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onebzzymom Mon, Jun-09-03 10:19

Feeling Discouraged
Sorry, here's another discouraged LCer. I am very bummed
the scale is not moving faster. I am fiercly sticking to low carb
foods. I eat more healthier and make better food choices
than I have in my entire life!!! I know this is not supposed
to be a fast way to lose weight, but I did Atkins 3 years
ago and the weight was coming off alot quicker, then of course
I hit a few stalls, did not educate myself enough, didn't have
this wonderful forum and support so I quit.

The last couple of weeks I have experienced the opposite
of my previous problem, constipation. There have been
days I can barely make it to the bathroom! (sorry)
So I am not sure what that is all about. I think I read somewhere
splenda does this. But I have had splenda since day one and
this didn't happen.

I know some of you may suggest Fitday and although it is
wonderful for some, I find it very tedious for my schedule and
a bit stressful. I have tried to enter my food in my journal
as often as I can. Please feel free to stop by and take a look.
I was up one pound this morning :thdown:
I refuse to change my stat. I know I am rambling and I am
sorry but feeling down and even thinking I should try something
else, but then I think of how good I feel eating this way.
Its just the weight is not coming off!!!

Thanks for listening.

Sad Suzie :(

relliott1 Mon, Jun-09-03 10:25

I am sorry you are feeling discouraged! I know how it can feel to see that you have gained a bit on the scale. This happened to me twice recently, and boy did I hate seeing it, but the next day I had lost that lb and in one case had lost two. You have already accomplished so much, you are doing great! It is totally normal to slow down a bit, so don't get too discouraged. If you want, you can check out my journal. I documented the times I was up a lb in there, and my feelings on the subject. Hopefully my experiences can help you out.


tgill32177 Mon, Jun-09-03 10:31


Nice to meet ya!

I took a glance at your journal and just noticed something that you have constantly. Your whey protein shake. Why not give it up for something else and protein/fat rich. Also, since I am not sure about what kind of Ranch dressing you are using, I do know that there are hidden carbs in dressing's. Check that out.

I also found that completely eliminating Nutrasweet from the diet kept the cravings at bay. It is bad for those of us who are metabolically resistent.

I have another questions for you- have you measured yourself? Are you losing inches and just not weight. I fluncuate a pound or so during TOM and will more so when my water isn't up.

Plus- getting yourself "regular" will help the body maintain weight loss. If you keep having problems, incorporate psyllium husks into your diet- daily. It will help greatly.

Hope this helps,
Be blessed,

Shellyf34 Mon, Jun-09-03 10:31

If you find your self a bit "blocked" you could order yourself some FlaxoMeal cereal or by some psyllium husks, etc. to get things going again.

"Barely make it to the bathroom?" I thought constipation was the opposite of that! ;)

onebzzymom Mon, Jun-09-03 10:38

Hi All,
Thank you for the replys.

Robin, thank you for your support. I will check out your journal.

Tanya, Yes, I discovered the whey protein shakes and
fell in love with them. They were such a welcome change from
eggs in the morning. I was having these with mac nuts
and did notice some loss so I thought I was ok.

Sorry to have confused you. I HAD been constipated, now
I am having occasional bouts of not full blown diarrhea
but loose stools and have to go very quickly. I admit
as inconvenient as this is, I would rather have this then
being backed up!!! Oh, and thank you for your support.
I really do appreciate it. Its keeping me going right now.


fishie48 Mon, Jun-09-03 10:48

Are you sure that you are eating enough? Couldn't really tell from your journal. The nuts could be a part of your bathroom problem. Why not try a few days of just induction foods w/o the shake, diet soda and nuts. Make sure that you eat enough fat and calories. Your body may be in a rut and holding on. Try shaking it up. I have lost a few times deviating from my regular calorie/carb count of 1600/22 to about 1900/28 for a day or two.

dabrahamso Mon, Jun-09-03 11:00

Hi onebzzymom, I was reading your post and I just want to let you know, I stuck to Atkins true blue for 3 months and lost about 25 pounds. I was so happy, then I started looking for treats and i got into this cheesecake mode and all of a sudden I didn't lose for about 2 months. I didn't gain anything but I got discouraged not losing and instead of cutting out the cheesecake I just gave up and started eating bread, pasta, pizza....... Well, I'm glad to say I am now back. I started induction 1 week ago and have lost 8 pounds and feel fabulous again. I maintained taking my vitamins even after going off Atkins and when I started back on Atkins induction I didn't have any of the sick feelings I encountered the first time around. All I can say, is even if you're discouraged don't give up, it took me 9 months to come back to Atkins and I'm letting myself know that this is for life not for weight loss. The only regret I have is I gained back the 25 lbs plus another 10 so I'm starting right back where I was and have further to go. Don't ever give up, it's not worth it. you have to work harder and longer when you give up than if you adjust what you're doing now and keep going. Hidden carbs are a reality you have to watch because the smallest things will cause a set back. Sorry for the novel, hope it helps.

onebzzymom Mon, Jun-09-03 11:00

Hi Fishie,
I was trying to do just that by adding the shakes and macadamias.
I didn't think I had enough fat so I added them. Never thought
they would create a bathroom problem. But I will stop them and see. Thankfully, we are all out. They are quite addicting.


Shellyf34 Mon, Jun-09-03 11:04

Sorry Suzie!

Thas was my bad! I should not be allowed to write responses until after I have a cup of tea in the morning! :rolleyes:

Yes, I experienced that, too! I actually upped my fiber (more broccoli, greener salads) and everything seemed to normalize. Maybe it is our body trying to sabatage us into eating carbs again!

onebzzymom Mon, Jun-09-03 21:19

Hi Shelly,
No problem. I can totally relate. I need my cup of coffee
before anything clears up in my head.
Thanks again for the info. I do get quite a bit of vegies
in. Someone else said it could possibly be the macadamias?
Luckily, my son and I finished the bag. So I will see if that
was it. I do definately feel a like my body is sabatoging me
right now, but I gotta keep my head straight and keep moving

Thanks again and I will stop by your journal soon .
You do the same.

Suzie :wave:

mammoth Mon, Jun-09-03 21:32

Hiya Bizzy:
I also would like to say get back to strict induction foods...plenty of water...vitamin/mineral supplement and stick to it for a few weeks. It might be just what you need to break the lull you are in!

I would lose the nuts, shakes etc and opt instead for whole foods. You might also track your calories and try HARD to keep a target and stay around that you know you are getting enough, and yet, not too much, in the way of food. Maybe go 10 to 12 times your goal weight...

I think that combination, will show you some new results that please you!

YOU CAN DO THIS...YES YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try also to keep your fat inatke HIGH for those couple weeks...lots of people (like me) do better when it is high.

Very best wishes;

onebzzymom Mon, Jun-09-03 22:04

I am so honored!!!
Thanks so much for replying to my desperate post!!!
I have enjoyed reading your posts and so glad you are on
board. I have been a bit stressed lately (work & kids) and
seeing that 1 lb gain just did me in! I agree I need to get
back to some whole foods. When I discovered the whey
protein shakes I thought I had gone to heaven (son too)
it was such a nice change from eggs and with the weather
being so much warmer they were going down too easy!

So yes, I will ditch those and the nuts and get back to
basics and of course start moving this backside!

Do you have some advice on keeping my fat intake high?
Thats what I was using the macs for.

Thanks again Jake!!!


Suzie :wave:

Centinel Mon, Jun-09-03 23:29

Walnuts and ground flaxseeds have been two LC foods that have done the trick for me.

Plus, they're packed with healthy omega oils.

Another trick I use to keep fat intake up and satiate hunger is a tablespoon or two of olive oil followed by a glass or two of water, as well as keeping plenty of hard-boiled eggs in the fridge and eating them with the yolks as snacks, which is almost as good a protein as whey powder shakes and really economical and tasty.

mammoth Tue, Jun-10-03 05:37

Hiya Bizzy!

To keep the fat up, I use olive oil in my salads and to cook with...lots of butter on veggies, eggs etc...and I use lots of mayo in chicken salad and tuna etc...they do add up the fat quickly and are a big help!

I eat alot of broccolli, as in often, but only 1 cup a day when I have it. It helps get the carbs abit higher for that day, and gives fiber...which helps when you get to the bathroom. My carbs usually end up around 15 with 6 being fiber so NET carbs at 9. I can go higher obviously...but it is not Dr atkins says UNDER 20...he does not say to hit 20 EXACTLY.

Heavy cream is good also to raise fat...but I keep it limited to when I make pork rind french toast or the cream cheese pancakes. And I only have Those once per week, opting instead to stay with whole foods.

I am a SLOW weight loser, so I try to keep it very strict and follow the induction menu. I never cheat...never. My problem is I need to add in some exercise, and as my knees are very bad , walking is difficult for me. I am going to focus on trying some sit-ups, push-ups, and the sort.

Stress can slow weight loss also, keep in mind. But this is a joke as who today does not have stress!

You WILL do just fine...just keep in mind that it took time for the weight to get on you, and will take time for it to come off. Be patient, but diligent and you will be rewarded over the long-haul!

Best wishes;

LadyBelle Tue, Jun-10-03 08:13

With the toilet problem, I have this problem after eating alot of cheese at once. You might be becoming lactose intolerent since you are nolonger drinking milk on a regular basis. You might try cutting back on dairy and make sure to have very small portions at a time. This could also be causing a stall and alot of bloating.

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