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Bjuba Sun, Nov-23-03 22:24

Bj's Journey to Fitness
Present Routine

I exercise in the AM before breakfast -

Alternate days between the Gazelle (45 min) and Weight training (1hr.):

Gazelle Freestyle - 30 minutes following the video (has 4 cardio seg.) + 15 minutes of 'gliding' at 4.5 miles / min. (tired of listening to Tony Little):( but need to video to time each segment properly.

Weight - using bar bells - only 2 lbs right now (just started)

Warm -up 15 min. on Gazelle

Dumb Bell - 12-15 reps each



Bent over Roll

Lateral Raises

Pilates - full routine with stretch rubbers - weakest - 8 reps.

Ab-Doer - 8 mins.

Sunday and maybe a day during the week are days of rest.

Bjuba Tue, Nov-25-03 10:26

Nov --------18 --19 --21 ----------24 --------26

Time (min) 35.12 -- 45.30 --45.27 --45

Dist (miles) 2.3 ------3.17 ---3.32-- 2.95

Cal used 370 -----383.8 -----401.8 --357.8

Total dist. since starting: 25.8 -- 29 --32.3 --35.3

Calculations from computer on Gazelle
Did not start to keep all calculations till Nov 18 but the Gazelle keeps a running record of total miles - no one uses it except me. (Bought 26 Oct.)

25th - first day of total weight program listed previous note -- but on alternate days since the begining I have done some weights and other exercises - sometimes combining them with the Gazelle - I found out that you need a day between each type of exercise and should be keeping them separate. Only one thing -- the Gazelle is a total body exerciser which uses your own weight in some of the program.

Using 5 lb weights - 2lbs were too easy.


Bjuba Fri, Dec-05-03 21:19

This is the same as posted in the 3 rd fitness challenge:

I am concentrating on the Gazell as I have been told that it is a cross trainer and lifting weights may not be needed.

Goal to exercise 5/7 done
Goal to do my personnel best each day 5/7 done

Non Weight Loss Goals:

1 I will exercise 5 days per week - done
2 To follow my workout schedule - I moderated it - too much!
3 To eat breakfast before 10:30 (means that I have to beging exercising by 9 AM) - only accomplished 4/7
4 I will not be concerned about what the scales say - my workouts are for increasing mobility, strenght and an overall feeling of wellness. If there is weight loss it will be a bonus :) . - Done

Accomplishments this week on Glidder -

Miles 21.98
Miles per hour increased by 3% from 4.42 t0 4.57
Time per session increased by 10% from 46.3 min to 51.4
Calories used - 2661.8
Recovery heart rate went from 73 to 64 (means I am getting fitter if not lighter!)

Lost 2 " & 1 lbs.

Goals this week:

to increase miles per hour
to increase session time
to increase calories used

My favourite exercise is the Gazzell Glidder - gives very good cross training - easy to use - does not put undo pressure on my joints.

DH bought my a portable cd/radio player - now I do not have to listen to Tony Little for 30 min. during my first part of the workout. I turn on the video player and turn the sound off. :thup:

Bjuba Fri, Dec-12-03 14:53

Similar to Post in the 3rd Fitness Challenge.


to increase session time - done - last week 297.7 Min. - this week 389.37
to increase miles per hour - done - 4.3 to 4.8
to increase calories used - done - 2661.8 to 3487.6

Completed 28.82 miles this week compared to 21.98 last week.

This week I have reduced by body fat by 1.79%, which equals 4 lbs of body fat but gained 5 lbs of muscle. Therefore no weight loss on scales. Bummer!:cry:

I have increased my # of days exercising to 6 from 5 this week - all on the Gazelle - it would seem as I am loosing inches all over my body that I do not need addition weight training at this time - but will add this (maybe Curves) -- will re-evaluate at the end of January.

I am doing the 1/2 hour Gazelle video tape (four cardio fast sections - as fast as you can go for 1 min.) then do an extra 1/2 hour walking at 4.5 miles per hour for fat burning.

Extra Credit

My sense of balance has improved greatly
Can shop on cement floors for hours without feeling fatigued or my feet hurting
No bloating, gas, or runs since after Oct 25th.
Except for some muscle soreness the nagging whole body, neck and back pain has been greatly minimized.

I have lost a whole shoe size or more
Exercising shirts now look like short dresses!
I can now get down to the floor and get up without help or immense pain.

I am debating with myself weather to buy a good weight set for home or go to Curves. At least when it is at home I have no excuse as I can grab time during the day -- right now I exercise before breakfast --

I still like the Gazelle but the noise it generates is getting deafening -- and annoying.

Bjuba Fri, Dec-19-03 13:15

Week Three - the Third Fitness Challenge
I reached my goal to exercise 6/7 days but needed to reduce the amount of time as I felt tired and my muscels were sore - was diagnosed hypothyroid this week and put on meds.

Reduction of time 74.18 min. but only a reduction of 6.75 miles - I must have increased speed.

Added two 21 min. sessions of free weights & Pilates (upper body targetted) because of reduction of min. on the Gazelle.

Goals next week:

1 to exercise 6/7
2 to gradually increase my time (again to 60 min / day)
3 to increase weight training and Pilates to 3 times / week from 2


Total miles this week = 18.27. Lost 1.5 Lbs. and 1.5 inches.
(Since starting my exercise program Oct 25th = total miles 101.6)

Bought new pair of cross trainers

Extra Credit:
If I keep up my exercise program into the future:

1 I will gain overall strenght and improve my balance (18 hole golf next summer!)
2 It will be more difficult to gain weight
3 I will have more energy to enjoy my day
4 I will ensure that bone loss will be minimized

Bjuba Fri, Dec-26-03 13:28

Week 4 of Fitness Challenge
Time exercising on Gazelle (6 days) 279.31 increased by 21 min. 31 sec. from last week
Miles 21.68 increased by 3.41

Completed 3 - 30 min. sessions of free weights and Pilates - upper body workout

Lost 1.5 lbs. --- gained 1 inch on calves and upper arms

No weight gain over Christmas!!

No cheating

Met all goals for last week -

Goals - to repeat last week's - increase time and intensity

Did not meet goal of loosing 30 lbs from Oct 25 to Christmas - lost 19.5 lbs.
No real inch loss for the last two weeks - I wonder why.

Bjuba Sat, Jan-03-04 14:39

Week 5 of Fitness Challenge
Only exercised 3 out of 6 days - painful knee, sick one day -- still not feeling great. Only 1 out of 3 free weight sessions.

Time 151.56 min
Miles 11.61

Lost one lb.

Will be back on track Sunday --

Bjuba Sun, Jan-11-04 12:52

Week Six
Time 227.28 min ---- 5/7 days
Distance 17.38 miles

Total distance on Gazelle since Oct. 25 2003 = 152.5 miles

No weights this week

Lost 2 lbs.

I have the supplements almost in control - forget sometimes -- I have joined Sugars for muscle building to up my metabolism. All the reading I have been doing says for someone like me that is what I have to do. I will still do the Gazelle at home 3 days per week (45 min a time) and then go to Sugars two days (45 min a time) a week. This will leave room to increase exercise time when I hit a stall.

Sugars were the cheapest and with less rules ect. and they have a professional who comes and sets up your program without charge. I made a committment for three months & start on Monday. Once I have learned what to do maybe I will get some equipment at home - I'll see.

I have few clothes that I can wear - most need alterations to look like they fit - I will have to try and find time to do that between helping DH redo the upstairs rec. room for his office/retreat and the rest of my stuff.

Still waiting for the energy surge from the thyroid meds and Atkins - has not made an appearance yet!

Bjuba Fri, Jan-16-04 16:15

Week 7 Fitness challenge
206 min, 5/7 days & 15.65 miles

My first day at the gym - 1.5 hrs. of 15 different exercises - 12 reps of each x 2 sets - all weight / resistance and some with big ball.

Extra Credit

Lost 9.5 lbs

Inches lost During Challenge over 7 weeks:

Upper chest 5 --- big Bulge (spare tire) 5.5 ---- waist 3.5
Under Breasts 3 --- Calves .5 (lost weight here now they are increasing) --- thighs 3 ---- Upper arms .5 (hopefully the weight training will do something about these flappers!!!

Total lost = 24.5 inches ( I have lost 60+ inches since Oct 25/03)

Now wearing size L pants (from 1X) and 1X tops (from 3x)

This challenge has given me the incentive to research more about exercising -- I actually reduced the amount of time doing Cardio and joined a gym for weight training. I will do two days at the Gym and 3 days of Cardio at home.

Bjuba Sun, Jan-25-04 23:28

Week 8 & final week of fitness challenge
Stopped smoking this weekend!

I did:
3 cardio days ~ 45 min./day (includes 4 sprints of 1 min. duration) = 10 miles
2 days weights at the gym ~ 1 hour / day

Since Oct 2003 I have done 182.8 miles on the Gazelle. Lost more than 60 inches & 35 lbs.

Not bad for an old lady!!

Gym Exercises: (warm up cardio 10 min)

All exercises = 2 sets / 12 reps / set

ie leg press x12 then sb x12 - 30 - sec rest - then leg press x12 then sb x12

Leg Press - 45 lbs & sb crunches on ball

Hamstring curls ( 3lbs) & sb twisting crunches on ball

Pec Dec (6lbs) & sb crunch

Wide grip latpulldown (6lbs) & back extension

Low cable row (3 lbs) & back extension

Free weights:

db front raise 8 lbs - sit on sb
db side raises 8 lbs - sit on sb
db twisting curls 10 lbs - sit on sb
cable tricept press 5 lbs
Shrugs 15 lbs

Plank - full body stretch for as long as you can hold it. x 2

Bjuba Fri, Jan-30-04 10:44

Jan 30th update
According to my scales maybe lost a pound.

Since encorporating weight lifting into my exercise routine (about 2.5 weeks) I have lost 4 inches - .5 forearm & the rest divided between my abdomen, chest and shoulders. I kind of expected more - you work so hard! Been to the gym 5 times - Mondays & Thursdays. Cardio Tues, Friday & Sunday at home on the Gazelle. If weigh loss stall continues will add another cardio. day. Total lost since Oct 25 -- 64 inches & still tons more to go especially around the middle.

It is as I thought it would be - I do not like going to the gym - I will probably buy some type of total weight machine to use at home after the 3 months (that I signed up for) is over.

Routine listed above has not changed.

Bjuba Sat, Jan-31-04 14:31

For those of us getting along in years!
For those of us getting along in years, here is a little secret for building your arm and shoulder muscles. You might want to adopt this regimen! Three days a week works well. Begin by standing outside behind the house with a 5-LB. Potato sack in each hand. Extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. If you can reach a full minute, relax. After a few weeks, move up to 10-LB. potato sacks and then 50-LB. potato sacks, and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100 lb. potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. After you feel confident at that level, start putting a couple of potatoes in each of the sacks, but be careful not to overdo it.:lol:

Jerry M Mon, Feb-02-04 20:40

Looks like you are doing well with the Gazelle, 45 min 3X per week is great.

Looks like mixed results on the weight training, which is sad from the standpoint that it is the lean tissue in your body that plays the greatest role in how fast your metabolism is. One indicator of that is most of the hardcore bodybuilders I know wake themselves up at night to eat again (I'm talking about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning) because they lose too much weight while sleeping because their metabolism is soooo fast. I want to have that problem someday. I like the fact that when you recognized that the 2 lb was getting easy that you increased the load. Its amazing how hard it is for some people to grasp.....good for you!

Why don't you like going to the gym? The problem with weight training at home is unless you spend a great deal of money (I have about $3,000 invested in mine now) you will get stale from the lack of variety. For people who insist on working out at home, and there are lots of good reasons to do that, I recommend they buy a Bowflex or a Crossbow, because they have 50-60 different exercises one can do.

I like the potato analogy (It is similar to the Greek fable of Milos, who would lift a bull every day from the time it was a calf until it was full grown), but I couldn't afford to buy all the potatos I would need these days to duplicate the amount of iron I lift :lol:

Maybe you will get to like the gym better. The Swiss ball exercises are really for advanced lifters to develop the smaller stabilizing muscles, I know I'm still working on the big stuff so I don't use a ball. You are covering all the major muscle groups so you get the thumbs up there.

Jerry M Sun, Feb-08-04 08:29

Now I see the problems with your workouts, you haven't been back here :lol:

Bjuba Sun, Feb-08-04 22:57

Go to the gym 2x week & cardio 3 X per week

Gym Exercises: (warm up cardio 10 min)

All exercises = 2 sets / 12 reps / set

ie leg press x12 then sb x12 - 30 - sec rest - then leg press x12 then sb x12

Leg Press - 45 lbs & sb crunches on ball increased to 55lbs
Hamstring curls ( 3lbs) & sb twisting crunches on ball - 4 lbs
Pec Dec (6lbs) & sb crunch - 8 lbs
Wide grip latpulldown (6lbs) & back extension - 8 lbs
Low cable row (3 lbs) & back extension - 8 lbs
Free weights: - remain the same it is still dam difficult to do most of these.

db front raise 8 lbs - sit on sb
db side raises 8 lbs - sit on sb
db twisting curls 10 lbs - sit on sb
cable tricept press 5 lbs
Shrugs 15 lbs

Plank - full body stretch for as long as you can hold it. x 2

Results for Week 3&4:

Lost 5 inches (shoulders, waist, abdomin & upper arms) & 4 lbs. Nothing on the hudge spare tire and after all those crunches!! I work up quite a sweat both weight lifting and cardio -- I also quit smoking so this will effect how much I loose - will probably stall.

I am a fairly disciplined person and would do the exercises at home - I hate waiting for a piece of equipment, wiping it down because the person who just used it - did not, and the extra time to drive there and back and looking for parking - could be used to do something else.

My home grown program (131 days) in comparison to the added weight program (21 days) - using inches lost as the measurement - home grown = 38% to added weight program 43% efficiency in loosing inches.

Thanks for the advice on what to buy Jerry - I was looking at the Bowflex - and my trainer recomended the one Chuck Norris advertises but I have been unable to catch the advertisment.

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