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donnaj Wed, Feb-13-02 04:43

No longer a diabetic
I was encoraged to tell you all my story. I have been back on low carb since Jan. At that time my sugar level was in the 200's and I was on medication and one step away from taking insulin. My siblings ( a twin brother and baby sister) are both on two shots a day and up to 4 pills . I was scared. I hate needles. I have a serious phobia. Well I made up my mind this year was going to be the year I took my heath seriously. So my blood work came back Monday and my doctor looked me straight in the eyes and smiled and said,"Donna, You are now a non Diabectic according to your blood work". My glucose level was 4.5 from 8.5 three months ago. He even called in the new doctor and told her that I was proof that low carb eating was healthier way to elimate diabetes. Well I was shocked. I had reach one of my goals . My sugar level yestersday evening was 87. The normal level is 100.
So thanks to a wonderful Doctor for starting me back to a healtier me. My next goal is to lower my cholestrol without medication. I will report back in three months. For he thinks with medication and diet this do will be elimated.
Donna :wave:

Karen Wed, Feb-13-02 09:44

Wow Donna. That's amazing!

Isn't it a great feeling to be living proof that low-carb works? :D


pastorbob Wed, Feb-13-02 17:09

:roll: That's super, but be careful. technically, once you are diabetic, you are ALWAYS diabetic. It's just that your sugar is now under control. I'm diabetic also (type II - on 5 mgs of glyburide once a day - oral med) and my sugar is in excellent control since LC'ing, but if I started eating carbs again, my sugar would start to rise instantly. I know, I've done it.

Keep up the good work and stay off that medication!

Bob :wave:

donnaj Wed, Feb-13-02 18:39

Thank you Karen and Bob. Bob you are right about starting to eat carbs will bring my sugar back up. I caught my sugar in time. The doctor said, if I started back to my old way of eating that I was committing suicide. But, I plan to stay with this WOE for the rest of my life. My sugar level was just starting to get in the 200 when I started low carb. I believe in my heart that low carb has and well keep me healthy into a my retiring years.
Donna :wave:

pastorbob Wed, Feb-13-02 18:44

One meal at a time! You can do it! :daze: But if you 'blow it' on occasion (and who doesn't) don't beat yourself up. :bash:

donnaj Thu, Feb-14-02 04:06

Pastor Bob
Pastor Bob,
May this season of Lent bring you closer to our Lord. I know he has blessed me.
Donna :wave:

Debi Warne Thu, Feb-14-02 09:44

WOW that is great about your blood sugars -- it is an encouragement to me as that is my goal -- to one day be med free.

Keep on this track and I bet you'll see your cholesterol begin to go down also.

donnaj Thu, Feb-14-02 11:13

You can do it
Welcome to the forumn. Debi my sister is also on Atkins and she was on three shots of insulin and 4 bills a day. She has been on Atkins since Dec.26 and she is now on only 2 pills a day. Her doctor is really please. Since my sister had open heart surgery last year she wanted to take her life in control so she can live longer for her son Cody who is 5 and has celerbal palsy. So yes you to can do it. Are you type 1 or type 2? We are both Type 2.
Good luck,
Donna :wave:

pastorbob Thu, Feb-14-02 13:15

:wave: Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I don't usually do this kind of thing (get involved in 'on-line' chat) but this site has been very helpful and encouraging.

To answer your qustion, I'm a type II diabetic. I have been for about 5 years. My sugar has always benin pretty good control, but I'd like to get off my 5 mg of glyburide and the only way that's going to happen is to drop this extra weight.

I've been doing really well in keeping to my new eating lifestyle with one exception----COFFEE!

I can't go withoput my coffee. I don't really drink all that much. Usually 2, 12 ounce mugs in the AM and only occasionally at any other time.

Nice to hear from you. :hyper:

:angel: Blessings,

Debi Warne Thu, Feb-14-02 15:17

I am also type II for about 5 years now. This has really brought my sugars down and I'm feeling better. I'm probably switching meds next week because the one I am on stimulates my pancreas to pump more insullin and causes me to retain fat. I have gotten great advice from Doreen about glucophage and I had tried it once and had upset stomach, but she suggested getting something for nausea. Glucophage doesn't seem to cause weight gain, so maybe that would help me as I've been on this almost 3 months and my weight has not budged, I've lost a few inches tho, so I am encouraged and I feel so much better. I just think as the weight goes down I will be able to take less meds and hopefully go totally off of them one day.

That is why is was such an encouragement to hear you were able to do that -- the doctor just raises his eyebrow when I say I want to work to be med free.

pastorbob Thu, Feb-14-02 15:49

:wave: Hi Deb,

One of the first things my Doc told me when I was diagnosed with diabetes was that if I lost 40 lbs. I could possibly control my blood sugars with diet alone. Wouldn't you expect that he would know that the med he put me on would make it more difficult to lose the weight?

Typically, Dr's know very little about nutrition. The nutritionist he sent me to put me on a 2300 calorie diet that was almost all carbs. I was probably consuming 300 carbs or more on most days!!! YIKES!!!! :doah:

hang in there! :clap: Bob

Debi Warne Thu, Feb-14-02 15:58

The nutritionist did the same to me, told me I wasn't eating enough carbs wanted me to eat low fat, high carbs.

The doctor said I needed to exercise an hour a day just to maintain -- finally said I could cut my carbs down as long as I didn't have headaches, to raise carbs if I did.

I did initially lose weight when I found out I was diabetic, quit eating and ran like a mad woman, but then when I went on meds it halted everything dead in its tracks.

But I am determined to get this under control --my brother has diabetes also and he is really having a time with his health and I keep trying to help him eat healthier, so maybe if he can see me doing well it would encourage him to do likewise.

Life is an adventure.

donnaj Fri, Feb-15-02 20:00

Hello Debi and Pastorbob,
Welcome Debi to the forumn. I also have siblings that are both type 2 diabectic. Me and my sister has finally got my twin brother on Atkins and he is now seeing his sugar level drop. He is a minister and he loves fast foods. But now he is watching his carb and finally losing weight.

Pastorbob, You are right about once a diabetic always a diabetic.
I was on of the lucky ones who caught it before it did any damage. I will now always have to watch my diet and weight. My sister is now off insulin but still on medication. She still take two 500 mg. glucphase a day but her doctor today said if she keep up with her weight loss than in a month it will be only one.
She has been a diabetic since the age of 25. I was diagnosised 3 years ago. But diabetes run on both sides of my family.

Well sorry being so long winded and wish both of you a very wonderful evening.

Donna :wave:

agonycat Fri, Feb-15-02 20:35

Donna I am soooo happy for you! Sorry I have not responded sooner but I was on the road again.

You are doing fantastic ;) Keep it up!

donnaj Tue, Feb-19-02 08:43

Still doing great. My sugar this morning was 80. I using my extra test strips in research finding food that raises my sugar level. So far, only one and that was Jeno's turkey ham. It has 1 carb and says no sugar but something in it raised it to 91 after 15 minutes waiting period. Who would have quessed. Hope your trip was okay?
Donna :wave:

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