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SunnySpain Thu, Mar-27-03 12:51

I have not idea
I have not idea

Hi everyone

Sorry I am always asking silly quiestion. I have been on the diet 2 weeks and 4 days I have lost about 8 Ib, so that is very good. My problem now I am bored of the way I eat. I am going to tell you what I eat everyday:

Breakfast: just a red tea cause I cannot eat cheese or meet in the morning

Lunch: meet and some nuts

Dinner: more meet and nuts.

My problem is that if I count how many carbo I eat with the nuts is a lots so I cannot eat any vegetables. I miss a lot vegis... My quiestions are:

-Can I have vegetables for lunch and dinner as well? I am not in the induction.

-Vegetables I like are: brocoli, green beens, peepers, lechuce, tomates... Can I eat them everyday 2 times?

-How about sweetcorn?

It will be helpful if someone can tell me what you eat in a normal day. If you don,t mind to tell me I will be very pleased.

I have read the book but I don,t understand everything, I am Spainsh. I have booked the Atkins Book in Spanish but is coming in 3 weeks or 4 and I have started already.

I need someone to help me.

Thanks a lots.


Crimson Thu, Mar-27-03 13:10

You mentioned that you aren't in induction.. but have you gone through the induction process?? This process is VERY important. Also, nuts are <u>not</u> recommended on induction, and from what I can see you need to stop replacing your meals with them. You need to get the majority of your carbs from vegetables (not sweet corn.. corn is very high in carbs). Try eating salads and brocoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, asparagus, spinach. I consider any green vegetable allowable. Add butter or olive oil to get your fat up. Don't consider nuts to be a meal substitute or a side dish... these should only be used for snacks once induction is over.

I'm glad you were able to locate a book in Spanish! If you have any questions in the meantime, please just ask. That's what we're all here for... to support one another! :wave:

blatla Thu, Mar-27-03 13:11


Now that you're past induction, theres' no reason for you to ever get bored with your meals again. I would definately cut back on the nuts so you can fit in more veggies. can have veggies throughout the day..but watch the carb counts in the veggies you choose. You should not eat corn or potatoes...but broccoli, cauliflower, celery, green beans...all good choices (there are lots more). Have you visited the fitday website? You can enter in whatever vegetable you want and see the carb count. Don't forget, too, that you can subtract the fiber from the carbs so that will allow you a lot more food. For example...if a vegetable has 11 carbs per serving and 7 grams of fiber, it only counts as 4 carbs because the fiber doesn't get digested. Great, huh?

If you browse around on the kitchen forums, too, you'll get lots of ideas and recipes. That will really help you to add some variety to your diet. I try two or three new recipes each week and I haven't gotten bored yet!


Skamito Thu, Mar-27-03 13:21

Hola SunnySpain.. Quiero ayudar tan he usado a un traductor libre del internet para anunciar. Es hecho por una computadora tan no será muy bueno, pero puede estar confundiendo menos que inglés. Ante todo, usted puede comer muchas verduras. Los mejor son brécoles, la coliflor, el espárrago, la espinaca, el apio, frijoles verdes, y las coles de bruselas. Algo verde debe ser bueno. Auséntese del maíz, de los guisantes, y de otras verduras "feculentas".

Cerciórese también comer mucha gordura. La mantequilla, el aceite, y vestir de ensalada son las elecciones buenos. Desde que usted es la inducción pasada usted puede agregar las cantidades pequeñas de nueces y bayas pero la prueba para mantener su límite a 25 gramos de carbs un día.

Usted hace muy bien. ¡Manténgalo arriba! :)

Usted puede encontrar a este traductor en

Hi SunnySpain... I want to help so I've used a free internet translator to post. It is done by a computer so will not be very good, but may be less confusing than English. First of all, you can eat a lot of vegetables. The best ones are broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, celery, green beans, and brussel sprouts. Anything green should be good. Stay away from corn, peas, and other "starchy" vegetables.

Also make sure to eat a lot of fat. Butter, oil, and salad dressing are good choices. Since you are past induction you may add small amounts of nuts and berries but try to keep your limit to 25 grams of carbs a day.

You're doing very well. Keep it up! :)

You can find this translator at

SunnySpain Thu, Mar-27-03 13:36

Thanks Skamito for the translation (It was nice)

You have mencioned about the fat. If I don,t eat fat I am not losing fat ... I am a bit confused. So it is better to have the veggies with butter ot oil that to have on its own? This diet is amazing.... It is really working for me.

This diet is not very popular in Spain and people is amazed for this diet... It is funny.



KoKo Thu, Mar-27-03 13:43

Cool Stuff Skamito!!!
Wow cool transtlation device - but the link is not good somehow, darn I wanted to try that :daze:

Skamito Thu, Mar-27-03 14:00

I fixed the link. I hope this helps Sunny a bit.

Here's some more:

Sé que esta traducción no es buena tan oso con mí. Esta dieta es diferente de cualquiera la dieta bajo gorda. Desde que trabaja en el principio de carbohidratos bajos, usted no es la glucosa para el combustible. Usted ahora quema gordura para el combustible. Usted quemará su gordura del cuerpo parcialmente, pero usted necesita también gordura dietética para la energía. Deberá tener mejor mantequilla y aceite con las verduras.

Optimistamente su copia del libro en el español ayudará. El entra muchas explicaciones científicas del proceso de ketosis y lipolysis (ketones y gordura abrasadores para el combustible).

¡En resumen, come esa gordura!

I realize this translation is not good so bear with me. This diet is different from any low fat diet. Since it works on the principle of low carbohydrates, you are no longer burning glucose for fuel. You are now burning fat for fuel. You will burn your body fat partially, but you also need dietary fat for energy. It is best to have butter and oil with veggies. You can also feel free to eat fattier cuts of meat, such as steak.

Hopefully your copy of the book in Spanish will help. He goes into a lot of scientific explanations of the process of ketosis and lipolysis (burning ketones and fat for fuel).

In short, eat that fat!

lattegrl Thu, Mar-27-03 15:13

Para el desayuno yo como generalmente una tortilla baja del carbohidrato, a veces con queso de crema y jalea de sugarfree o con una raja de queso en lo. El café con crema pesada para el Quiché del Almuerzo con fuera corteza, puede tener tomates, el queso, el brécol, la carne, pimientas de campana, la cebolla, muy fácil de obtener la variedad con especias diferentes. Para el seno de pollo de Cena con una salsa pequeña hizo del drippings de cacerola/queso pesado de crema y parmesan. Y un lado de verdura cocinada (brécol o coliflor o el espárrago) y una verdura cruda pequeña, la elección de apio con queso de crema o tiró ensalada de lechuga con vestir y nogales o con jicima con vestir de ensalada como un diploma. Para postres/gelatina de sugarfree de bocados o pastel de queso casero de sugarfree o galletas caseras de almendra de sugarfree (realmente fácil) o agua de seltzer con jarabe condimentado de sugarfree y un salpicadura de crema pesada. Siempre ha brindado nueces de soja alrededor para bocados. Espere que esto lo ayude a obtener una idea de lo que mi menú típico es.

and in english :)
for breakfast I usually eat a low carbohydrate tortilla, sometimes with cream cheese and sugarfree jelly or a slice of cheese on it. Coffee with heavy cream
for Lunch Quiche with out crust, it can have tomatoes, cheese, broccoli, meat, bell peppers, onion, very easy to get variety with different spices.
for Dinner chicken breast with a little sauce made from pan drippings/heavy cream and parmesan cheese. And a side of cooked vegetable (broccoli or cauliflower or asparagus ) and a little raw vegetable, choice of celery with cream cheese or tossed lettuce salad with dressing and walnuts or jicima with salad dressing as a dip.
for desserts/ snacks sugarfree jello or homemade sugarfree cheesecake or homemade sugarfree almond cookies(really easy) or seltzer water with flavored sugarfree syrup and a splash of heavy cream. Always have toasted soy nuts around for snacks.
Hope this helps you to get an idea of what my typical menu is.

Lisa N Thu, Mar-27-03 15:30

¡Hola España Soleada!

Para el desayuno yo tengo frecuentemente un cereal caliente hecho de la semilla de lino de suelo o algún calle salvado de Linaza y trigo. Yo lo mezclo con un agua pequeña y agrego alguna mantequilla, la crema y un edulcorante artificial pequeño. El almuerzo es generalmente sobras de la noche antes u obtengo una ensalada de la abarrotería local con el gran cantidad de vegetarianos y vestir de chese de bleu frondosos, verdes y oscuros. Para la cena, nosotros tenemos algún tipo de carne y hasta dos verduras diferentes tal como una ensalada y entonces una verdura cocinada tal como brécol, frijoles verdes, la coliflor, calabaza de espinaca o verano. ¡Obtenga creador y use algunas hierbas y las especias para hacer una salsa del drippings de cacerola de la carne con un agua y la crema pequeñas agregadas. ..yummy! ¡Este sólo tiene que ser como borning como usted permitió ser!

and in English:

Hi Sunny Spain!

For breakfast I frequently have a hot cereal made from ground flax seed or some calle it Linseed and wheat bran. I mix it with a little water and add some butter, cream and a little artificial sweetener.
Lunch is usually leftovers from the night before or I get a salad from the local grocery store with lots of dark green leafy veggies and bleu chese dressing.
For dinner, we have some type of meat and up to two different vegetables such as a salad and then a cooked vegetable such as broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, spinach or summer squash. Get creative and use some herbs and spices to make a sauce from the pan drippings from the meat with a little water and cream added...yummy! This only has to be as borning as you let it be!

Very cool translator! Thanks so much for posting that, Skamito! I have it bookmarked for future reference. :)

Paleoanth Thu, Mar-27-03 18:42

Esto es por qué yo amo este foro. Aunque, al principio yo pensara todos aquí estaba bilingüe pero mí.

Usted obtuvo algún consejo bueno Soleado. La zanja las nueces, comen más vegetarianos. Yo sólo tengo un palmful de nueces cada dos días por ahí.

¡Yo no lo puedo esperar para obtener el libro!

In English:
This is why I love this forum. Although, at first I thought everyone here was bilingual but me.

You got some good advice Sunny. Ditch the nuts, eat more veggies. I only have a palmful of nuts every two days or so.

I can't wait for you to get the book!

red1cutie Thu, Mar-27-03 18:48

You guys are the best, seriously.


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