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razzle Sun, Jun-23-02 13:49

A new kind of success
This is not the success story many of you might want to hear. But it is, in my opinion, the best sort of success. My original goal weight was 149, and I've kept raising it, so that now the goal simply matches what I am.

I began LCing with more of a zone-type approach, at 204 pounds and wearing size 20-22. I lost 14 pounds in five or six weeks, stalled for nine weeks, read PP, dropped my carbs to a grain- and sugar-free 35-45 ECCs, and lost a pound a week for 16 more weeks. Then, frustrated with what I thought was a slow loss, I tried a CKD, which was a complete disaster for me, in terms of weight and behavior, and I gained eight pounds or so back over five weeks. Since then, I have continued to LC, but have stayed in that range, 169-177, for almost a year. I'm a 5'6" woman, 47 years old, and for most of that time, my body fat percentage has been in the mid-20's. I lift weights hard three times a week (full body, tho I used to do a 2/2 split), I walk or run or bike or dance every morning for 30-60 minutes, I garden and clean house, and I do the occasional longer mountain hike.

There were horrible times of frustration for me. The fashion world told me I should be thinner. I was doing LC 'right,' so why wasn't I getting thinner? Wahhhhhh, poor me! I'm not sure why I calmed down and shifted my focus, but I did.

So my success story, I think is something quite different than "I lost 50 miracle pounds of ugly me on miracle LC diet!" It is the story of a woman coming to terms with her own beautiful body, the body that Mother Nature gave her and who sees even her fat as lovely.

I've read all the LC books (and right now prefer Schwarzbein and believe the principles of Neanderthin/paleo, though I myself eat cheese and butter cuz I like them), but the more important books I've read this year are on body image, overcoming emotional eating, and codependence. I realized this year that my life of eating disorders has ranged from compulsive overeating to anorexia (I was 118-121 pounds in my late 20's, a weight I only maintained by staying on a 500 calorie per day diet for years) to bulimia (I once exercised 3.5 hours per day until hobbled by injury). And these EDs all had the same root: I did not wholly like myself. That I projected that dislike onto my body was a trick, a sleight of hand. The real failing was in my heart and spirit; thinking my body was anything other than glorious was a flailing attempt to not address the core issues of my life.

This summer, I'm going through all my boxes of old size 5's and 7's, donating to the local women's shelter and putting the nice clothes on consignment. I'm also getting rid of anything a size 16 or over. I don't think I'll ever be those sizes again. I'm buying flattering, sensual classic clothing (on sale) in my size--12--and hanging onto the 9/10s, which are close to fitting, because I think it's possible that another year lived binge and scale-obsession free might see me lose another size. If not, no big deal. I'm wonderful the way I am. I'm also fine if my weight increases by ten pounds and me to a size 14 (I'll hang on to those clothes, too). I hope I'd be fine if the natural size of the body the Universe gave me were a size 28. And you know what? People respond to that self-love. I glow. Folks tell me they think I'm only 27 (not 47), & a 24-year old guy flirted with me last night. It ends up no one else worth bothering with cares about that size 5 crap either! Imagine that!

I credit LCing, though, with starting me on this journey. Sugar, chocolate, and gluten grains are foods I'm apparently allergic to--they create wild cravings for more and leave me tired at night, hungover the next morning. I don't prohibit them, but I buy sugar in tiny quantities rarely, or I eat grains only when I'm caught off-guard and am hungry, but without guilt. I choose instead to eat whole foods only, loads of veggies, everything as organic as I can afford to buy, mostly local foods. I eat when I'm hungry and I stop when I'm full. I no longer apologize for loving food, and I enjoy its sensual delights, just as I enjoy the delight of sitting in the sun or soaking in a hot bath or smelling the roses in bloom.

I'm done with dieting, and I'm done with hating myself for not being some silly thing other people tell me to be, whether that's a size 5 or any other thing that is not truly me.

This is a profound sort of success. Had someone told me a year ago that I'd not lose another ounce but would feel a glow of completion and self-love like this, I'd have thought they were nuts, I suppose. But here I am, joyous and beyond grateful.

This is success.

itsjoyful Sun, Jun-23-02 14:23

Way to Go!
Oh, Razz.....

My eyes are wellin' up, but with tears of joy, not sadness. You are so amazing!
I applaud your perseverance and your ability to overcome such obstacles.

I truly believe that anyone on this forum can get to where you are with a bit of self-discovery, a lot of self-love, and add in letting go of control.
You are an inspiration!

AngelaR Sun, Jun-23-02 14:28

Congratulations Razzle. This really is a profound success. You took a journey, and along the way "found yourself". What a wonderful journey it was. And what a marvelous destination.

**no jummpin' cheerleaders if that's ok. But the tears rolling down my cheeks are full of congratulations for you**

Natrushka Sun, Jun-23-02 19:32

What a wonderful success story, Raz. IMHO you've done something far more important than lose x number of lbs of fat. I honestly think that by sharing your journey with us you've helped more of us than you'll ever know. I'm so happy that you've been able to see what a wonderful succes you are :)


lesleyc Sun, Jun-23-02 20:22

Raz, that is truly amazing. What you have achieved in overcoming preconceived notions about an "appropriate" size is better than hitting some arbitrary goal weight.

I have always said that weight loss is primarily a state of mind and success is 80% about your mindset.

You have just confirmed this for me. :)

You just glow


LC Sponge Sun, Jun-23-02 22:38

You are another outstanding example of how the yardstick of success is so much more than the numbers on a scale.

Glad you've arrived :)

kbizou Mon, Jun-24-02 10:08


I spent last weekend reading your posts. Your succession through the land of healing...thus living is awe inspiring.

You will never know the power and enormity of what you have done by sharing your path to wholeness.

You courage and strength has touched me in more ways than one. Its was so right on time for me to read your post. I too, have suffered from eating disorder for 10 years. It has been recently, that through LCing I have been able to break the cycle of addictive cravings LONG enough for me to face the pain/things I needed to face in order to heal.

Before, the cravings and "hunger" didnt even allow me to have pure thoughts. Thoughts that allowed me to listen to my soul and distinguish that this "hunger" was just a symptom of me hiding my fear, anger, self hatred, pain. Its so much easier to sit with myself and be honest now.

Your journey that you so kindly share is so impressive...and a motivator. For people like me, who are learning to LIVE life..without being afraid.

Although marginal... I say thank you...your gifts are not measurable. Know that your doing the "work" you have been sent here to do.

Your posts(for me) are so much more meaningful then the how to LC advice. Many of the questions or concerns I have are fueled by my eating disordered half...that becomes obsessive about calories, intake, exercise...and when I retreat to your posts, it gives me the fuel to look inside and see what this is all about.

My main task at to learn to trust my body. And you have done just that.

En Paz!


Heather Mon, Jun-24-02 16:47

Razzle, thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with us.

Congratulations on making this milestone in your life.

Your courage and self-love will take you to places that only few have known, enjoy the ride.

wbahn Tue, Jun-25-02 20:15

Congratulations, Raz. Any you are correct - this is the best sort of success you can have. It's all about health and happiness - what good does it do to be "thin" if you sacrifice health to get there. And if "thin" is your only measure of success, then you are probably lacking some pretty important things that will end up preventing you from being happy even once you get there.

Kudos to you and I hope I can make the same transition you have. I feel that if I end up neve getting below 220 or so, that I can learn to be happy. But I know I can never accept and be happy at 380 or at me present 325. So I have a long way to go.

Keep up the great work!

razzle Wed, Jun-26-02 07:01

Bill, lesley, Angela, Heather, Sponge, Bizou, Nat, and Brenda, thank you for your responses, every one. And Bizou, thanks for saying my posts have helped--I'm glad you posted to me here!

destro Sat, Jun-29-02 12:39

Razzle, thanks so much for posting your success story. It was beautifully written and inspiring for me to read.

I think that emotional success is so important. Without feeling a sense of affection for oneself, whereever you might be, one's weight means nothing. I am watching my weight as a measure of "health" and no longer as a measure of where I might fit into the common concepts of "beauty". It helps enormously to focus on health, physical and mental, instead of what the world out there might think about me.

Thanks again!


MarieB Wed, Jul-03-02 13:50

Loving yourself is the most important thing of all! And in my opinion, a size 12 is perfect anyway! I am striving to become a size 10 to 14, somwhere in that range. I enjoy having a more voluptuous figure and wouldn't give it up for the world!
Feeling good about yourself is #1! You're wonderful, whatever size you are, and I wish that more people understood that. I'm so proud of you! Hugs, and give yourself a pat on the back, you really deserve it! Three cheers for self esteem and self acceptance! Hip hip horray!!!!

Kristine Sun, Jul-07-02 18:29

Hi Razzle,

You've truly earned the title of "mentor" with that post! :) Thank you. I've been where you've been; hopefully someday I'll be where you are.

Take care!

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