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Dollygrrl Mon, Jun-17-02 11:16

WATER: How do you manage??
Hi guys,

I'm going to go on Atkins in in a couple of days for the second time -- I did it a couple of years ago but flopped as I was doing it wrong. One of my main problems was not getting in all that water! I figure I need to drink around 80 oz. of water a day. :eek: That is SO much though! I'll drink just 16 oz. and that will make me feel full and then I'll be running to the bathroom for the next 1/2 hour.

So -- any tips for drinking large quntities of water? :confused:

And PLEASE tell me that my body will get used to all that water, I simply can't spend the day running to the bathroom!

Thanks for reading this. :)

tlawson Mon, Jun-17-02 11:31

Hi Dolly,

You know what? - Your body really will get used to all that water! I usually drink a large glass (around 20 oz.) of water as soon as I get up - usually a little thirsty first thing in the morning, been a long time since I had a drink!! I also try to drink at least 16 oz. of water with each meal. Also, I keep a LARGE insulated cup of cold water on my desk to sip at throughout the day. It does get easier to drink all that water, although I have to say that I do enjoy water, as long as it is very cold and not smelly from the tap :D Also, I don't really drink much else throughout the day, maybe a cup of coffee or something else, but I find it more difficult to drink a lot of water if I am drinking lots of other stuff too.


Akiwican Mon, Jun-17-02 12:01

Water water everywhere...
Take a water bottle everywhere you go. If you like it really cold, freeze it when half full and then fill up the rest with cold water before you leave the house. I even take my water bottle into the grocery store with me. No one notices or says anything.

I am pretty sure that you pee alot more when first starting out on low carbing. Your body will adjust and thankyou for it.

:wave: Akiwican

AngelaR Mon, Jun-17-02 18:09

Lots of good advice here. I think the key to it is finding what works for you. Tips:

1. Sipping water all day instead of drinking big glasses full may be easier to handle.

2. Cold or room temperature? Some like it ice cold. I prefer mine room temperature. It goes down easier.

3. It likely won't all come together for you the first day, the first week, the first month. Becoming a water baby takes time and practice. Do the best you can, but don't beat yourself up if you come up short.

4. One day you will stop dead in your tracks and say "golly I'm THIRSTY for water" After that it's a breeze.

5. If it's not working for you, then, as the old saying goes "jiggle it a little, it'll work" in otherwords play around with how you drink your water until you find something perfect just for you.

And yes, after a while your body gets used to it and you don't need to run to the loo every 20 minutes.

mythreeson Tue, Jun-18-02 06:14

i get up and drink a large glass as soon as my eyes open about 16 ounces but then i run back and forth to the bathroom alot the next hour. BY that time i am ready to go to work though so its not that big of a deal. I keep a water glass on my desk and drink smaller amounts during my time at work (its easier on my bladder lol) i drink water at lunch, as soon as i get home its the first thing i do 16 more ounces and then with dinner 8-16 more and then i take a glass to the bedroom and drink it as i watch tv or am on the computer before i know it the whole glass is gone. It does get much eaiser you just have to find what works with you but dont give up IT DOES WORK

Tari Tue, Jun-18-02 16:50

I drink a big glass when I first get up in the morning, then I take a 1.5 liter bottle (about 51 oz.) of water with me to work (or wherever I'm going) every day. I don't let myself drink anything else that day until the bottle is empty.

gc1 Tue, Jun-18-02 17:56

Easiest way to drink water is drink Tap Water

its easier to drink\gulp because it is not teeth jarring cold

First thing you should do when you get out of bed is gulp a 16 oz bottle of water.

Don't sip it you gotta gulp it or it never gets drank.


Voyajer Tue, Jun-18-02 19:37

Maybe it will be a little motivational if you realize that you hinder weight loss when you don't drink enough water. Also, you will have worse breath because you won't be flushing the ketones out the urinary tract, but out your breath instead.

From the book, Hollywood's Healthiest Diets, p. 86:

"You've heard it a hundred times, but I'll say it again. You must drink enough water. If you are dehydrated, you will not burn fat. End of story. Water is necessary in the process, not only of fat reduction, but every metabolic process as well. If you are not drinking enough water, you will fail. You should be urinating about ten times per day for your fat to remove itself from your body. If you are not in the bathroom more than you think you should be, you are not there often enough. Drink at least eight 12-oz. glasses of water each day."

SlimShAdY Wed, Jun-19-02 06:23

Yes yer body gets used to it and you don't end up going as much!

As for tips..

1. Use a straw!!! Easiest way. Suck it down while your on the comp, watching tv, driving..ect

2. Drink atleast 16oz with every meal

3. Use a 32oz cup, that way you can make sure your drinking enough and don't have to count oz and keep refilling it. You'd only have to fill it up atleast twice. 3 times is best though :D

4. Eat hot foods, like with you'll crave water!

5. Exercise!! Best time to drink water!

Dollygrrl Wed, Jun-19-02 10:46

Great tips, guys, thanks! I started today (my 1st day of Atkins) with a big glass of water, and so far I've had 33 oz. :eek: Boy am I full! Though I do find I prefer to drink it through a straw, and having bacon (salty!) with breakfast made me thirsty!

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