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eebee Mon, Aug-13-01 01:42

I seem to have lost my motivation recently. Not sure why. I am going to Port Douglas, a fabulous resort in Northern Queensland Australia in one weeks time. This should have motivated me to lose some weight! But instead I am constantly falling off the wagon. Without sufficient motivation all the knowledge about how to lose weight etc. counts for nothing! Any ideas for remotivation?:o

Sharon Mon, Aug-13-01 05:18

Have you read all the success stories in the "Stories" section?? Lots of motivation here to be successful.

rainny Mon, Aug-13-01 08:20

I can relate!
I do this to myself also. Since being sick I’ve had a hell of a time getting back in the wagon! I find that I do it more when I put to much stress on myself. Not stress in general…but stress on myself as far as weight and how I want to look for something or with in a certain date. Its like I purposely trip myself up. Maybe this is what your doing too. How do I stop it? Well sometimes it take allot to stop it. Right now it is taking allot. So my only solution to this is to start form the begging.
1. I’m reading the book again.
2. I’m cooking tons of food to freeze.
3. I’m doing the CKD from the beginning
this time…it seem to have less guilt
and faster results with me.

Look into the CKD…it my help you to deal better. Its in the workout part of the forum.
GOOD LUCK…and no matter what…have fun when you go!

doreen T Mon, Aug-13-01 10:17

hi eebee
Have you lost sight of your longterm goal?? Sometimes we get caught up with a short term goal .. and if we are not successful with that particular battle, we give up on the whole war. Maybe you were hoping to lose x lbs in time for this trip ... it hasn't happened, or not happening as quickly as you'd hoped .. and so, you figure why bother? Or perhaps the trip itself will entail difficulties sticking to a lowcarb program, so you figure why bother sticking to lowcarb even now.

Maybe put your longterm goals in writing, and stick them someplace visible as a reminder .. on the fridge, or next to the computer. If the resort turns out to be a non-lowcarb experience, well ... it's only one week out of the rest of your life. Enjoy the opportunity, the beauty and pleasures of your time away, and get right back down to serious lowcarbing the minute you return.


Bonnie Mon, Aug-13-01 10:35

My motivation stems from how great my hubby and I look and feel compared to two years ago...when I have the urge to backslide I ask myself these you want to go back to feeling sluggish, bloated, coping with digestive problems, shorten lifespan, purchase larger sized clothing etc. etc. etc. :eek: :eek: :eek: ...enough motivation for me to say I will stick with this plan for life...;)


JimLewis Mon, Aug-13-01 11:04

My reply to you, and I know that many will disagree with me, is to just eat normally until your vacation is over. Have a good time. Relax. You should not force yourself to adhere to this diet while on vacation if you have been off it for a while. Try to get a little more exercise than usual while on vacation, and then when you come back, begin Dr. Atkins's induction diet. Go hard-core low carb, complete with supplements and psyllium husk fiber. Hopefully, the break from the vacation will give you the motivation you need. I say this because I first started this diet almost two years ago after a week in Barbados (in December), and I never would have made it through Christmas on this diet if I hadn't just returned from vacation. After that, I stayed on it for months and lost over 30 lbs. And recently, after having been off the diet for about 6 months, I went on vacation, and was better able to get back on the diet afterwards than I would have before. Also, vacations are especially frustrating for dieting because your menu choices are often very limited. Give yourself these next two weeks, then take the plunge. Then you'll have what you need to stick to it.

Karen Mon, Aug-13-01 12:38

What do you want more? To be able to eat the foods that make you feel and look awful, or to go through the process of creating a new way of life? Everytime you fall off the wagon, just get back on.

New habits are hard to develop, so getting back on the wagon constantly will reinforce the good habits you are trying to create.

External stuff - vacations, looking great for school reunions - are not motivating. External situations come and go, but you always have to live with yourself. The motivation has to come from the great desire that you have within. Sit quietly with yourself and listen to "the best part" of yourself.


eebee Tue, Aug-14-01 03:25

You know all of those messages has something really helpful in them-thank you to you all. I am copying them and printing them out so I can't forget.

It is true that having this goal, my holiday, has had the opposite effect. Isn't that weird?? I never thought about that before but it is true -external motivations put the pressure on almost in the same way as trying to lose weight, stop smoking, or whatever for someone else, which never ever works. Having only two, then one week to go has made me think 'to hell with it-I am not going to make it!' and I have been eating chocolate bars at work and that on top of my lovely bacon and egg breakfast.

Also you are right losing weight has to be a longer term goal-for myself. I agree Jim with your idea of eating normally (can I remember how!!?) until after the holiday. So thanks all and I am going to think about this quietly and write up my goals and the reasons for them . Actually one reason I am not doing an on line journal is because I do not want external pressures.

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