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Frodo2001 Wed, Sep-11-02 06:17

Pamelina's weigh to weightloss
This is my first exercise entry and I'm so excited. I have been wanting to start a gym log for a long time but now I'm determined to exercise. I think it is the key to losing weight and looking better. I wasn't feeling too well yesterday but I felt strong enough to do my exercise. I'm glad that I did, because once I start exercising, I get the inspiration to keep going. I'm very heavy (and very short) so it takes longer for me to see the results that many others see when they lose weight but I can't let that stop me. Eventually, I'll see the loss, whether that be in a month or in a year. I'm going to trust all these success stories and I'm going to just be persistent and see where that gets me. Well, let me stop rambling and tell you what exercise I did yesterday:

Leslie Sansone's WalkAerobics Miracle Mile

Weight Training
Joyce Vendral's weight training made easy: Lower body
First Week: 10 reps. - 1set of each exercise
Squat/ Side leg lift/ Leg curl/ Lunge
Standing butt squeeze/ Straight leg kick-up/ Standing back-leg extension/ Bent-knee kick up
Concentrated butt lift/ Ceiling lift/ Crunch/ Knee-raised crunch
Seated straight-toe raise/ Seated angled-out toe raise/ Standing straight toe raise/ Standing angled-in toe raise

I'm going to raise my number of sets until I get to 3 sets of ten. I will also use a little heavier weight for each additional set. Hopefully, I'll get good results. I can always switch to BFL because I bought the book a long time ago but never tried it but for now I'll just do what I'm doing.

Frodo2001 Thu, Sep-12-02 09:10

Wednesday, I felt a little better. I could give it a little more of my energy. Here is what I did

Leslie Sansone - Walkaerobics miracle mile (It's a miracle that I made it through with my big fat booty!)

Weight Training
Joyce Vedral - Weight training made easy - Upper Body
10 reps-- 1 set of each exercise
Flat press/ Incline Flye/ Incline press/ Cross-bench pullover
Side lateral raise/ Bent lateral raise/ Front lateral raise/ Alternate shoulder press
Alternate curl/ Simultaneous curl/ Alternate hammer curl/ Concentration curl
Overhead press/ Kickback/ Over-arm overhead extension/ Cross-face extension
Upright row/ Double-arm reverse row/ One-arm dumbbell row/ seated back lateral

I'm hoping the combination of exercise/weight training and low-carb will help me to get rid of all the "junk in the trunk". :lol:

Frodo2001 Fri, Sep-13-02 08:14

Yesterday's (Thursday) exercise:

Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile

I didn't get a chance to do my strength training yesterday. I'm not down because I know I'm just starting out and I will get better every week. So I'll have a full report for you next week. I'll do a lot better. I did 2 days of strength training and 3 days of aerobics--I'm sure that I can improve on that next week. Wish me luck!

Frodo2001 Tue, Oct-22-02 06:25

Wow, It has been a long time hasn't it. I don't know why I don't exercise more because when I do it-it definitely makes me feel great. I guess old habits are hard to break. Here is my exercise from yesterday:
Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - Upper body

I felt great after my workout. I'm going to try to not do too much too fast because then I will probably mess up and stop. I know I can do more but I have to wait till the right time to add more exercise like the treadmill or stair stepper or exercise bike. I have 100lbs to lose and I want to do anything I can to lose it as quickly as possible.

Cyprinodon Tue, Oct-22-02 07:49

Your exercise plan sounds very good. I noticed that you re-started low carb yesterday. So did I. Carbs wipe me out and give me serious episodes of hypoglycemia (down as low as 50 mg/dl where I can't make my hands do what I want them to do or my mouth say what I want it to say) so it does seem kind of odd that I would ever fall off the wagon - - - but fall I did so it's back to Atkins induction for awhile. I have the Joyce Vedral videos you are currently doing. Although her exercise form isn't really the best, I really enjoy her personality. She cracks me up everytime she tells you to try not to tip over when you are down on all fours. Keep up the work with the videos and healthy eating, add some more cardio later on as you have planned, and you will be super fit and lean before you know it. You can do it!

Frodo2001 Wed, Oct-23-02 12:32

Cyprinodon , Thanks for dropping by my journal. I really appreciate the encouragement.

Yesterday could have been a wasted exercise day. On Tuesday's I go to a line dance class that lasts an hour. Unfortunately, the class waited 30 minutes before, we finally found out that the instructor wasn't coming. When I got home I was debating as to whether I should do my normal exercise or not. For a minute there, I really didn't want to (It was 7pm by the time I got home and I still had to cook dinner). But I did it anyway and I'm glad I did. Here is my exercise from yesterday:
Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - lower body

I didn't let my laziness get the best of me. If I can do my exercise 5 times this week that will be a definite goal reached for me.

Frodo2001 Fri, Oct-25-02 07:45

Wednesday's workout
Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - upper body -one set

Thursday's workout
Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - lower body-one set

I only have one more day to exercise and I will have exercised 5 days straight. It's amazing what you can do once you put your mind to it!

Frodo2001 Tue, Oct-29-02 05:59

Last Friday's Workout
Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - upper body-1 set

I didn't do any exercise over the weekend but that is my plan. Since I am just starting out, I want to ease into it. For now 5 days a week is fine.

Frodo2001 Wed, Oct-30-02 07:17

I'm doing great! I know that exercise will be my salvation, I just have to be consistent. Here is my exercise from the past two days:

Leslie Sansone's Walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's Weight training made easy - Lower body - 1 set

Joyce Vedral's Weight training made easy - Upper body - 1 set
Line Dancing Class- 1 hour

This exercise thing is making me feel so good that I am looking for a few extra thigh, bun & stomach exercises that I can incorporate into my normal workout. Those areas need so much attention that I just want a few more exercises to firm them up.

Frodo2001 Thu, Oct-31-02 07:03

Exercise , Exercise , Exercise . . . . . Don't you just love it!

Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - lower body - one set

Next week I'm going to start doing 2 sets but I'm still going to use the 5lb weights because I don't think I'm strong enough to go to the 10lb weights yet. I can't wait to get stronger---I want to see muscles! :lol:

Frodo2001 Fri, Nov-01-02 08:37

I'm a tired child!!! :yawn:

Leslie Sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy - upper body- 1 set

I was so tired yesterday. As soon as I got home I did my exercise and then I took a nap. I set my alarm and slept from 5pm to 7:30pm. I think that made me feel a little better. I got up, fixed dinner, ate, watched a little tv and then picked up my husband. I'm glad that I don't have any children because I didn't have to deal with any candy. :D
I use to love Halloween because I liked dressing up---even as a teenager. Now, I don't dress up anymore but I promised myself that if I lose all the weight that I want that I will dress up for halloween and I will be? Guess who?. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CatWoman --What better way to show off a new figure then in a formfitting, sexy, leather, catsuit from Federick's of Hollywood. I can't wait to be the Cat's Meow! :thup:

Frodo2001 Mon, Nov-04-02 12:03

Here is my exercise from Friday :

Leslie sansone's walkaerobics miracle mile
Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy- lower body- 1 set

This week I'm going to attempt to do 2 sets. Wish me luck!

Frodo2001 Wed, Nov-06-02 06:31

I didn't do any exercise on Monday or Tuesday. Monday, I had to work very late, so I didnt get a chance to exercise. Tuesday, I was totally depressed and I just hated myself and didn't do anything. Today, I will try to do my aerobics plus my upper and lower body workouts. If I double up twice this week, then it will be like I only missed one day of doing my workouts.

Frodo2001 Mon, Aug-25-03 10:45

My husband and I had a big argument over the weekend and it made me realize that I need to change my life. I wait for people to love me and to accept me for who I am but they don't, so I need to love myself. I have hated myself for years and it doesn't help me with my life. I think inorder to have a better life, I'm going to have to love myself and start putting myself first. So here goes my attempt at loving myself, and being good to myself.

2 eggs
3 sausage links

1/2 cup spinach
1 chicken leg

I promised myself that I would get up and exercise and I did. Everytime I woke up to go to the restroom, I would say to myself "Remember you have to exercise, you can do it, don't let anything stop you!" and I know it worked because, as soon as the alarm went off--I got out of bed, put on my exercise clothes and went to the basement to exercise. At this stage, I can only take one day at a time because I have a bad track record--So today I did my exercise.

Weight Training
Joyce Vendral's Weight training made easy: Upper Body

I did three sets of the upper body exercises, 12 REPS, 10 REPS & 8 REPS. With 3lb, 5lb, and 10lb weights. As you can tell, I'm very weak and out of shape. Tomorrow is my aerobics day--I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

Frodo2001 Wed, Aug-27-03 06:43

Yesterday was a success. I got through it. I was so tired yesterday that I didn't do my aerobics in the morning but I made sure that I did it when I got home.

Dinner: 2 small steaks and 1 cup broccoli

Breakfast: 2 eggs
Lunch: 1 chicken leg and 1/2 cup spinach
Dinner: 2 ribs and 1/2 cup spinach

Today (Wed):
Breakfast: 2 eggs
Lunch: 1 chicken leg and 1 cup spinach
Dinner: (planned) 2 slices meatloaf and 1/2 cup spinach

Tuesday Exercise: 30 minute treadmil--1.34 mile
Today: Joyce Vedral's weight training made easy--Lower body
I did three sets of 12 reps,10 reps, & 8 reps with 10lb, 5lb, and 3lb weights.

I have to confess that I didn't complete the entire thing because I didn't want to lay on the floor in the basement and do the abdominal exercises but when I get home I will do them upstairs on my carpet with a towel.

I keep encouraging myself everyday to do better. I think it is working. I know that this will be a long journey but it's one that I must take.

FOR ME! :agree:

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