my weights a notch and see what happens. I'm definitely in a "I wanna be jacked" frame of mind. I want to be impressing the guys in the gym with the amount of weight I can lift! LOL Seriously though. I'm sick of being a little chubby girl. At the very least, at the end of these 12 weeks, I want to be a little stocky strong as shit girl! LOL

Have a great day everyone!

mnokat Mon, Nov-11-02 20:24

Well, the DBF is bowling, which means I actually get to go online at home!

UBWO 11/11/02:
Incline barbell press:
12 x 40lbs
10 x 50
8 x 60
6 x 70
12 x 60 (10)
flat dumbell flyes:
12 x 10 (9)
Seated cable rows:
12 x 50
10 x 60
8 x 70
6 x 80
12 x 70 (9)
12 x 80 wide grip lat pulldown (10) - need help getting the bar to a height that I can grab. weights are too heavy for me to be able to get down one-handed now. LOL
Lateral raises:
12 x 20
10 x 25
8 x 30
6 x 35
12 x 30 (9)
12 x 8 reverse flyes (9)
Standing barbell curls (aframe)
12 x 30
10 x 35
8 x 40
6 x 50
12 x 45 (9) start at 30, do 10lb increments next time
12 x 10 concentration curls (10)
Lying tricep presses:
12 x 5
10 x 7. 5
8 x 10
6 x 10 (tried for 12.5 ... NOT even close)
10 x 7.5 (10)
12 x 5 kickbacks (9)

was actually worried about being able to drive home from the gym my arms were so heavy... was okay though. came home and had some cottage cheese w/pineapple with mu glutimine sprinkled in it and a piece of 10 grain bread. hit the spot.

mnokat Wed, Nov-13-02 08:34

Finally figured out what my 10 for cardio is! And MAN did I hit it yesterday! Got to the gym, went to change, realized I forgot to pack a shirt... doofus that I am. Had to go home, and actually made it back to the gym!!! Did the elliptical, all forward, not backwards... always at least 60rpms, averaged around 66 I would say, as I did a bunch of it near 70. Hard to keep track of that though. Resistance Levels minute by minute as follows:
14 (10!!!!!!!!)

Sweat was POURING off of my at the end. Then did some abs. 2 sets each crunches and reverse crunches.

VictoriaT Wed, Nov-13-02 15:25

Im lurking but dont tell anyone...shhhhh


mnokat Thu, Nov-14-02 07:25

LOL Vicki,,, you're too funny!!!! Lurk as much as you want sweetie... if you can actually learn something from me, of all people, I'm more than willing to try to help ya out!

In the meantime, yesterday was LBWO. I don't think I'm working hard enough... Think I need to re-configure my workout structure for these days. Problem is that I'm not sure if I should just wait till the 30th, which will be the beginning of week 5, as I'm supposed to be switching around my routines at that point anyway!

Heres what I did yesterday:

Leg extensions:
12 x 40
10 x 50
8 x 70
6 x 80 (8.5)
12 x 70 (9)
12 x 70 lbs POWER SQUATS facing machine... better.
good weight, bad pants... reminder to self... do not wear the black pants with the white stripe to the gym!

Seated leg curls (Hammies):
12 x 110
10 x 120
8 x 130
6 x 140
12 x 130 (9.5)
12 x 40 straight legged dead lifts... need to check on my form with this, but more importantly need to up the weight and maybe find a block to stand on for a better stretch?... the pitfalls of being flexible (many years of karate, still have the flexibility to kick over my head). I think I really like these though... felt them in the glutes too, and my quads were shaky on the way up, especially the last few reps. I also think I want to switch to lying hammie curls.. but that time thing comes into play again... should I just stick out the next 2 weeks, and then switch to them after week 4???????

Standing calf raises:
12 x 40
10 x 60
8 x 80
6 x 100
12 x 80 (9) Going to up this next time.
12 x 70 seated calf (9) I think the weight on these is okay on my calves... don't like the way the machine feels against my quads though...

I'm also thinking of throwing a few sets of abductors and adductors in at the end.... the lying hammie curls will get my glutes more involved which is why I'm thinking of switching... haven't been feeling enough in the behind.... UGH. I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll call the BFL hotline today....

Anyone with any suggestions (NAT).. feel free to chime in! lol

Natrushka Thu, Nov-14-02 07:34

Kate, this is me chiming in ;)

You can move your routines around at any time - you do not have to wait the 4 weeks. Mixing things up will result in more DOMS but it also keeps the muscles guessing - and working hard. I would suggest changing the order of your quad and hamstring exercises. You're doing the isolating exercises as the primary and the compound moves as your secondary - you'll find you get a bigger burn if you reverse that. Do the squats first, then do the extensions. Do the deadlifts first, then do the hamstring curls. With the hammie curls try to keep your toes pointed (you'll probably have to lower the weight when you do this) - this further isolates the hamstrings and takes the calves out of the equation. With Leg extensions you can vary the angle of your toes to target the inner or outter heads.

As for the adductor/ abductor exercises - if you do the squats and deadlifts as your primary exercises you'll be targetting those, extra exercises are redundant and really unnecessary. If you want to throw in something to make it 'hurt', look to lunges. Start with stationary ones first, and try them w/o any weights - they are a big time hurt factor.


mnokat Thu, Nov-14-02 07:54

As always...
Thanks Nat!!!

I'm glad I asked! I'll have to play around with it over the weekend. My next LBWO isn't until Monday, so I definitely have time. How do you adjust the weight between sets? For the deadlifts yesterday I used the pre-set 40 lb barbell that they have at the gym... I suppose I can just keep swapping out the barbells... not sure what the weight increment ranges are on them though... Can I do these on the a-frame or smith machine, maybe???

For squats I use the "power squat" machine... which is this big huge monster in the back of the gym... need to add plates to either side to change weights. I think I had been using the iso machines as they were easier to up the weight between sets (big diff between moving the pin, and having to find new dumbells or the right plates). I like the power squat machine, as it is easy to keep your form correct..

Lunges: I never feel like I'm doing them right. Is there a machine, or frame that can help you with your form on them??? And where in the routine do you think I could fit a couple of sets of them in?

hmmmmm... lots to think about this weekend I guess...

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