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swtdrae Thu, Sep-18-03 07:02

Attn: Big Loosers
i am becoming discuraged. How long have you been on induction, which length's of time did you spend in each phase? How many cheat's have you had? How good/bad do you feel? what is your goal (not lbs., mine is to turn heads)?

Dervish Thu, Sep-18-03 07:24

Well from the looks of it, you've lost 15 lbs in a little over two weeks. Correct? If that is the case, that's very good! I started Atkins roughly in the beginning of June and weighted in at 237 lbs. My current weight this morning is 219 lbs. So you did in two weeks what's taken me 3 months to accomplish! Of course my slow weight loss is my own doing. I had a bad habit of cheating on the weekends, which in the long run set me back. I've sworn off cheating now and have been cheat-free for almost two weeks. Basically I stagger my daily calories from 1,300-1,700 and my ratios at 70% fat, 5% carbs and 25% protein. I plan on staying with this till I near my goal weight of 160 lbs, then I'll slowly start cutting back on the fat and adding in carbs till I'm at a comfortable level. I've given myself at least a year or more to accomplish this, so I don't beat myself up if I'm not losing rapidly. It's a long road but if you stick with it, it'll be well worth the walk. :thup:

Alina Thu, Sep-18-03 07:56


why discouraged? This seems to work fine for you.
I was on induction for 4 weeks, did OWL and now PM. It's very important not to stay on strict induction too long since it can bring boredom and feeling of depravation.........a straight way to cravings.
I haven't had any flour or sugar since I've started.

Do I feel good? Never felt better! I wish you the same, keep going and enjoy all the benefits of lowcarbing!

Take care


lbiessen Thu, Sep-18-03 08:15

I'm still doing induction as the most part but allowing myself the other foods not allowed during induction, but I have started to up my carbs to go into OWL since I'm close to my goal. It just a matter of choice, I have not gotten bored with Induction (which is the main reason people go to the next phase). I've lost 43 pounds since Feb. 3 and I feel wonderful. I no longer take heart burn medicine, I wake up before my alarm clock in the morning feeling rested.

I started last month and this month having 1/4 cup of cooked rice a month. Its my treat when we cook a good roast. This satisfies me and doesn't hurt me.

Other then that I don't really cheat. I am now between 22-25 carbs a day. And planning on slowly upping to find out where I need to be. (this won't be really easy because I've not only come accustom to eating how and what I'm eating but enjoy it and don't have to think to much about it anymore).

I do enjoy some SF candy every now and then. Its important to keep this in moderation. Say a serving if 3 pieces, I usually only eat 1 or 2 pieces two or three times a week. And this keeps me satisfied.

I do enjoy beer, and Michalob Ultra has been a wonderful finding. Its more expensive then regular or lite beer, but its been worth it. If this is going to be a way of life then I an so glad I can have beer every now and then and sf candy every now and then also. This way you don't feel deprived and don't have a hard time making this a Way of Life.

Archie Thu, Sep-18-03 08:26

Unless I'm reading your stats wrong I think you're right on target and the future looks bright! :agree: You've lost 15 lbs in something less then a month! Perfecttttt! I'm not sure what your expectation are but you will likely loose more slowly in the following stages and that's what is best. It helps you avoid stuff like loose skin and also helps you form lifelong habbits.
I gradually came off induction in the second month. I did so because I began to develop wider and more interesting food choices (see the Lo Carb Kitchen forum for some excellent stuff to munch). I was careful to add only things I felt were not a threat to my continued loosing and didn't choose things that I thought we just trying to shortcut back to old ways of eating.
I am extremely grateful to have found this WOE. It is changing my life and even those around me for the better. I know it can help you too.
You are doing outstanding and you made another good decision to come here for some feedback. These forums have been a huge asset for myself and thousand of others.

Gimmpy Thu, Sep-18-03 09:15

Wish I could find the words that might help you never to become discouraged. But I think we all get that way from time to time. It's how we handle it that really makes the difference. I guess my best advice would be to try and see you results on a monthly bases.
2 weeks ago I was up a couple pounds, Last week I was down 7 pounds. today is my weight in day and I broke even. When I do the adding and subtracting on a monthly scale I'm always happy with the total results. Try not to get too caught up in the day to day ups and downs and focus on the Big Picture.
It seems that you are off to a great start. Be patient.
Lets see, I've never left induction levels of carbs but I have added in nuts and fruits.
I have had 2 planned cheats. Both times I did not enjoy it and both time it set me back 2 weeks. I will not have any more cheats until after I reach my goal. And after I reach goal I plan on having mexican food every 2 or 3 months just because I love it so. But never back to the old ways that got me up to over 300 lbs again.
How do I feel? .... GREAT! I'm always full of energy now. Always in a great mood. I've have never felt this way in my entire life.
What is my goal?...Hmmmmm... Well for many long and fat years I've been a spectator in the game of life. Just watching others play. Now I feel like I'm a part of the team and I'm standing on the side lines and I even get to play a little. My goal it to get in the game every day. I want to be the Poster Child for the Low Carb way of eating. "IT worked for me , It can work for you"
Best of Luck.

ian559 Thu, Sep-18-03 10:37

Looks like you are doing great to me too!!!!!!
I still do a modified induction. When I lost my 70 lbs 2 years ago I stayed at 20 grams the whole time. This time I am doing the same thing. Still the same counts but using whatever carbs I want to get to my 20 gram total

liz175 Thu, Sep-18-03 11:42

I'm not sure why you are discouraged -- you seem to be losing quite rapidly.

As of this morning, I have lost 94 pounds in almost exactly 14 months. However, my weight loss has not been even. It was faster at the beginning, slowed down dramatically last spring and summer when it took me four months to lose ten pounds, and seems to be speeding up again (I have lost five pounds in the last three weeks). I think that the key to losing a lot of weight is patience. You won't show losses every week or possibly even every month, but over time the losses add up. I tend to lose slowly -- one pound at a time rather than whooshes.

I never followed induction; it was too strict for me. I started out by cutting out all white flour, white rice, and sugar, and then slowly cut back on the whole grains as well -- whole wheat flour, brown rice, etc. However, I never totally cut out fruit (I eat one or two servings a day of berries and melon) and I eat cottage cheese almost every day for breakfast (also not an induction food). I also eat nuts. I occasionally (perhaps once a month) eat something slightly higher in carbs, such as a sweet potato, but I never eat white potatoes or any refined carbohydrates. I think that most days I am around 30 grams of carbs -- ongoing weight loss levels. For me this is a way of eating, not a diet. Induction would be too much like a diet to me. I couldn't stick to a diet this long. I need to build in some flexibility in what I am eating so that I can eat this way for the rest of my life. Also, because of my job, I travel a lot and I eat in restaurants a lot. In order to do that successfully, I can't obsess about every carb and about whether every food is allowed on induction.

I should add to this that I exercise for an hour a day, five days a week, and I have gradually upped the intensity of my exercise as I have lost weight and gotten in better shape. I alternate between walking/hiking, lap swimming, and using the treadmill.

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