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Donnie Wed, Jun-26-02 08:28

4 months and 36 lbs.....
I've been lurking here for a few weeks and thought I'd finally post.

I actually experimented with the Atkins diet on and off with a low fat/low calorie diet ( and at times when I'd lose will power my old eating habits). I went from about 206-down to 195 last year dieting this way.

Then earlier this year, around febuary I just decided to go all out with the Atkins diet. Now from the last 4 months I went from 200lbs. to 165(I'm about 5'5"). And I have to say I'm completely convinced. So all together after hovering around 206(actually probably a bit more because my old scale seemed to weigh a bit on the low side-prolly more like 208-210) I've lost 41 pounds total and from 198 in febuary 33 lbs in the last 4 months.

I get comments from friends that I've been bumping into that can hardly believe the results. And every area of my life has benefited from it.

What's been working for me. Experimenting with different foods. Steak, chicken breasts, tuna, and lots of eggs have been the main stay-sometimes cheese. I've kept my carb count extremely low at times too. I also include low carb shakes and lately high protein low carb bars. They're convience is a big plus. I don't like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen so anything that is quick and easy is a plus and I also like to grill when ever possible. The interesting thing is I use to get a spike all the time-almost daily when I'd start craving carbs(at the time I didn't know it was carbs and insulin levels triggering this). Now I never get this. And I use to actually be able to go most of the day without eating but I would always get cravings before bed( I think that's the main reason for a steady weight gain from since I was about 20). That's all gone aswell.

I did hit a plateu last month but I just started taking some Ripped Fuel and that's really giving a boost and seems to be making a difference. It's actually giving me a lot more energy.

I still have a ways to go-I'd like to(and will get down to about 145 to 150 which would be another 10 to 15 lbs). I think that will be a good weight on my frame(I'm a little stalky by nature).

The other thing that helps is I try to stay flexable with my approach. I tend to follow the diet rather stringently during the week but at times slip on the weekends when I'm out having fun. Even then I try to make better choices if I can. But by not beating myself up over it and maybe doing some extra exercise( usually some extra walking) things seem to keep going in the right direction. Keeping plenty of acceptable foods with me at home or at work make the difference too.

And another stall buster for me........I have always been a soda fiend. Ever since I was a kid. Quite a few years back I made the switch to diet soda. But in the midst of a stall I cut my soda intake by about 90%-most days I don't even touck it. Increased my water intake to 100oz or more a day and this has helped too.

luckystar Wed, Jun-26-02 15:12

way to go
I read your post. WHat a great inspiration. I have been on induction for 8 days and have lost more than 5 lbs. Do you have any other tips for losing the weight? How often did you excercise during this time? I seem to be feeling a little tired. I started with supplements of potassium today hoping this would help.

I tried to lose weight for the last 6 months at least, with low fat low cal ways. I never could. My sugar cravings always did me in. I too am a diet pop fiend. I cant seem to give it up though. I have given up coffee, and I do drink more water than I ever have. The diet drinks are so hard to give up.

Well any other advice would be much appreciated.

Good work and Good luck.


Donnie Wed, Jun-26-02 19:40

I thought passing on the diet drinks were going to be tough but so far that hasn't been the case. At first I just cut down to one 20 oz a day. The next thing I know I was cutting it out completely. And this is a person who can drink a 2 liter a day effortlessly. One thing that has helped me is I have a bottled water machine in the next room at work. Helps a lot.

I also like to divide my exercise up. The truth is, I was into bodybuilding when I was younger but had to stop due to sports related injuries. So my main exercise is to do a lot of walking. But rather than doing it all at once I like to break it up. Rather than walking for 45 or even an hour once a day I'd be more likely to stop and go for a 20 min. walk in the morning after my first meal but before I get to work. Once again after work and one more time in the evening or night time after my last meal. I think this keeps my metabolism up more consistant through the day.

I really think the Ripped Fuel is helping a lot too. I don't have any plans on staying on them long term but at the playeu I was sitting at there is know doubt now they are helping even if it's just a little bit.

I have to say the I've been gaing more and more confidence with every noticable loss and as time goes it gets easier. I never thought I could reduce my diet soda consumption the way I have but now it's no big deal. 6 months ago I would have laughed if someone told me I'd cut down so far on pop.

The thing to think about is set up a plan and modify it as many times as it takes to get the right result. Don't get discouraged. Don't give up. Just be prepaired to do what ever it takes within reason to get the desired result. Wether it's stepping up your exercise-it might just be another 5 or 10 minutes of exercise that gets you past the plateu. Or re-evauating your diet and excluding something that's stalling you.

shyoned Thu, Jun-27-02 07:23

I just wanted to write, and tell you that you really are an inspiration. I have been on this woe for about 6 weeks and have been able to lose 22 lbs. I love to hear stories of long term successes, so I have motivation to stick with it.

I also thought it would be hard to give up diet soda, because that is all I use to drink. But almost overnight, I switched to nothing but water. I drink so much water, it seems that it would just be easier to have my desk in the bathroom!

Anyway, congrats again on the great job.....

luckystar Thu, Jun-27-02 14:31

thanks again
Thanks again for your post. I will remember what you said about the plateau's and do something to adjust not give up. Giving up on dieting has been my MO on many other diets when I didnt get the results I was looking for. So many people that I talked to said that losing weight was easy, the hard part was keeping it off. Well I could never lose the weight. I have been trying for a good 6-8 months, running, weight watchers, every diet drug known to man..ha ha. Anyway, nothing EVER worked for me. I started weight watchers and the first week I gained 2.5 lbs. Now I know I am doing what my body needs. Low carbs. I am addicted to carbs and my body thrives on them.

By the way, what do you do, or what did you do, when you were feeling tired. I seem to be dragging during the day. Sometimes I also have to make myself eat. I started taking a multivitamin and a potassium supplement. Any other suggestions?

Thanks again.


bojake Mon, Jul-01-02 05:31

Good work! I've been stuck for awhile after a 23lb loss. I need something to "kick it up a notch". What is Ripped Fuel? Is it something you take in conjunction with a work-out or can it be just taken as a supplement? Would like to know some more on it. Thanks for any info.

Donnie Mon, Jul-01-02 13:20

Ripped fuel is a supplement that increases metabolism and seems to give an energy boost aswell. I've been using it for a little over a week now and getting good results.

I still want to stress to anyone.....if you've gotten any weight loss at all on LC/or Atkins diet(and I honestly think anyone who's made an honest attempt has) and your stalled you just need to be patient and experiment a little more with your diet and exercise. I'm someone who has been 60+lbs over weight for the last 6-8 years and had been extremely discouraged.

For me I made decent and consistent weight loss for about 3months and then stalled a bit(or at least got impatient). Read a few posts here-one of which stated diet sodas could contribute to stalls another that suggested the ripped fuel.

The few alterations, a little bit of extra exercise-maybe 10-15% and just being a little more stringent on myself have payed off.

There's a wealth of help and experience on this board and reading through other peoples experiences gave me a lot of will power-especially the last 3 weeks.

I just can't stress how important it is to not give up hope-you just have to commit your self to your goal and stay flexable in your aproach(sound like a Tony Robbins ad now-I'll be quiet.)

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