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m0bster Sat, Mar-08-03 14:49

I screwed up. Someone bash me.
Today was a BAAAAAD day for me. The stress of the past two weeks, along with being in a humongous stall, had me to the point that I didnt care anymore. Well, I woke up this morning with a burning desire for Mexican food. So, I got my wife and said we are going out for Mexican food. She tried to talk me out of it, but I was determined. I went, I saw, I ate.

Funny thing is, NONE of it tasted good to me (well, maybe the tortilla chips and cheese). I got sweet tea...YECCCH! WAY too sweet. Asked the waitress to bring me unsweetened...that's more like it. Ordered Burrito's Deluxe (two burrito's, one chicken, one beef, covered with guacamolie and sour cream). Bit into it and IT was sweet. Everything there was SWEET.

One thing that I figured out, I think, is that I don't WANT anything sweet's just so sickening SWEET. I don't really want carbs anymore. I only want to get healthy and to lose this weight. I THOUGHT I wanted carbs and sweet tea, when in reality, I couldn't handle it.

So, I had a brief binge. I ate carbs today after almost a MONTH on induction. Maybe this will be the thing that will jar by body back to losing again. Whatever it did, it showed me that the WOE of Dr. Atkins is how I want to continue.

So, with that said, I fully expact 40 lashes with a wet noodle from you guys. Bash me, go ahead. I need the punishment. I was a bad boy today. Put me on restriction and take away my phone and TV privaliges. Do whatever it takes.

I screwed up. No two ways about it.

Yaseruzo~! Sat, Mar-08-03 14:55

Hi Allen :) You know what? You didn't screw up! If you've learned a valuable lesson from it, then it's all good! Have you browsed through the kitchen section of the forum for recipes? You can find some good stuff in there that I'm sure would satisfy any kind of cravings. Welcome back :)

m0bster Sat, Mar-08-03 14:59

Yas...its funny cause this whole thing wasnt a craving at all. I never CRAVED carbs or sweets, but for some reason I felt impelled to just go eat it. It was weird. And I DID learn a LOT about myself with this. I regret doing it now. But I can not take back what I did an hour ago. I can only make sure I don't do it again.

Bet ya two to one I am not in ketosis anymore. Im goin to check.

sheaman Sat, Mar-08-03 15:01

No need for me to bash you...
...your doing fine on your own!

I t sounds like you are back on track. I think that is what matters. You learned something, so it wasn't just a bunch of useless carbs. You are going to be fine! I have been wondering where you were. I'm glad to see you back on the board.

I am PLANNING a cheat!! Is that worse? When it's premeditated? On March 16th, my cousin, who is a chef trained in Oxford University, is having a lunch. My "plan" is to get to goal (about 3 lbs) and then I am going to test the carb waters. I know I will probably catch a little hell around here for this devious scheme, but I haven't cheated, or even been tempted, but I really want to do this!

Sorry, I got off track there! Keep up that spirit. I hope you shocked your body into a big ole' SWOOSH!!


AmyTN Sat, Mar-08-03 15:02

I'm sorry you had a bad day, but I won't bash you. You made a mistake and it sounds like you learned a valuable lesson from it. Take the lesson you learned and keep it, use it to help prevent another binge. I confess I too had a rotten day. I ate 2 cookies I made for my husband, and now I feel rotten but the damage is done. So now all that's left for us is to move on and have a better day tomorrow. I was angry because I've also stalled, but what was I thinking surely not that this would help matters any. As for me I won't beat myself up too much more, just use this to motivate me to do better from now on. I've been low carbing for 3 months, so I figure one day of slipping into old habits isn't too bad as long as I don't allow it to continue and I won't. So ultimately we both learned our lesson and it's time to get back on track. Good luck to you, and to me, and all of us who have momentary lapses of weakness.
God Bless,

Skamito Sat, Mar-08-03 15:14

Cheating, in its own way, has a place in this plan. In order to convince ourselves this is really for life, it's important to realize how much carbs can effect us and/or aren't worth it!

I had my own little hungover eating disaster (ramen, pizza, AND cheesy bread, oh my god) but the after-effects were too much to bear and the stuff didn't even taste that good. From then on I haven't had anything even close to a "cheat". And if I do plan something, it will be balanced and a choice.

It's all about choices. If you happen to make one you later regard as incorrect, just learn from it and make better food choices in the future.

Allen, you are doing better than you think you are. Just get back on the horse.

Best to you! :)

P.S. I have never seen a person who eats carbs one day "bashed" by the forum. ;) Beat yourself up or go somewhere else to be scolded. We're too damn supportive around here. :p

Teuthis Sat, Mar-08-03 15:17

Wet Noodle
How about a Cat-o-Nine-Tails? :mad: What an imbecilic move! And you have a caring wife who tried to talk you out of it? That is doubly bad, because you failed her as well as yourself. It seems you were more like a Lobster than a Mobster; snapping away at everything you saw. Of course it tasted terrible. It was over-spiced with guilt, and swimming in gluttony!!!

I noticed that you haven't even broken the 300 mark yet. You could have waited at least until you did that before you caved. And mexican food is the worst. You could have gone to to a steak house and gorged on meat. That would have at least been sane. Consider that next time you have the urges. It was also set you back a little more and perhaps make you think about it first. When you do break that 300 mark you might even want to go out and celebrate; the right way.

I think you need to reconsider your actual goal here, and recommit. And apologize to your dear, patient wife. And go take an honest look in the mirror. You should have done that on the way out of the house; stopped and looked. Then maybe you would have had a steak instead.

The only hint of good news here is that it seems to be an abberation and not a trend. Let us hope. But you obviously still have food issues to bring under control here. I hope you will seriously try to deal with them before you go barging into another Mexican restaurant and root your way through the entire menu again.

Good Luck, and keep trying:)

Dingo10520 Sat, Mar-08-03 15:17

No wet noodles, mOb, sounds like you're doing a real good job of punishing all by yourself. Hey, it happened, it was educational, your wife probably enjoyed her lunch. The past is past.

Hmmm...I just ordered some low carb tortillas, I can picture rolling those suckers around some well seasoned beef and adding some salsa and sour cream and lettuce and avocado...OH YEAH! Where there's a will there's a way!!

Buenos dios, Amigo

KoKo Sat, Mar-08-03 15:23

:) Oh, poor moBster don't be so hard on yourself, just forgive yourself and carry on - you realize what you did and you are back on track - so that's all there is too it. :)

Ps I could never ever beat you, no matter how bad you been :)

Lisa N Sat, Mar-08-03 15:50

I fully expact 40 lashes with a wet noodle from you guys.

Nah...that wouldn't be low carb! ;)

Allen...with all the stress you have been through the past few weeks, I'm surprised that it didn't happen sooner.
It's interesting that you said that it wasn't a craving, but an irresistible urge to eat carbs. Allen...that's a craving!
Anyway...what's done is done and it seems that you came away from it with some newfound knowledge...carbs don't taste good to you anymore! The next time that you get the urge to go off on a binge, stop and remember how not worth it all it was last time. Remind yourself that it didn't taste as great as you thought it would and then go get yourself a big steak or some lobster (or whatever protein dish you think is the best tasting) instead.
Above all, don't beat yourself up. Pick yourself up and move on with the lessons that you have learned today. :thup:

red1cutie Sat, Mar-08-03 15:51

Sorry Mobster, no wet noodles here, I'm on induction. Just a :bhug: and support. You stumbled and you learnt the lesson and now you are moving on. You're still "lo carb family" and we know you have been dealing with alot right now.

Thank you for sharing your "slipup", it will help any of us who get tempted. We can just read this and remember how you felt after.

Be safe and take care of yourself and your wifey.

red :wave:

janny Sat, Mar-08-03 16:40

It's only a screw up if you didn't learn from it.
Jan P

KoKo Sat, Mar-08-03 18:32

Like I said before, I could never be angry with u BUT the Maui Maui Fish are totally peed off, you ignored them for WHAT!!!!!

Oh moBster you will have to do some FAST talking to get them fish back on your side :D :D

Paleoanth Sat, Mar-08-03 18:35

Hey m0b-

You said you have been on induction for a month now. Maybe you should move to the next phase and see if that helps you break out of your stall. Plus, once out of induction, you can add some variety which helps combat the "cheat" syndrome. Just think about it.

Over Xmas I was not as careful. Not really bad, but not as careful. I still lost weight.

I am not going to lecture you either. You already feel bad, what would be the point of me trying to make you feel worse? That would just be cruel. I know you are the kind of person that pulls themselves up by the bootstraps and carries on. You are an adult and you made a choice. It was a conscious choice that you now regret. You learned something about yourself and about this woe. You know what you need to do. It is not like you do this every week and then come in whining that this doesn't work. THEN you would get a lecture.

So are you still in ketosis or what?

BarbCA Sat, Mar-08-03 18:43

Being new to this WOE myself, I can understand. I find it getting easier each day. No thrashing from me, I think you've done it enough to yourself. Just pull up your socks and get started again.

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