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Supercow Sat, Dec-21-02 17:41

Ketosis question
How do I know if I'm in ketosis -- without the sticks?

I've heard that people get a metallic taste in their mouth and that many people notice stinky urine.

I've noticed the latter but I don't have a metallic taste in my mouth... it's more like a... je-ne-sais-quoi taste. I can't explain it but it's different from normal and I only get it if I'm low carbing and haven't eaten in a while. Is this the keto-breath? I'm not hungry... and my carbs cravings are disappearing. Do you get thirsty when in ketosis? OMG - I'm almost inhaling water and I just can't stop.

Sorry if this question is redundant. The atkins book didn't seem to talk a lot about this as he is in love with the keto-sticks.

Alex :wave:

AnnetteW Sat, Dec-21-02 20:06

I definitely have the urine thing, breath seems okay I suppose. My feet stink too...LOL.

I enjoy using the ketostix, it's kind of reassuring. You can always buy them to try.

But like everyone says, don't worry about it too much. If you eat low carbs you are probably there.

claire2 Mon, Dec-23-02 10:51

stinky feet
I always learn something when I roam thru the threads. My feet have become VERY stinky since I went on the WOE - I didn't connect it to what I am eating but it makes sense...I use the strips(I like to see the color change) and I have no breath or urine evidence of being in ketosis.

Thanks to everyone for posting all this great info

Have Wonderful Holidays!

wordlady Sat, Dec-28-02 07:35

What I don't understand is how I can be following the rules to the letter and NOT be in ketosis. I am keeping a record on Fitday; only have 2 days in there so far.

The only thing I can think of is that I could be drinking more water. However, I've heard that not enough water to can cause it go MORE into the purple....and I'm in negative ketosis...or during the middle of the day, the most mild color.

Anybody have any ideas? My fitday results look right on. Day one, I was in Ketosis, and day two, (yesterday), most of the day, not at all.

Also, got up today HEAVIER by a pound. Wuh.

DoubleD Sat, Dec-28-02 08:10

wordlady - your link is to the main fitday page - not your personal journal - so can't see what you are eating to help. I would suggest you reinduct following the plan EXACTLY and be sure to eat only natural whole foods (no shakes, bars, sf cholates etc.) [not saying you are - as I don't know - but often this is the problem] and keep cheese to no more than 3 ounces a day. Cream to no more than 2 ounces a day. Coffee is gone or severely restricted. Eat FAT and protein until you are reasonably full.

If you do these things and not eat cheats... you WILL be in ketosis. My experience was... that I was getting lots of HIDDEN carbs in foods I thought were legal - such as drinking 6 cups of coffee (since they are large mugs that would be close to 12 carbs!) and the bars (oh the bars!)... I have an insulin reaction to the glycerin in most of them... and to a lesser extent the malitol. So I strong suggest during the weightloss phase to just stay away from them... and once you are on maintenance... ONCE in a while if you can handle it.

Wishing you success.

Supercow - back to your original question. You have all the classic indications of ketosis. If you are not hungry, not craving, thirsty, and have a different odor or taste in your mouth... you are there! Congratulations.

UAGirl Sat, Dec-28-02 09:13

I notice when I am in Ketosis, I get the "energy twitch", my leg bounces up and down and I feel I need to do something, I play with my hair, I tap my fingers...ETC.

As for me. I enter Ketosis and only register very very light on the KetoStix. I NEVER EVER hit the dark colors. It could be due to other chemicals in your system or medication you are on. If it registers at all, then your there. :D

Just keep up the good work!!

wordlady Sat, Dec-28-02 11:53

Strange, I was at the "foods" section of my page when I copied the URL at the top and pasted that. I AM following induction rules. Coffee: one cup a day...all other rules TO THE LETTER. I know that coffee does not prevent ketosis for me because I WAS in ketosis on several days that I HAD the coffee.

let me try my link again:...OK, got it right this time!!!

I'd sure love anyones help with this!!!! Also, just adding that I am eating no bars, and trying to keep it down on the cheese. I'm not in ketosis today either!!

sharann Sat, Dec-28-02 12:25

I seem to be in ketosis most of the time, but I notice that when I am in the LARGE area of purple I get a weird headachey feeling. I actually have a small allowable carb snack to feel better. I don't know if this helps.

hetoame Sat, Dec-28-02 18:03

TIME element
Check your ketostix at night just before bed and not during the day. It can make a big difference.


Lisa N Sat, Dec-28-02 18:20

You might find this link helpful:

You can be in ketosis and burning fat and never register on the strips. The above link helps explain why. My advice would be to not fret over the color of the ketostix if you are losing weight and/or inches. started out wanting to lose about 26 pounds. That means that in all liklihood, the weight will come off very slowly with an average loss during induction of between 2 and 3 pounds and then an average loss of about 1-2 pounds per month after that. I took a peek at your fitday journal and everything looks about right. The only suggestion that I could make is to watch out for processed meats like salami as they contain nitrates which are known to stall some people and also a lot of sodium.

wordlady Sat, Dec-28-02 20:27

Thanks for taking the time to look at my fitday pages, I really appreciate that. I was very pleased with my weight loss during induction. Then there's all the MEN I work with...that CONTINUE to lose about 3 pounds a week or so. Sheesh.


I must admit, that was a shocker. I honestly thought that if I was GOOD, I could expect to lose a pound or two a week. Even one a week would be fine. WOW. That's going to be a large mental adjustment for me to make. I gotta get to the gym!!!!

You're saying that with 20 pounds left to lose, that's the average time it'll take me? Like, 20 MONTHS??????

Sxxxy Sun, Dec-29-02 13:37

Answer to,"How do it know?"
[/FONT][/SIZE]People will let you know if you're not careful. Your breath will smell like Halitosis(chronic bad breath) when Ketosis is achieved. If you have kids, they will tell you. Your dental health at the Ketosis stage of the diet is essential in maintaining your healthy teeth and gums.

Good Luck~~~

Lisa N Sun, Dec-29-02 14:18


everyone loses at different rates. What I gave you is an average which means that some people will lose more and faster than that and some will lose less and slower. There are a lot of factors that influence that such as age, activity level, gender (it's unfair, but men generally lose quicker than women) and prior dieting history. It might be realistic for you to lose a pound a week, but it might not. I'd hate to see you get frustrated and thinking that you're doing something wrong when you're really losing at an appropriate rate.
There are a lot things you can do to help the process and one of them is something you mentioned...exercise. Weight resistance training is a good tool to help increase your metabolism and keep it raised longer than cardio will and it's just generally good for you overall. Keep at it and the weight will be off before you know it and in the mean time, enjoy the trip and the other health benefits that you're getting with low carbing.

jaxterbom Sun, Dec-29-02 16:40

Sweet taste is what I get and kind of a dry mouth. The urine is darker but not
stinky (unless I've eaten asparagus).

Also check the expiration date on the
ketostix. I had some that were getting
old and registered but just barely. My
new set is much more reactive. (I used
some old ones for comparison)

Hank :dazzle:

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