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doreen T Thu, Jul-19-01 22:00

Atkins website gets a facelift ... and other interesting changes
hi all,

Well, I just visited , and it has changed since I last visited just a few days ago .. :eek:

- the program is no longer low-carbohydrate, it is "controlled carbohydrate"
- it's no longer the Diet Revolution, it's "the Atkins Nutritional Approach"
- it gets confusing where the old articles are still there talking about Induction, OWL and so on .... then other newer areas refer to Phase 1 and Phase 2. This is especially confusing, since Protein Power also divides its program into Phases .. :rolleyes:
- there is this new concept, called "Net Atkins Carbs"
Net Atkins Carbohydrates include only those carbohydrates that cause a noted impact on blood sugar. These values have been extrapolated from existing data available from the United States Department of Agriculture and other analytical sources.
This is not mentioned anywhere in the articles about the program ... it is however, prominent in the ads for the ice creams, bars and sweet treats. Also, the recipes, in the nutrient data, include the Net Atkins Carbs, which equal total carbs less fiber. Again, no mention of whether or not Net Atkins carbs are considered for all "Phases" of the program or not. Of course, we'll have to buy the book, when it comes out.. ;)

This is just my take on it. Anyone else??


tamarian Thu, Jul-19-01 22:29

I don't know, this actually worreis me. It seems heading towards the "All you can eat browneis and icecream" diet, with a sugar-coating for carb-count of all these sweetners they have in their products.


numberonewendy Thu, Jul-19-01 22:41

I do believe its a sell approach. Other then that, when reading it.... seems to me the same thing. Only called Nutritious.....Healthy eating is what I see, if you can get past the selling of the products!

But then....what do I know? I just follow as best as I can :)

doreen T Thu, Jul-19-01 22:53

selling, commercialism, etc
That's the thing ... nobody reads the articles ... which are still the longstanding, tried and true .. Induction, OWL .. etc .... Eat vegetables, fiber, fresh meats, butter and olive oil. But, you have to do a lot of clicking to find them. On the other hand, as Wa'il pointed out ... the ad for ice cream is prominent on the home page. And by the way, how come the ice cream is lowFAT?? :mad: However, the ad does state that the ice cream is not for phase 1 or phase 2, whatever that means.

Wa'il you're right ... something doesn't smell very good. I was just browsing that site last weekend when I was finishing up my ketosis article -- it was still the "old" site .... I nearly flipped when I clicked on it tonight.


numberonewendy Thu, Jul-19-01 23:44

I'm sorry..but my thoughts are...If your will go past that crap. I know I did.

One must know why they following this woe. Is it just a fad? Then they will be taken by these treats etc.

If its a change of life..then one knows and will go past this stuff.

Not everyone will take this woe seriously. Some its there first loss of weight, like WW for me and others. It took yrs for me to finally find something that works for real!

Can't do much about these things, happens everyday of our lives.

doreen T Thu, Jul-19-01 23:55

Perhaps, but it would be easier for the masses to ignore if it wasn't Atkins OFFICIAL website. Especially for those who are adamant about following the program to the letter. This is very justifiably confusing.


Karen Fri, Jul-20-01 01:31

The scary thing, as you pointed out Doreen, is that it is the OFFICIAL Atkins web site.

Too many people are willing to be spoon-fed and too many are unwilling to change their habits. They would rather remain in their comfort zone than explore any new possibilities. There are definitely two low-carb camps. Some use low-carb to grow personally, and some don't.

Net Atkins Carbs? Atkins owns the carbs? There are special Atkins carbs that are not carbs? What a load of crap! It's a perfect example of revisionism at it's worst and any kind of revisionism is bad!

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. ...


wenderwomn Fri, Jul-20-01 04:36

I wonder if this is their attempt to "sell" the diet to those who previously would have found it too restrictive (i.e. didn't want to give up their carbs). This way they give the illusion that we can have our cake and eat it too. The diet would seem more appealing to a carb addict if they were allowed all kinds of "treats". Which is sad because filling up on that junk is not any healthier than eating a bunch of carbs.

Wonder if we can expect Dr. Atkins New NEW Diet Revolution any time soon, LOL. :)


Karen Fri, Jul-20-01 10:50

Yeah, The Dr. Net Atkins Carbs Nutritional Approach Revolution!;)


tamarian Fri, Jul-20-01 10:54

Don't forget the chat with the Dr. is today, I think it started already. I'll bump the original message. Maybe we can ask him about this :)


cathyc Sat, Jul-21-01 22:20

Unfortunately, I have had to eliminate most of the fun things in my diet. No more fruit, nuts, low carb bread or flours. I have been doing what is called KISS keep it simple sweety. Bascally if you can't grow it or kill don't eat. No sugar sup. I have even cut coffee down to 2 cups a day.
I Think you can fool youself when you eat all the extras and you end up not losing anyway.
I think you can add some of the fun things occasionally but guess what we are carp addicts and we lose control. So sometimes the solution is eliminate:(

tina3869 Sun, Jul-22-01 11:25

sick of Atkins
I'm sorry but I'm getting a little sick of this Atkin's guy. It sems to me that his only interest is selling his Bake Mix, Vitamins, and No-Carb shake mixes. All of witch are extremly expensive. I bought a couple cans of his Bake Mix (on sale for $15.00 a can) and you have to use all most an entire can to make anything. $15.00 pancakes is not my idea of helping people live a healthier life. In his book he seems so concerned about the welfare of his patients and yet you go to his web site and it is "sell, sell, sell" every recipe contains at least one Atkins product. I also read somewhere that his so called lo-carb health bars actualy contained a lot more carbs than what it listed.

Ok, off my soap bax....thanks for reading

numberonewendy Sun, Jul-22-01 13:43

Money is what makes the world go round I'm afraid :rolleyes:

otenn Sun, Jul-22-01 14:34

Boy oh boy, sounds like we have a little "Atkins diet REVOLUTION going on right here! he he:D I'm not sure that is what he meant by the title, but it seems to fit the current mood regarding the commercialization of everything these days.

fiona Sun, Jul-22-01 14:48


You'd probably do the same if you were in his position. He's got 40 years of experience in this field. He IS helping people with problems. If he can make some money along the way who can blame him. A lot of people give up doing something because it would involve a little effort on their part. So he makes it easy for them.

However I have the choice. I can try and understand his way of thinking and then use the basics. Protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Protein for snacks. I didn't like his prices either but I respect his teachings and thank him for sharing his knowledge.

However I do agree that too much SELL SELL SELL can leave a bad taste and the real message gets lost in the aftertaste.

Each to his/her own. Live and Let Live.

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